
Protonix versus nexium

Common Questions and Answers about Protonix versus nexium


Avatar f tn Anyone out there on Protonix? I was diagnosed with acid reflux and was put on Nexium which helped slightly with my burping but I was still getting stomach aches. I went for an abdominal ultrasound, endescopy and CT scan with IV contrast and all came back fine. My Dr just switched me to Protonix.
Avatar f tn protonix and nexium are the same medicine. although the prefixes in pantoprozole(protonix) and esomeprazole magnesium (nexium) are different, its the suffixes that you need to look at. They are the main make-up of these drugs.
Avatar f tn The best medicines I have been prescribed are Nexium and Protonix. Protonix has a generic available so is inexpensive and works perfectly for me. Studies have shown Nexium to be consistently the most effective but it is more expensive and not always covered by every health insurance plan. United Healthcare for example does not cover Nexium.
Avatar f tn Protonix is like nexium onlyolder. It is an acid reducer (proton pump inhibitor). I also take it for acid reflux.
Avatar m tn I have had GERD for years. I went from Aciphex to Protonix and now Nexium. I have recently had a B-12 count toward the low level (but still in normal range) and am concerned that this is because of the medication. I also heard that the medication can cause stomach cancer. Is using the medication for so long safe? Is there a timframe for which it should be stopped? Also, I recently heard about Kapidex.
Avatar m tn 4 PPIs: Nexium, Prevacid, Aciphex, Protonix; 2 H2blockers: Zantac and Pepcid; 2 antiacids: Gaviscon and Riopan. I couldn't take any of these more than a few days (from 1 to 13 days) because of their side effects. The 2 bad side effects I've most often had are: worsened IBS - bad abdominal cramps (caused by Nexium together with fever and Zantac) a white-coated and burning tongue (caused by Prevacid, Zantac, Protonix, Pepcid, Riopan).
Avatar f tn Omeprazole(prilosec), lansoprazole (prevacid), pantoprazole (protonix), rabeprazole( aciphaex) and esomeprazole(Nexium). All are of same efficacy. If there is no response to one, switching to another might be helpful. Get your doctor's opinion before changing the medications. ================================================================ The information provided is for patients’ education only and is not a medical advice.
1274110 tn?1270788561 I am on plavix also and was taking nexium for gerd. My cardiologist told me to go off the nexium because the FDA has found that the nexium or any of the PPI's inhibits the plavix from working properly. I am now on pepcid instead of nexium. I am curious to find out if your cardio's had mentioned this to you. Protonix is in the same group of PPI's as nexium. Google plavix and ppi's or go on the FDA website. You will read a lot about the two meds. Just for your info.
Avatar f tn I cannot get Protonix any longer through my health insurance and was wondering if someone took something else as effective. Prilosec and Nexium do not have as good as effect as Protonix for me. Thanks.
Avatar n tn Prevacid, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex, Zantac, and Pepcid are all used to treat reflux. You can ask you doctor who will know best which one is least likely to cause you dizzyness.
Avatar n tn There is no 'safer.' It depends on which one works better for you. They don't all work by a completely similar mode of action. So you'll have to try to find the one that works and gives you the fewer side-effects.
Avatar f tn I recently went to my drs office and mentioned that I was feeling nauseated again at 36 weeks. He stated that it's due to indigestion and I brought up how I used to be on an acid reflux medicine called protonix before getting pregnant but discontinued use of it after finding out. I've been feeling horrible but I'm iffy about taking it. anyone ever taken nexium during pregnancy?
Avatar m tn I am surprised to find so many comments about the same problem. I am having similar difficulties, but thought my irregular cycles were a sign of menopause on its way. I didn't make the connection to the nexium even though I have been taking 80 mg for the last few months and 40 mg for several months before that. I also have dizziness, lightheadedness and higher than usual blood pressure at times, but blamed it on baclofen or trazodone that I take for esophageal spasms and a cough.
