
Restasis medicine

Common Questions and Answers about Restasis medicine


Avatar f tn I'm on restasis, my wife is on restasis, I use restasis in my practice. the medicine does not cause floaters. Floaters can occur at any time. If they start and you are doing something else like mowing the yard, reading a book or starting restasis the relationship is COINCIDENTAL. On the other hand if you are hit in the eye with a fist and note floaters the relationship is CAUSATIVE.
Avatar m tn If after a 9 months the person is still symptomatic on restasis twice per day and preservative free artificial tears 2 to 4 times/day than I switch from restasis to Cequa, which is the same medicine as restasis (cyclosporine) but twice as concentrated and is said to penetrate deeper into the cornea. Cequa is more expensive. For restasis I personally use the preservative free drops and use up the entire dropperrte before opening a new one.
Avatar m tn There are two other drops like Restasis, xiidra which patients do not like and is very expensive and Cequa which is same medicine as restasis but stronger concentration. Ask you ophthalmologist about Restasis (cyclosporin) think it just became available as generic.
Avatar f tn My wife and I are both on restasis. Surely you don't mean you're paying $420/month for restasis. That surely is for all your medications. You can buy restasis for cash, no insurance for much less than than and also there is a discount coupon available from the manufacturer. You can also buy on internet from pharmacies e.g. Canada. MOREOVER if you use one vial up completely it will last 2 days. If you used as directed you would use 4 vials. This cuts your cost by 75%.
122065 tn?1241385329 I have been prescribed Restasis for my dry eyes and wanted to get an independent opinion regarding it's safety. I am concerned that there could be problems down the line after the drug has been around 20+ years that is unknown at this time. Do you feel it is safe without any long-term harm to the eyes, knowing that it is an antiinflammatory for the eyes, from what I understand. Thank you for your input!
Avatar m tn i had my lasik surgery 3 years ago but now im getting blurr vision im not able to see distant objects clearly i consulted my optician and he gav me drops named OPTIVE ( carboxymethyl- cellulose sodium eye drops ALLERGAN ) AND RESTASIS ( ALLERGAN cyclosprine eye drops )
Avatar f tn Can I use restasis eye drops on my dog? The vet I use to have made his own eye drops for her and made her eye worse and I live in a small rural community and he's the only vet in the area so don't really want to trust him again.
Avatar f tn I just got back from my optomologist & he prescribed for me Restasis. He mentioned that once you're on Restasis, it's an on going thing it's not really temporary. Is that the case, do I have to stay on it. I was hoping that once my eye is feeling better, I could just use artificial tears to keep my eyes from drying so badly. He also changed my contact lenses to Acuvue Oasys. Any advice or info would be great.............................
Avatar n tn My ophthalmologist recently prescribed restasis for dry eyes. I read that cyclosporin can causes cancer. Is this true? Are these drops safe?
Avatar m tn Rare anyone to be too sensitive to restasis. My wife and I have been on restasis for many years with fabulous results. restasis works with both forms of dry eyes. Many people have stinging with restasis for several weeks which can be helped by using steroid drops for a couple of weeks. there is a new medication that works like restasis called Xidra it is supposed to kick in faster (3-4 months) than restasis (4-6 months) but has not been shown to be better than restasis and is more costly.
Avatar f tn Refresh PM gel, Systane Ultra lubricating drops and Restasis. Optimologist prescribed Restasis 6 weeks ago. Still not sure why eyes are red all of the time. Suggested allergy testing, which I have scheduled now. Optomologist says that he still isn't sure what is going on and wants to put plugs in my eyes. My eyes now feel better than they have for quite awhile but still red like no sleep (I get 8 hrs daily) I have 3 questions; 1. can plugs be used with Restasis?
Avatar n tn I prescribe Restasis and I use Restasis. I am not familiar with a blue vial holder. I Googled the term and nothing comes up so I don't know anything about it.
