
Prometrium weight gain

Common Questions and Answers about Prometrium weight gain


Avatar n tn the prometrium and estradiol are causing my blood sugars to stay high, as well as make me very tired, as well as making me gain weight. I walk briskly at least 1 hour to 1 1/2 hour daily. I watch what I eat, low sugars, etc. I'm very active, watching my 18 month old grand daughter, I'm NOT a couch potatoe. I am feeling so out of balance! Any suggestions? I know that the estradiol can block the intake of my tyroid meds.
Avatar f tn I don't feel like I''m alone. I'm gonna try so hard this next month to get the weight off, but I'm concerned it will be hard! wanabb: Interesting about metformin...Thanks for passing that along. I know- I'm like is it not enough that we struggle to I just feel heavier and no baby! lol.
Avatar f tn i know what you mean i had a full historectomy and i about went crazy for 5 yrs so i had no choice but to wise up and do what was best for me mentally and man was i glad i did went through alot depression wanting to just kill someone seeing demonic spirits the whole 9 yrds so from me to you try the patches i cant tell you what kind because im not a dr but i am on estrodol patches and they work wonders i mean that ive gotten my life back other then the weight gain now thats another thing have it
1129232 tn?1360800358 Sorry to hear you all are dealing with weight gain too, but it does make me feel a little better that others understand how I feel. I keep thinking my mood will be better if I lose 10 pounds, and then it should help me get pregnant. I just hate the fact that for the first time in my life, I had to buy bigger clothes and I have so many that just don't fit. My friends keep telling me that they will help me get it all off after I get pregnant and have a baby.
Avatar f tn well I don't have a scale but I have been feeling way more hungry and felt a little bigger the other day. Didn't think much of it until I read the posts on here. It didn't say anything about weight gain being a sideeffect on the pack.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have been taking Topomax for migraines for 1 1/2 yrs with very good results, in the last 6-8 months I have had very irregular menstrual bleeding ( cycles of 11-15 days) along with some more symptoms that suggest that something is off ( brittle nails, tiredness, sweat episodes, mood swings, weight gain especially around the abdominal area ). I am under some stress on a daily basis (small children, work shifts with long hours waking up at 3 a.m on some days and sometimes coming home at 6 a.
Avatar f tn Stress is certainly one. Weight gain or loss is another. If you were my patient, I would give you a prescription for Prometrium to take for 5 days. I like Prometrium because if you are not pregnant, it will bring on your period. If you are pregnant, and all the tests are somehow wrong, nothing at all will happen. I would then ask you to wait and see what happens with the next few cycles.
Avatar f tn m going to wait to take my 3rd pregnancy test, in the light of your comment here, but I am displaying multiple symptoms of early pregnancy - missed period, nausea, frequent urination (with more secretion), extreme weepiness, backache, headaches, weight gain on tummy and breasts (which are sore - very much the way they get before period and I think the areola are darker).
Avatar f tn I never ever gained weight. I think what triggered the weight gain for me was stress. I believe I have always had pcos since I wouldn't get a period for several months. But, I think what made the side effects so bad was the sudden stress. Now I am about 195lbs and I can't seem to shake the weight and it has been very very difficult for us to get pregnant.
Avatar n tn I still am not sure if I am pregnant, I have a lot of the symptoms (Breast tender, nipples slightly brown and big, frequent urination, emotional, morning/afternoon sickness, weight gain and some more). I have been pregnant in the past 2004 and lost the baby in 6 weeks. I should be approx 3 weeks and "dying" to know if I am actually pregnant or not. most people think I am. I am having pretty bad abdominal cramping and not sure if this is normal??
Avatar n tn 10. Doctor decided to run Estradiol level and thyroid tests to see if that was causing weight gain. Was wondering what you thought of these results Estradiol on day 3 of cycle 23 T4 total 5.5 ref 6.1-12.2 T3 total0.8 ref 0.9-1.8 TSH 1.56 ref 0.34 5.60 Do you think thyroid or estrogen replacement is necessary? Thanks for the help hate running all these miles and not seeing a difference.
