
Prozac withdrawal effects

Common Questions and Answers about Prozac withdrawal effects


Avatar f tn t have the answer but it almost sounds as though you have answered your own question in that side-effects from prozac could be responsible. Do you remember roughly how long it took to adjust to prozac last time? I don't typically respond so much to the medication questions because medications can be complex and are best left to those with some knowledge or experience about them. It sounds like your doctor is managing the drug transitions well.
Avatar f tn That most likely explains your symptoms more so than the Prozac. Often, at the tail end of a taper down, Prozac will be used to help when withdrawal is bad because it's considered easier to stop taking, but that's only at the very end of the taper. So you're probably suffering from Zoloft withdrawal because your doc took you off it abruptly instead of tapering.
Avatar f tn My guess is that this is the Effexor withdrawal, not the Prozac, as the Prozac will take about 4-6 weeks usually to start working. I also don't think it will help much with the Effexor withdrawal, as it's in a different class of drugs, no two drugs work the same or target the same neurotransmitter receptors, and you might get new side effects while getting used to the Prozac.
Avatar f tn When should i be feeling the feel good effects of prozac i'm coming up to 4 weeks tomorrow and at first felt ok but have gone a little down hill i was just wondering weather its my body trying to adjust to the med. I'm currently taking 20mg in the morning does anybody think this needs to be upped if i have felt good and now gone a little down.I also take omega 3 fish oil and vitamin b complex. having few side effects off the prozac shakes feeling sick and diarrhea.
Avatar f tn You say you were on Lexapro for a long time? Is that right? How did you stop taking it, abruptly or a slow taper taking as long as you needed to (here's hoping Lexapro has a liquid, because one of the hard things about only needing such a low dose is it's hard to break pills to do a taper off). I'm asking because some of the effects you're having sound more like withdrawal effects than the usual start-up effects of Prozac.
Avatar f tn Hi all, So I was on Effexor for a few years and recently weaned off of it (a slow taper over several months), but the withdrawal was so bad for me that my pdoc put me on 10mg of Prozac. After a week she determined it wasn't the withdrawal anymore and that I was just depressed - she increased my dose to 20mg. I have now been on the Prozac for three weeks and I still feel pretty bad.
Avatar m tn Hi all just wished to find out from others past experience of the drug how long one should expect to experience withdrawal effects from prozac. Been off prozac myself for 2 1/2 weeks after changing to mirtazapine and now have buily up to an 45mg dose after 8 1/2 weeks but i'm experiencing a range of strange sensations over this whole period.
Avatar f tn re most likely going through some withdrawal from the Paxil. You could also be having start up side effects from the Prozac. If we do get start up side effects it can be hard to say how long they'll last. I'm not sure what advice I can give you as far as what med to take. Maybe give the Prozac a little more time but if the side effects keep up or get worse then see your Dr.
1295419 tn?1276822872 Anyone's guess as to how long the effects of 'quitting, cold turkey' can last. Suggest you talk it over with your qualified medical practitioner ~ we all differ in our meds/side effects. All AD's have side effects, these effects must be balanced by the benefits received.. Your choice.
Avatar m tn Not to say some of these might not be side effects of starting Prozac, but again, if you look up side effects of withdrawal when you quit one of these drugs, you'll see the ones you're describing -- crying fits, electric shocks, vertigo, nausea are withdrawal effects. The sweats could come from any drug, so that might be withdrawal or it might be starting the Prozac.
Avatar m tn Hi I have been on Remeron 30mg for 2.5 months for anxiety and it wasn't working. My doctor has put me on Prozac 20mg I have been taking this for 8 days and have been slowly tapering the Remeron. Am now down to 7.5mgs and will take 3.75mg tonight and tomorrow night and then stop. Today I feel very nausious and my head feels weird and Im a bit dizzy. Generally feel like crap. Could this be withdrawal from the Remeron or shouldn't I get withdrawal since Im on Prozac now.
Avatar n tn I may try therapy again but I hate to sound pessimistic but I really think I will always struggle a bit with this and I can live with masking it a bit, we all have our battles I guess. I do get a little OCD about the side effects and withdrawal symptoms lists so I am trying to not think about it as much but you know how that goes.
Avatar f tn i was diagnosed with heart palpitations after having covid. Then I was put on carvedilol and buspirone while they did all the heart tests. Everything was normal. I feel like the carvedilol was making me a little sad, so that's when my doctor told m to take prozac. I had the worst side effects when starting it, my heart was pounding. The morning after my last dose I woke up shivering and just felt like something was wrong. Almost went to the ER.