Avatar m tn to taurus1203: keep using the artificial tears with the plug. Try using an oil based drop during the day, like Bausch & Lomb's Soothe XP (it will blur your vision for a little bit), and at night use an ointment. When you do get the Restasis use it with the artificial tears, until the medicine "kicks in". Or you might try Lacriserts, an eye insert that works like artificial tears. to des900: dry eyes can be severe and in some cases can lead to corneal damage.
601296 tn?1219767500 You need to be on Restasis, ask the eye MD to use a steroid drop when you first start. A trial of Restasis is 6 months on the medicine. stick with it.
Avatar m tn I have a moderate to serious dry eye. I am going to start my Restasis today and I know that I will not see the result till 2 months or more from now. I am also planning for a cataract surgery in 1 to 2 months. I also foresee that I will use some steroid or antibotics for a few weeks after the surgery. Do I need to stop Restasis once I start the steroid ?
Avatar m tn Can I put temporary plug and try Restasis at the same time as Restasis takes quite a long time to kick in.
3223383 tn?1346474163 I am suffering from dry eye and feel so depressed and anxious. The eye drops don't seem to work and my eyes feel tired and like something in it. I keep reading that various treatments should make you comfortable but what does this mean. Does this mean back to normal while there in or just a little better?
Avatar f tn I have not seen this in my Restasis patients. Dr. O.
427279 tn?1210919821 but eyes have changed first time in years ...and he said i had extremely dry eyes....wants me to take restasis but kept saying "you may not think it's working for you but it will be just keep using anyway all is good just so tired dont want to move...
Avatar m tn My Eye Doctor suggested I keep Restasis in the fridge to make more comfortable and reduce the burning and to keep using ir for 2 days. Does Restasis lose its effectiveness when placed in the fridge. Also when are results typically seen? I have a TBUT of 5 and hoping to see an increase if ues consistently.
Avatar m tn I had cataract surgery 5 days ago and wan't to restart my Restasis. Can using it negatively effect the healing?
Avatar n tn If you use up all the restasis in each dropperette before opening a new one you will reduce your costs by 50-75%
Avatar f tn m not sure how you might get Restasis (cyclosporine) check out their website. Restasis is the most widely prescribed eyedrop in the US. 90% are post menopausal females; 10% males and pre-menopausal females. Seems there should be some way to get the medication. a factor raised is the cost. The drops are non-preserved and you are dispensed two dropperettes to use each day. Everyone, myself and my wife also, use up one completely before opening another.
Avatar m tn I have said many times on this forum both my wife and I have very bad dry eyes and we both are on restasis her for about 6-7 years and me for 3 years with excellent results. Restasis is twice/day for the rest of your life and it takes 4-6 months to fully become effective. Read about it on their website and see an Eye MD that specializes in cornea diseases and discuss.
Avatar m tn No restasis works with a plug. What usually would be done is a "permanet" plug that won't disolve but that is easy to remove because it has a cap would be put in and left till you switch to restasis. Collagen and dissolving plugs usually just last several weeks at most.
Avatar f tn No allergy medicine on the market (over the counter or perscription) has ever worked but steroids. My recent allergy tests show that i have no allergies, so my allergist suggested that i do not in fact have allergies, i have non-allergic vernal conjunctivis. Only steriods have worked so far but obviosly I cannot continue for more than two weeks. I am on ristasis (one month so far) and absolutely no improvement.
Avatar f tn Restasis is the #2 most widely used prescription in the USA and most people are post menopausal females. Over 4-6 months it works to make a younger more effective tear and reduces inflammation on the surface of the eye.. My wife is on it and has had tremendously improvement as has several of her friends.
Avatar f tn I put my Restasis drops in at 8:30 this morning and then again at 9:30 am. Just a goof. Cannot get ahold of my doctor and info about this on the web says - Call Your Doctor! So.....two hours later - what do I do - not do? Thank you.
Avatar f tn I've recently posted that I just recently started Restasis, but my question is will the red eyes start getting better as the Restasis starts to work. Does dry eyes cause them to be red.......... I mean they are not horribly red, but are somewhat irritated. Will my eyes be like this always or will they get better eventually. My eye Dr. said they're not too bad, but I know that this is not they way they were before.