Avatar f tn Hi I went off nexium because it wasn’t helping my throat. It had helped my stomach acid but not my throat. So I switched to protonix but felt very very gassy in my stomach the next day.
Avatar m tn Not tired but some dizzy doesnt last long. I have GERD. I use to take nexium, then protonix then zantac. Had rnuclear stress test done was positive negative, had chest pain went to er had a cardiac catherization done was clear. I got worried scared took xanax for a few days been off all meds for two weeks now pulse last night 41. I walk around its 54 60s 70s sit down 54 48. I this the meds gave me irregular heart will it go back to normal..?Do i need the pace maker?
Avatar f tn About a year ago I was experiencing heartburn, I was diagnose with H.pylori, I was given antibiotics,protonix, I was given protonix for 3 months only, as soon as I stopped taking the protonix, heartburn return. I had an egd done which was negative for H.pylori, now I am experiencing nausea after I eat, maybe 3 times a week, when I experience nausea it usually ruins the rest of my day, I am not taking anything for nausea.
Avatar f tn I have muscle spazms along with the in my arms and legs. Chest pain occasionally. Ive had acid reflux and IBS since i was 16. Taking nexium, and whatever else they can prescribe to help, but mine is cronic so theres not much they can do. I have only had one seizure so far.. But im wondering what i can tell myself with all these symtoms im having. Iv heard people talk about Raynauds syndrom? But i dont seam to have cold feet or hands alot of the time, occasionally. And no discoloration.
Avatar n tn So far I have tried Prevacid, Aciphex, Prilosec,Protonix, and Nexium. Aciphex gave me bad side effects and Nexium made my reflux symptoms worse. Prilosec did absolutely nothing for me. I was successfully treated for H. Pylori in Nov 07. Since then I have been suffering from Water Brash and now heartburn. I don't know where to turn. My GI now wants me to take Zegerid(isn't this med just like Prilosec with sodium?). Any input will be greatly appreciated.
Avatar m tn t working, take 2 of them or get a prescription for protonix or a stronger version of Nexium, aciphex, or lansoprazole. Protonix is really good. If it does not relieve your symptoms, get a GI consult and ask them to do an endoscopy if indicated. It could be a hiatal hernia, but its a stretch. Id bet GERD 99%.
Avatar f tn You may have reflux disease . A GI dr can determine this. He can prescribe a PPI like nexium or Protonix which should help these symptoms.
709686 tn?1277432159 Protonix (Pantoprozole) does not give me problems...maybe a little weight loss. Omeprazole (Prilosec or Zegerid) causes me all kinds of problems. Headache, chest pain, red/irritated eyes, all kinds of body aches, constipation and extreme thrist. Problem is...protonix is by script only and VERY EXPENSIVE! Someone talk to me about this. Has anyone else experienced these problems with Omeprazole?
Avatar n tn hi my name is michelle and i have had gastro problems 4 about 10 yrs and just started on nexium about a week ago and ive been on alot my dr will be doing a scoped done he said my gastro problems r sever and will need surgry i will be starting protonix and zantac when am done with nexium i was on prilosec 4 3 mos and lost over 30lbs in 3 mos am only 30 yrs old and very worried do u have any edvise 4 me
268911 tn?1213744781 Hmm...I took Protonix and Prilosec for a few years. I can't really say that there are any side effects...or any that I experienced. I definitely didn't get dizzy or anything like that. But one thing to remember if you take Prilosec with food..its almost like you didn't even take it. You need to take it on an empty stomach..prefereably as soon as your feet hit the floor in the am getting out of bed. Then eat breakfast about 30 minutes after you take it.
Avatar f tn I tried prilosec, nexium, prevacid and now im on protonix. The only one that worked (until a month ago) was protonix. Everyone reacts differently to different drugs even though they basicaly do the same thing. As long as your not having any pain it doesn't sound like it is getting worse but i would definatley after 18 days ask your Dr to maybe try a different PPI.