
Relpax migraine medication

Common Questions and Answers about Relpax migraine medication


Avatar m tn My 18 year old son has terrible migraines and has tried the Imitrex also with terrible results. He has been using the Relpax and within 20 to 30 mins and only one Relpax pill the headache is gone! He suffered so many years wiht Migraines and now with his dose of Nortriptylin and his relpax as a backup he is living headache free. Definitely try the Relpax.
Avatar n tn Did they instruct you that if you take too many Relpax in a week that you can have migraine rebound? I too have Relpax and my script says no more than 2/day and 3/week because if I do it could cause migraine rebound.
1088430 tn?1259159773 Also, In case your insurance doesn't cover your entire Relpax prescription, I am posting a link to a coupon for $15 off of your Relpax prescriptions. You apparently can't use this coupon if you have any sort of federal or state insurance, or if your private insurance covers 100% of the prescription. Otherwise, you can print this coupon and use it every time you fill your Relpax prescription (but it expires next April).
1508698 tn?1360215710 hi sorry you are having the headaches...i used to get them as well....luckily i haven't had one in a long time....i've read that Imitrex isn't a narcotic so maybe ask about that?? i don't know anything about it, never taken it but a friend of mine did....and when i had them, i took Excedrin seemed to help. hope you feel better soon!!
Avatar n tn Hi! First off... I use zomig nasal spray for acute therapy. I use topamax 125mg daily for preventative therapy. I also use 400mg of B2 daily for preventative therapy. To supplement acute therapy, I use naproxen (a prescription NSAID). As for some suggestions... yeah... what DrNoopurMD said!
Avatar f tn What is the best way to treat migraine, when you've taken the medicine your Dr. has given you, but it's not working? I take Relpax 40 mg., sometime it helps and sometime it doesn't.
Avatar n tn Once the vomiting starts, I am unable to take anything orally - pain meds or even water. Does anyone know of a patch or cream that can be applied as a pain reliever for the migraine? Or maybe to at least stop the vomiting?
Avatar f tn I have been taking Relpax 40 ml for the coming on of a migraine. I have been getting fewer and fewer over the years. However, I am only allowed 9 pills for the month thru my health insurance. Is there another new migraine medicine out there that I could get that would be similier but would allow me more pills for the month.
Avatar n tn i have been with migraine for mor than 20 year last year i stop working beccuse this pain make me stay at home AND I CANTR FIND ANY MEDICATION THAT STOP IT
1088430 tn?1259159773 but if a migraine patient happens to be prescribed a necessary life-saving medication for a non-migraine disease, they should still absolutely be prescribed proper medication for their migraine disease as well. Also, there are a few Beta Blockers and a few Calcium Channel Blockers that have more risk associated with them than benefit... but those aren't often prescribed anymore... only the safe Beta Blockers would be prescribed. So, really...
397977 tn?1201264847 I have tried a number of migraine medicines over the years and found relief with Maxault, Relpax and even Excedrin Migraine however, the last 3-4 months, those drugs don't seem to help anymore. I got my tubes tied in December 2007 but continued taking the Yaz until Jan 18th 2008. I had my period Jan 21st-26th and got a bad headache the last day of my cycle. I am anxious to see what the month of February will be like with no BC pills in my system.
Avatar f tn I have heard that Topamax is another good medication for migraines. Also another migraine medication is Relpax, in addition to others. The physician above describes well the different types of migraines. You might also have an underlying condition as well. I would definitely talk with your parents about seeing a neurologist. I hope you feel better soon!
Avatar f tn 00 a.m. I wake up the second or third time with a painful migraine headache. The Frova is starting not to have an effect and Imitrex injection works. What would cause me to continually wake up early mornings with pounding migraines. I don't have and endless supply of medicine. Does any one have an opinion what is going on? I have a very good diet and don't drink..please advise........
Avatar f tn I went to the Doctor yesterday and he just figures I'm having migraines. Is this normal for a migraine? I was walking to the lab to get blood work done today and thank goodness I wasn't very far from home yet. I blacked out in the middle of a busy intersection and was nearly hit by a car. The jerk behind the wheel was still coming at me laying on the horn and I barely was able to get out of the way when I realized what was happening.
