
Pristiq desvenlafaxine side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Pristiq desvenlafaxine side effects


Avatar n tn That's a tough question since many drugs can have many different side effects on people. Some more common and some less common. While this might be caused by the Pristiq there's no way to know for sure. You could always call the pharmacist and ask if That's one of the side effects of the drug, but even if it's not listed under the drugs side effects list in the pharmacists directory doesn't mean it's not possibly.
Avatar f tn If you're doing well on Effexor, I don't see any reason to switch. I've never been on Pristiq, but side effects when taking PRISTIQ 50 mg may include nausea, dizziness, sweating, constipation, and decreased appetite. In clinical studies of the recommended 50-mg dose, the percentage of people who stopped taking PRISTIQ due to side effects was similar to placebo (sugar pill).
Avatar n tn I take Pristiq,Ablify and Wellbution. Is there one pill to help with all three of my problems?
Avatar f tn Five years ago, I took Zoloft for anxiety for 6 months. I remember feeling good on it, but the initial side effects and sexual side effects were awful. So, my new doc recommended an SNRI instead. I also have POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). This basically means that my autonomic nervous system does not function properly and my heart rate accelerates when I stand or stand for long periods of time.
324184 tn?1308076203 She has been on it for 6 days and she has had diarrhea and vomiting for 3 out of those 6 days. Has anyone experienced these types of side effects on Pristiq? I know everyone is different and we're hoping that her body will adjust to it and start working. I'm also wondering if she is sick due to abruptly stopping the Cymbalta (her dr. for whatever reason said she did not need to ween herself off) Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you in advance.
Avatar f tn Many AD's have side effects that affect the libido, guess it applies to both sex es. As far as I know all AD's have this drastic effect . Hopefully you'll find one that's OK for you . Good luck.
Avatar f tn Pristiq is nothing but an active metabolite of Effexor (venlafaxine being Effexor and desvenlafaxine being Pristiq). Honestly, it should be about as effective as Effexor is. The only reason it was created is because Effexor's patent (if it hasn't already) and soon will be a generic, cheap drug. The pharmaceutical companies always come up with a new drug to push over the old ones whenever this happens because they don't make even a quarter of the money off of the generic drugs.
Avatar f tn Effexor and Pristiq are 99% the same drug in terms of active chemical. Pristiq being Desvenlafaxine and Effexor being Venlafaxine. In fact if you look at the molecular chart for the two drugs they even bind the same. Funny thing is you know why Weith pharm released Pristiq? (a drug much like Effexor) Because the 7 year patent on Effexor was close to an end and Weith didn't want to lose market share. In comes Pristiq (Name brand only for another 7 years) It's all about the money.
Avatar f tn Desvenlafaxine ( Pristiq ) is a novel form of the isolated major active metabolite of venlafaxine, and is categorized as a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). It works by blocking the transporter "reuptake" proteins for key neurotransmitters affecting mood, thereby leaving more active neurotransmitters in the synapse. The neurotransmitters affected are serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline).
606378 tn?1297304964 I had a horrible experience with Pristiq. I would suggest that if you do decide to take it that you become aware of all the possible side effects and if you begin to have any side effects, contact your doctor right away. I took Pristiq for about 3 1/2 weeks. My doctor did not warn me of possible side effects and I didn't read about possible side effects early on. At first, I didn't notice anything unusual. I actually thought the drug might be helping a little.
407790 tn?1397761026 My doctor just put me on Abilify, which I'm not very happy about considering the side effects. However, I have treatment-resistant depression so I'm running out of options. I will be taking a very low dose, though: 2.5 mg. Does anyone know if you're less likely to get side effects if you're on a low dose? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Avatar m tn d start at a low dosage and work my way up on any medication so I could see how bad the side effects were and the lowest dosage at which it works is. I'd also taper slowly off the drug I'm on before starting a new one, especially one of a different class, so I could tell what effects were withdrawal off the old med and which were side effects of the new med.
6726276 tn?1421126668 m now on Pristiq which is Effexor metabolite. Pristiq is less side effects. Both may work differently. For me, Pristiq work better. Pristiq may also reduce sexual desire but not like Effexor. Also, it work differently from one to another. Google on Pristiq if it available where you live.
Avatar n tn If you keep feeling bad though you need to get back in to see your Dr. Side effects can last a good week or so, usually. And then it starts getting better.
Avatar m tn This was in the hope that maybe I could reduce or get off Wellbutrin (memory problems) if the Pristiq did not cause sexual side effects. I have been on Pristiq for a month and a half now. The transition was seamless. Within two weeks, I was no longer clenching my jaw and stopped using the mouth guard. I am also seeing a lessening of the sexual side effects. I did not have any of the sweating or dry mouth, but that may be because I have been on an SNRI for awhile and my body was used to it.
Avatar f tn Whenever I would switch medications, there was an adjustment period where I did feel some side effects, but if you know that it is happening it really makes it much easier to handle. Starting, stopping, or switching any medication can cause side effects...not just ADs, SSRIs, but other medications as well. As long as you are doing this under the advise of your doctor, you are doing the right thing, in my experience.
Avatar m tn My only complaint with Pristiq is that at 100Mgs a day dosage I have sexual side effects from it. I am male and it has reduced my sex drive by about 50% which I hate. The side effects of stopping Pristiq are much the same as with Effexor. They can be rough as I once ran out for two days and had withdrawls.
Avatar n tn Hi- I am currently withdrawing from Effexor, which I was given to taper off Pristiq. Because Pristiq comes in the 50mg dose, there is no good way to come off it. It is essentially the same as Effexor, which is notoriously hard to withdraw from. My psych said that 50mg of Pristiq=150mg of Effexor. If you jumped from this dose or higher, I would expect to have withdrawal for at least 3 weeks, maybe longer. At least you will probably have depression and anxiety.
Avatar n tn thanks but my dr says i have no choice but to stay on pristiq due to the side effects ,because of the anyurisms ,1 of the side effects are head aches which could cause the anyurisms to burst .
Avatar f tn is anyone taking pristiq? my depression is lingering on since my fathers death in sept. the doc added abilify 1mg and i felt better. then i felt the depression slipping back. the abilify was increased to 5mg. but i developed serious side effects. so now i'm on pristiq 50mgs . i've been on lexapro 20mgs for about 5 years. the doc has me down to 10 mgs lexapro for 1 week then stop it completely. my concers are. i know nothing about this med.
Avatar m tn They just altered the structure some in order to get a new patent and hopefully to have fewer side effects, but over time that usually turns out not to be the case. I ask because if the effexor was working Pristiq is pretty similar, so why switch? If it stopped working, Pristiq might not work either as it's such a similar drug by the same manufacturer. Perhaps it was to reduce side effects?
Avatar f tn A friend of mine was prescribed a drug by her family doctor which created similiar side effects as you have described. She went back to her family doctor and told her she didn't want to be on this drug anymore and that she wanted to stop taking it. Her doctor advised her how to do this safely. That's the key. You can't just stop taking a prescribed medication cold turkey as it were. Your doctor can tell you how to get off the Pristiq safely.
744415 tn?1243953376 m not anxious all the time, my mood swings are way better and I can focus and remember things more now. My dr. also said that the Pristiq has the least amount of sexual side affects than any other anxiety med out there, but that is the ONE thing I'm having the worst side affects with. Is there anyone else who takes this and how do you feel about the med?