Avatar n tn I recently had an ultrasound done, cause i have been spotting alot ,swollen belly, painful intercourse, back pain, nausea, tired all the time, weight gain, abd pain, discharge, smelling odfor, and soft stools, the doctor said that their could be an endometrial polyp and that there was some thickening in the uteris wall and poss a dermoid cyst.
864502 tn?1382640699 I had one cycle in September and it did not come back the next month. I took birth control pills when I was 16....The 1st set of pills made me gain weight and the 2nd set made me sick. So now my cycles are 2-5 years apart. The last cycle I had was in May 2007. (before then May 2002, December 1999 and back in the early 90's) My question is #1 what medicine is good for this? #2 Can I still have a baby IF I get this under control?
Avatar m tn Also to mention that a weight gain of so much weight also can be a cause of a heightening of the hot flushes. Fat stores estrogen and it's believed that estrogen is partially to blame for the hot flushes. There often isn't enough progesterone in the body to offset the extra estrogen and very often, doctors will make the mistake of giving estrogen when the real problem is a lack of progestrone.
Avatar n tn If you want to jump-start your cycle in a way that is safe (just in case you are pregnant) you could take Prometrium for five days. (Maybe the jerky doctor would prescribe it for you over the phone so you could at least get your money's worth out of the visit!) We prescribe prometrium for pregnant patients to help them carry their pregnancies, so if you take it while pregnant, nothing happens. If you are not pregnant, it should bring on your period. Good luck!
Avatar f tn Look up weight gain according to BMI and it will give you a good idea on the amount of weight you should gain according to your body type.
Avatar f tn excess hair (mostly on face, like peach fuzz but sometimes heavy black hairs on chin, heavier on upper lip), skin discolorations (darken skin) (on creases of neck, groin area and under arms), weight gain, carry most weight in the lower stomach area, Infertility, Thinning Hair, Acne and Depression and Anxiety. If you have any of those symptoms, then you could have pcos. The cysts are also part of it too.
Avatar f tn Well I'm 7 months that means I'm 27 weeks and I have only gain 1 pound my midwife said it was OK 4 me to not gain weight bcz I'm over weight so u girls tell me it seems like I won't have to do a lot of weight loss. How far are u nd how much you gain?
Avatar f tn You won't gain weight until later...
Avatar f tn Of course you'll gain weight.
Avatar f tn Aww don't worry. In my experience, weight gain tends to stall at the end.
Avatar n tn You gain the most weight in the last 8 weeks. So you might barely gain now, and then pack it on fast toward the end which is normal.
Avatar f tn I know this is probably a stupid question, but I'm 36weeks pregnant and since my last doctors appointment I haven't gained any weight. I didn't gain weight in the 1st trimester due 2 sickness, but in the 3rd I've been pretty steady with my weight the very least a poun a week. And now it's been almost 2 weeks and still no weight gain. Could that mean anything? Or is it just normal? Thanks in advance!
1972798 tn?1355549267 So my dr says my weight gain is fine. He said 1 pound per week along I am.. So I am 32 weeks and I have gained 31 lbs... Does that sound like a lot?!? What has everyone else gained? Or is that a horrible question to ask everyone?
915119 tn?1341948989 I haven't gain that much weight but I'm pretty sure I was at least 7 to 10 pounds over weight before I got pregnant.... I'm 5'3 so i think i should weight a little less..... maybe 125lb Before I had my beautiful baby girl (now 25 months) I was working out a lot and I was feeling good I went down to 128lbs and that when my hubby decided that it was time for another baby ..... I don't even know how or when did It happen....  :(.
Avatar n tn I believe that prevacid can cause weight gain ..seems so many babies are now diagnosed with reflux we used to call it cholic and wait for it to pass now seems they put them on meds.Still your doctor would know the answer, I think its the meds and whilst you child ius on them he may gain weight.good luck once he is off the meds he may go down to a normal weight.
1900462 tn?1352775302 Thanks so much for even reading my long post lol :) I get a little wordy. I needed those words of reassurance thank you :) I was all worried because medhelps tracker showed that I was at a way high weight gain. So do you think I won't gain any more weight for a while then since your 16weeks and have also gained 10lbs?