397977 tn?1201264847 I have tried a number of migraine medicines over the years and found relief with Maxault, Relpax and even Excedrin Migraine however, the last 3-4 months, those drugs don't seem to help anymore. I got my tubes tied in December 2007 but continued taking the Yaz until Jan 18th 2008. I had my period Jan 21st-26th and got a bad headache the last day of my cycle. I am anxious to see what the month of February will be like with no BC pills in my system.
1413564 tn?1281822991 I am still having a regular monthly and I had started the day before my migraine started, I was bleeding pretty heavy the day the migraine begin, sometimes it is a few days before I have started or on the day of. Sometimes it is worse than others but yesterday was one of the worst. Is there something I can do to help relieve these headaches?
Avatar f tn I'm scheduled to have a VNG on Tuesday at 3:15pm. I'm a migraine sufferer and I haven't gotten a clear answer from the audiologist about whether Effexor and Topamax will interfere with the results of the VNG. My neurologist has told me that I'm not allowed to stop those. I also have a question about muscle relaxers like Amrix and Zanaflex. I'm trying to go off of my meclazine and this morning has shown me that the next four days are going to be really rough.
1577473 tn?1296177286 I saw the doctor for the first appt and she put me on Zonisamide as a migraine preventative and Maxalt-MLT 10 mg as a rescue medication as well as ordering some labs, an MRI and an MRA. All tests came back normal. The Maxalt worked well when I got the migraines but insurance wasn't too happy with it so we had to switch. She then put me on Relpax which didn't work at all. The Zonisamide gave me some pretty intense heart palpitations so I was switched to Topomax.
Avatar n tn I have had migraines for ten years and I take relpax at the onset of a headache, sometimes though it gets to be too often and I cannot take relpax anymore than 3 times a week I know that my neck has quite a lot of knots and i get a lot of pain from my back especially neck before a migraine and I do believe they start from there. Does anyone know if physical therapy help migraines? can anyone help in pointing me towards the right thing?
507619 tn?1211845850 i had been a migraine sufferer for 20 years....there are very specific migraine meds out there if you have TRUE migraines (imitrex, relpax, all that kinda stuff)....i got started on the hydros due to chronic daily tension headaches but never really used the hydros for my migraines....only used the prescribed migraine med....just don't try to convince yourself that the codeine/hydros are working to take away your migraines....cuz they really aren't....that's what all the imitrex, etc.
Avatar f tn My dr recently told me that they are changing one of my meds from lortab to norco, same dosage but less acetaminophen. They also said they would be changing from 3x to 4x per day. I had a migraine during visit and wasn't thinking very clearly, so I didn't think to ask why the increase. I will ask this during my next visit, but in the meantime am wondering if anyone had had a similar situation or may offer any info. Thank you and best wishes for a great day.
Avatar n tn Since starting at her present college, my daughter has been experiencing migraine headaches not long after sitting down in her classes each day. She has noticed that the headaches are very, very bad with accompanying dizziness and feeling of being "out of it"; however the symptoms subside once she has been out of class for several hours. She says she almost feels as though there are little brain zaps occuring when the headaches start.
Avatar n tn I do have a history of migraines, and sometimes this feels like I am on the verge of a migraine with this condition. I have tried Mazalt and Relpax and neither really help this current condition. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am a 36 yo female.
Avatar m tn All headaches are not similar in cause or treatment. Cluster Headaches are NOT related to migraine headaches although they are often misdiagnosed as a migraine headache. Cluster headaches affect only 0.1% of the population, and middle aged men are more commonly affected than women. The pain usually happens at the same time each day for several weeks in row and then stops abruptly. It then reoccurs again after a few weeks or months.
Avatar f tn I'm 25 years old and got my arrhythmia diagnosed for the first time today, so I'm a bit clueless here. A few weeks ago, my PCP put my on blood pressure meds to control my slightly elevated bp, which was when I started noticing my heart racing very easily, I would black out if I stood up quickly- and things just kept getting worse. I stopped the new medication after 5 days of taking it.