
Psychotic behavior

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Avatar n tn How long does this psychotic behavior last? And is the psychotic behavior as a result of withdrawal. I have been using Cranberry Juice to flush it out of my son's system. He is not bipolar for he does not get sad. Bipolars get sad, not angry. My son never gets sad. He gets psychotic from good mood to psychotic mood in a split second within a conversation. I, the mother, is always on eggshells with him.
Avatar f tn I now know I always had behavior that was unusual and somewhat abnormal since I was a child, first started having psychotic thoughts when I was 13 and then at the age of 18 had a full psychotic break. I never really felt like myself until I started that treatment in clinical study but once I did could look back and see that I always had behavior patterns and obsessions that were markedly abnormal.
Avatar m tn my 22 year old son just experienced a psychotic break. I need to understand how he was feeling. Is there anyone who has personally experienced this, and would be willing to describe what you felt? I am desperate to understand what he is going through.
Avatar f tn I would not put a child as young as yours on serious psychotic medication without a second (or even third) consult. I also question the ADHD diagnosis for a baby. Just my two cents worth ....
Avatar f tn Hello. What is a better exam of the brain to see if a psychotic episode history is caused by something in the brain, ex. tumor etc.? MRI or CT scan? And why? Thank you.
Avatar m tn If you are saying he is having psychotic behavior that does not sound (to me ) as something caused by withdrawl .Slight paranoia is one thing highly paranoid is another .There may be an underlying problem that he was using the drugs to mask ? Do you think that is possible.
Avatar n tn I have been diagnosed with depression with psychotic features but every time I am hospitalized they diagnose me with schizoaffective disorder.
987762 tn?1671273328 These delusionary thoughts kept escalating even after he left the job, now transfered towards his mother again, his behavior became more self gratifying, impulsive, irratic and he started getting obsessional about his music. He did start seeing a psych who put him on anti-psychotics but his behavior kept escalating and becoming worse not better.
899491 tn?1243773627 I do remember past days such as in college when I engaged in (this would apply to me only) manic or emotional acting out behavior or even potential psychotic behavior. There I was in the wrong but it was uncontrollable. I now think of that as the past and would not approach those people again. I take care as regards my own treatment and how I approach people so I expect to be treated with respect in return, the same as anyone else, no better.
Avatar n tn Well, I'm not sure about that. Antipsychotics don't work right away. Tranquilizers do. Antipsychotics, if they do work, work all the time. Tranquilizes only work for a short period of time and then wear off. If she took this as an antipsychotic injection, it would be during an emergency situation but she would have to take the shots for several months and then go on the medication for longer than that.
Avatar f tn I was wondering if someone could tell me which is better to examine someone looking for any cause of psychotic episodes -- MRI or CT scan? Also, what conditions might show up on either exam as the source of the problem? Thank you.
Avatar f tn Adderall is an amphetamine with high potential for abuse, controlled substance, may lead to drug dependence, may exacerbate behavior disturbances and thought disorders, and psychotic episodes. It is true with misuse or abuse may cause heart problems such as heart palpitations, arrhythmia, and even cardiac arrest. Most at risk are individuals that have a preexisting heart condition that the one wasnt aware. Hope this provides a perspective, it is not definitive but a very good question.
Avatar m tn I cannot find a reference for "Clomaphranil" so I'm not sure what you are taking in that regard. I see the Luvox is a SSRI. In any case, I'm thinking about two things because I take one SSRI and one benzo each night and I lead a very normal life. The first is that you were over-medicated or possibly the second is that you have depression that was not being treated by these medications.
Avatar n tn and the doctor wanted to change her to Lamictal. We started to switch her and her behavior got very bad. so we stopped all medicines. Now she is not doing good in school. She is in first grade and has to have someone sit with her at all times just to get her to finish one page of work. she has a hard time staying on track. she doesn't sleep much. the past two weeks she hasn't gone to bed before midnight and even one oclock at times. How do I handle her.
Avatar n tn Regardless if a person has thoughts or ideas that show a strong departure from reality or reality testing that is generally considered psychotic. Mania and depression are easier to explain. If a person only has psychotic thoughts during moodswings that is generally classified as bipolar with psychotic features. That is of course treatable. See a psychiatrist you trust more and ask them why they see what they are diagnosing in you and how it can be treated.
Avatar f tn “Bath Salts” is an awful drug, they are so addicting that users crave the drug even after experiencing a trip to the Emergency Room with psychotic episodes brought on by hallucinations and delusions of super-human strength. Unlike Meth and Cocaine, however, standard Emergency Room procedures for treating Meth and Cocaine overdose do not work well with “Bath Salts.