Avatar n tn Does anyone have any ideas that could help ease these side effects or withdrawal? I typically do not do these blog type things- but I figure support of people that know what it's like would be great! In my teens I was on Prozac a couple years & the withdrawal from that was a piece of cake compared to this. Just scared about this situation & would like some positive input- Thanks so much!
Avatar n tn Taking leave of absence this semester to get well. Doctor put hiim on prozac because easier withdrawal symptoms. Been on it 3 weeks and than asked to get off it (I still think it's the adderall causing problems) We asked her to wean him off . She just took him off completely. Now that you know a little of the med background do you think that is ok just to take him off cold turkey? He had been off the adderall for 5 days befire coming home and looked great....
Avatar n tn t eliminate the possibility of some withdrawal -- everyone has a different experience. When you have a lot of side effects, it means you metabolized the drug well, and that means it got to your brain quickly. Metabolizing a drug well is important because if you don't it won't work, but it also means the side effects can be worse and you might find stopping the drug even early in the process might be harder than expected.
Avatar n tn t tell you if that will do the same thing...ease the withdrawal. My son was on prozac for 4 weeks and than the doctor stopped it Cold turkey (not sure if I agree with that method) 10 days ago. He is doing just Ok. side effects nothing like effexor though.
Avatar n tn Paxil should be done on at least a six week taper. It's a tough one to withdraw from. The problem with shifting directly from one to another is you can't tell whether what you're suffering is withdrawal from the last drug or side effects from the new one, so it's impossible for your psychiatrist to help you adapt. Now, because Paxil is so hard to withdraw from for some people, what some psychiatrists do is put you on a little liquid prozac to ease the withdrawal.
Avatar f tn That being said I think your anxiety must be to the roof and I would gradually reduce the Prozac like you are doing and maybe halting the tapering the week before and during your vacations to avoid severe withdrawal symptoms but you may still get withdrawal symptoms. Does the withdrawal symptoms are worse than the adverse-effects you were getting on a full dose? Wellbutrin and Adderall is really not helping your anxiety and you should consider that.
1128565 tn?1316721143 to ease the withdrawal, and to let you know which effects were withdrawal and which were side effects of the new med. One thing you can try if you don't want to go back to Effexor and do this a different way is to take a hefty dose of fish oil every day and some magnesium citrate.
Avatar f tn you might want to tell your doctor about the side-effects you experience and it could be the prozac i am not an expert though ok :)
Avatar n tn Am I having side effects from Prozac or withdrawal from Vicodin. How much time should I give the Prozac to work, I've never taken an anti-depressant before, out of fear, but I do love to live life, I'm confused on what to do with these symptoms.
Avatar f tn I was taking 40 mg prozac, 60 mg dexedrine, and taking xanex as needed. I just changed the prozac to 150 mg effexor, because my Insurance co. wouldn't let me continue getting brand name prozac (the generic brand didn't work the same. I had no problem changing over to effexor, no withdrawal effects from prozac. What made you get off the meds? That's wonderful you are no longer depressed. I don't think I will ever get off the anti-depressants.
Avatar f tn Nobody really knows long-term effects there are (if any) with antidepressants. However, Prozac is the oldest SSRI out there, and people have been on it 20+ years, with no serious long-term effects reported yet. In generally, the SSRI antidepressants appear to be very safe. Though their long-term effects have not been adequately studied. Being on Prozac for 2-3 years should have no lasting detrimental effects. I was on Prozac for 3 years, and I'm now on Lexapro for 2 years.
Avatar m tn The most effective way was to take to Effexor back up to a dose the did not give them the withdrawal side effects, that ADD 20mg of Prozac to the mix for 4 weeks. then and only then we would start slowly step down off of the Effexor 37.5mg a week until off. Then after one month more cut Prozac back to 10mg for two more weeks then go completely dry. If you want to know why it this works, a big part of it is the half-life of the medicine (Effexor is 3 hours vs. Prozac 70 hours....
Avatar m tn Hi I came off Effexor cold turkey doctors fault, I am sorry to tell you but no quick fix to your symptoms of withdrawal. I don't think Prozac is In the same group as Effexor. Effexor is a SNRI, what group is Prozac in ? My doctor changed me from Effexor to citalopram to dolsulipin that was in a different group and works on a different part of the brain. That means that you go into cold turkey.
Avatar f tn Wow this withdrawal is sooo hard. I was taking Prozac for panic attacks and OCD. I was being brave but didn't mentally prepare for this. I haven't really slept in the last week and have been having major stomach problems and OCD. I also have this weird thing where I stop breathing and when I realize I've stopped breathing I would take a big breath and that is almost every 5 minutes, and it happens in my sleep too.