
Psychotic anxiety disorders

Common Questions and Answers about Psychotic anxiety disorders


Avatar m tn This is a very common fear for people with anxiety disorders, but you have to understand that anxiety disorders and psychotic disorders are very different conditions, it's not like an anxiety disorder will morph into a psychotic illness. Those conditions present in their own unique way, and the diagnostic criteria are VERY different from that of anxiety disorders.
728480 tn?1312059930 To be so anxious that you think someone is following you when you can still tell yourself theres noone but still feel there is ,is that normal within anxiety terms?
12268405 tn?1427853361 It could be delusional thinking and it could be a symptom of extreme anxiety. People with extreme fear and anxiety can convince themselves that they are being attacked by rats, bugs, and snakes. People without any kind of mental illness do that all the time, when they just have a phobia. There is that old cliche where children get so scared that they think there is something under the bed, because their imaginations get carried away. I don't know that you should be taking clonopine.
Avatar f tn Depakoate is a mood stabilizer. Zoloft is an anti-depressent. Seroquel is an antipsychotic and I believe by psychiatric standards that is a subclinical dose (when I was on it 300 mg. was where it started working). Not sure what "the pill to calm her nerves" is? You mean an anti-anxiety medication? Although only a psychiatrist can determine medication dosages and which medication to use I'd suggest you inform yourself.
1642784 tn?1534922281 Hi I need help ok so if you haven't read my other post I've been experiencing alot of anxiety due to smoking weed I've only done weed 2 times in my life and I dint like it I've recently started obsessing about turning skitsophrenic and I was so scared of it I have a friend who might be psychotic he's been smoking for a long time and was kinda mental before he started smoking and I've been anxious for about 3 months now I think I hear wispers or something it only happens
Avatar f tn All currently available anti-psychotics have the ability to cause diabetes and tardive dyskinesia (except for Clozaril which has its own set of severe side effects) and are always used for schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders and have mood stabilization effects. There are other medications for anxiety disorders and panic attacks.
Avatar m tn I have just read the success of a medical investigative team using vitamin B3 (niacin) to treat general anxiety disorder instead of the now widely criticised ansiolotics especially diazepams like Xanax. My doctors have been dismissive of B3 even for redution of cholesterol. I haven't tried them yet on this new finding.
642393 tn?1227032656 I took Effexor for quite awhile. For depression/anxiety. I sweated constantly, loss of appetite, and lowered my libido. I just recently saw an ad for Abilify I was curious about that medication. Depending on how chemically imbalanced your body is the Effexor for me worked in a matter of a few days I could tell the differnce. The doctor says it would take up too 3-weeks for me to notice a change, but I was seeing a difference as well as my family in a matter of a few days....
Avatar m tn My pdoc yesterday told me it's possible to have a psychotic break from too severe anxiety. This scares me bad, what is that? Does that mean I'll go crazy and hurt someone? Myself? Has anyone ever had one of these? Also is there anyone here that has had several months of severe anxiety, then slowly goes back to several months of calm? I'm afraid this feeling will last forever. Just to make sure I'm experiencing this "anxiety" what does it feel like to u all?
Avatar f tn The short answer to your question is a resounding YES! Now the long answer... Marijuana will actually accomplish the exact opposite that you're shooting for. It will make your anxiety and depression symptoms MUCH worse. If your disorders are not being properly managed, then the right course of action is to discuss that with your doctor and therapist (if you have one..if you don't, you need one). The answer is never self medicating. That will lead you down a dark path.
20884439 tn?1565179317 You are welcome in the group!! :)))) what do you mean? Did you have trouble posting or something? You are more than welcome here!
Avatar m tn Hello there! The logical side of you KNOWS that this is anxiety and is to be expected after stressful events in your life (ie your break up), but the anxiety fueled side of you runs with the "what if" thoughts. The fear of "going crazy" is a very common one among anxiety sufferers, I've been there myself. Anxiety disorders are totally different from psychotic disorders.
Avatar n tn All the affects of tobacco apply of course with tobacco spun into it, all the affects of mental health and carcinogenics apply to the rest of the stuff! This means cannabis can actually encourage psychosis, mental disorders, anxiety disorders to appear or the pre existing to worsen (which I think may be what you are trying to ask!) Smoke inhalation is toxic to the body and has carcinogenic properties, those are properties that can cause cancer..
Avatar f tn They were used to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders but newer antipsychotics such as Risperdal and Abilify have replaced them (and there are newer ones in development such as the glutamate antagonists that will not cause any form of movement disorders and promote a fuller recovery, one of which is glycine which I am under study for, read through my entries). Anti-anxiety agents such as Xanax do not cause any form of movement disorders.
Avatar f tn Yes there can be causes of psychosis other than schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders or other factors that would worsen it that are physical. A person at all times should make their psychiatrist aware of any physical disabilities or disorders they have or especially inherited tendencies in the family.
Avatar m tn I am going to sum this up kind of, I feel so speedy all the time. I haven't said much about this to anyone, I buy things constantly and don't know why, write things and then don't remember it. I feel as though I'm not on this planet, I get these signals from space, think of beings around me like Angels and Demons, I feel like the FBI is after me. I sometimes feel numb like I can't breath another minute but my oxygen reads 98.
1037594 tn?1258562179 Anhedonia and lack of interest are two key negative symptoms of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
Avatar f tn The problem with getting a second opinion is getting one, then you become the doctor. I was given medication more suitable to a patient in greater need than my condition. Not long into this course of meds I discovered that they actual made my condition worse. Disclaimer, I'm not a doctor. Subsequently I went with the depression medication. It didn't make me feel worse but it did seem to help somewhat. That little help provided the basis of me working on my problem myself.
277836 tn?1359666174 Thank you, for posting such a complete list of stress and anxiety symptoms ! I have severe anxiety, and panic attacks... and have recently been diagnosed as "cardiophobic" - ie I am irrationally afraid of having a heart attack (despite being a female in my mid 30s). Every one of these symptoms, I have experienced at one time or another.
16615961 tn?1454420087 SZ PTSD anxiety panic psychotic mood disorders and addictions; alcohol cocaine sodas sweets sex and nicotine. I'm sorry about your trauma was publicized my trauma ended up on the world and national news.i will not talk about k.
Avatar f tn Well I heard classically this happens in schizophrenia but I think it also can happen in bipolar disorder where you stay in a deteriorated state as mentioned although a doctor mentioned that people with psychosis in other mental disorders generally recover back to baseline classically after the psychotic break is over. I guess it all depends on the severity of the psychotic break and other such factors.
Avatar m tn Persons with severe forms of depression, such as bipolar disorder, may have psychotic episodes but your more common type of clinical depression anxiety disorders are not in the psychosis category, but rather are types of neurosis (psychoneurosis). According to the National Institute of Mental Health, psychosis affects an estimated 1% of the U.S.