Avatar f tn My bipolar husband has become extremely controlling. I read others' posts and it's like he's being described to a T, so I guess I'm not alone.
Avatar f tn Firstly i think she needs to see a doctor, they will be able to help with diagnoses and treatment as well the threatening behavior. That kind of behavior is not ok. Will she see a doctor if you your parents suggest it? If you get her to see a local doctor and then they might refer her to a psychiatrist and psychologist. Secondly if she will not go i strongly suggest you tell a doctor/ or the police about this behavior as i want you to be safe. Do you live at home with a parent?
Avatar f tn I am posting here in order to seek help for my extremely psychotic behavior. Here is the scenario that is eating away at me. I am a college student and I found a flash drive in the library PC. I took it. I am now afraid that somehow the owner purposely left it there and tainted it with HIV infected fluids. I did not see blood or feel WETNESS anywhere. I did not suffer a wound to my hand but the lever that is used to open it was rough. It hurt my hands but didn't cause bleeding or a wound.
Avatar n tn That medication was likely prescribed to address the volatile behavior, not to address the seizure disorder. If his behavior is not under good control you can expect ongoing problems, and the fact that you are continuing to witness serious difficulties invites further evaluation. I assume he is under the care of a child psychiatrist (in addition to the pediatric neurologist). If not, he should be.
Avatar f tn I have only had psychotic episodes once and that was after being in a manic state for more than a week. I definatly have "trigger" words but I have no idea what they are because we don't remember psychotic episodes. My sons "trigger" words are "I'm going to call your parents." He throws things including his desk and he is only in first grade. His teacher keeps triggering him even though I've told her not to say it and to just do it.
Avatar f tn Out of control lie and stealing (aggressive behavior) from his family and friends, the ones that love him. Will not work or look for work in 4 years, will not sleep or sleep all day, mood up one min and down the other. no Guilt on what he has done. Will not shower. He is doing more Drug abuse (weed) Is this the symptom of Bipolar ? Will Out patient help ? What can his family do? he has no medical Ins. Who will help with no Med Ins.
Avatar m tn Probably, but if she is true bipolar, she may have an insanity defense. It would be an assault and battery and probably a violation of specific laws aimed at preventing drug abuse and regulating nursing. Consider if she did this on a regular basis: you wouldn't know you were on an antidepressant, although you might start having side effects, and if she then suddenly stopped giving them to you you'd go into withdrawal from that and not know it.
Avatar n tn A person from my family went undiagnosed for many years despite strange behavior, only when she had a psychotic episode did she allow us to take her to a doctor and was diagnosed with paranoid disorder. The symptoms fit her "usual" symptoms (i.e. those she's had for years) - relatively coherent delusions of being disliked, plotted against, of her flat being bugged, someone stealing things when she's out.
1818882 tn?1317071318 It sounds far fetched, but maybe try the gluten free diet and see if you notice a change in his behavior. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, rye and possibly oats. When I looked up my husband's gluten free diet-related improvements, there was a lot of information linking gluten to psychological issues. And when my husband secretly cheats on the diet, he literally gets the paranoid look back in his eyes and his anxiety worsens.
12268405 tn?1427853361 On April 2nd I made the decision to admit myself to a psychiatric hospital due to a psychotic episode. The thing that I'm having the hardest time comprehending is if I induced the episode or not. I convinced myself that I was covered in fleas, I heard voices saying my name and calling me worthless in the past, & I experienced paranoia. I don't know what to think right now. I wish I could know if I made the symptoms worse or not...
1965148 tn?1354978634 can anyone share their experiences with psychotic mania or bipolar with psychotic features? i have no idea where mine are heading but they are here, and they are not backing down.
Avatar n tn 5 which I feel fine.. As of late I have been waking up with what my friend believes is psychotic episodes, moments of ultra confusion for me as I usually have no recolection. It is now getting to the point where I could hurt myself as I thrash about and walk into walls. I had a CT Scan which showed no problem. These attacks which I thought where TIA"s (Transient ischaemic attacks) mini strokes if you like proved otherwise..
Avatar f tn Not every breakdown is psychotic. I had a complete mental breakdown about 16 years ago or so which lead to 3 years of crushing depression - my illness course leaves me prone to this type of breakdown. However not being on meds? Dont know - i went nearly 15 years not on meds and i thought i was fine until I wasnt and went psychotic manic, so you might be fine for a long time as well. And I wasnt fine, I was hypomanic and looking back had at least 3 mini breakdowns and burnouts in that time.