
Prevacid kapidex

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid kapidex


Avatar m tn Protonix and Nexium did NOTHING for me, nor did Aciphex. Prevacid works OK, and my doc suggested Kapidex and I took it for a month. I did about as well on it as the Prevacid if not a tad better. I think Prevacid and/or Kapidex blow away Nexium; although what may be right for me will not be guaranteed for you. My doc gave me a 3 week free-sample of Kapidex, and you take it once a day. I'm always open to trying something new.
Avatar f tn ve never tried Domperidone, but the only meds that helped me were Nexium or Kapidex taken twice daily. I tried prevacid and it was very brief because it just didn't work for me :( Also, I use to take one Kapidex/Nexium PLUS some Amitriplyn, but I knocked the amitriplyn out of my regimen. Either way, it offered more good days then bad.
Avatar f tn Hi- I have taken Zegerid and found it to be the best of GERD/acid-reflux med's. They all do take some time, but for me it's the best by a good margin, with Kapidex/Prevacid second. My insurance co. doesn't cover Zegerid as well as they cover Prevacid, but my doctor calls it the "Rolls Royce" of stomach meds.
Avatar n tn I have tried prevacid, nexium, and kapidex. I still have the constant burning in chest and lump in throat feeling?
1806721 tn?1554333407 I have never taken Prevacid before. Are these two the same thing? Can I use Prilosec to substitute the Prevacid in the pack? I'm scared of stopping Prilosec as my symptoms always get worse when I tried to wean myself off the drug in the past. I'm also horrified by the idea of combined antibiotics for extended time. I can barely tolerate a single antibiotic agent for 5d in the past. How much probiotics should I take to counteract the side effects of antibiotics? Thank you!
Avatar f tn I'm a 42 year old female. Fairly healthy. I've been diagnosed with GERD since 2002. I had it under control with low-dose PPI's, diet changes and lifestyle changes until 2006. For the next couple years, I was diligent about my diet, lifestyle changes and taking my prescriptions which included taking high-dose PPI's twice a day (Prevacid Solutabs, Nexium, Protonix, Prevacid, Zegrid, Kapidex, Aciphex, etc....) and supplemented with Gaviscon or Zantac.
Avatar n tn I was recently diagnosed with acid reflux, after an endoscopy that showed some gastritis and inflammation in my esophagus and a clean ultrasound. I've tried different medicines and the only one I've found so far that lets me live relatively pain-free is Kapidex. I took a free trial of it for 10 days, during which time I helped, but then went back off of it for a week (trying a different, cheaper medicine) before going back on it.
1289093 tn?1309361078 He has tried Protonix early on which helped for a while, then the symptoms came back. They put him on Prevacid after the H. Pylori treatment but it did not help. Most recently they put him on Kapidex which helped for about a week then the symptoms came back again even worse. His doctor told him he also has thick blood and a high white cell count. Not sure if that is related to his stomach problems but his Dr.
Avatar n tn i have been diagnosed with gerd and a hiata hernia i am a black female 5ft2 and 233 pounds i have been on five different prescriptions currently i am on 60 mg of kapidex i have been losing weight and losing my appetite sometimes the kapidex gives me relief sometimes it doesn't what can i do for relief when it doesn't work? and how far can acid reflux travel.
Avatar f tn Went to my Dr and she said it was Gastritis and put me on Kapidex 2x a day for 3 days and then once a day thereafter. The next day my lower back has starting hurting. I went in on Tuesday for pain in the back and she prescribed naxoprene and a muscle relaxer. The pain went away once from the pain medicine and now does nothing. I've been having bouts of diarrhea and then constipation also. Today my back pain is excrutiating and the past two days my stools have been dark brown/black.
Avatar n tn In order to fight possible acid reflux – I’ve tried zantac, carofate, prevacid and kapidex. – none of which seem to help. I’ve taken anti-inflammatory medicine and rest in case the pain was caused by costochondritis or tietze syndrome. I’ve seen chiropractors to see if the pain was due to back trouble. The thorasic region of my back is in bad shape and I do have constant pain in my upper back to go along with the chest pain.
Avatar n tn i take prevacid for my gerd, can this cause atrial fibrillation This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/937646'>acid reflux</a>.
666921 tn?1254990618 I do know that the LLMD prescribed me Kapidex and it may one of the reasons I am not having heartburn. Usually these medicines give me bad gastric problems, but so far it's been not great, but not painful either. You may want to ask if you can get Kapidex.
Avatar n tn I have never had heartburn and prior to my stomach illness in June I had no other symptoms of an acid problems. Currently on Aciphex, and have tried Nexium, Kapidex, Prevacid (minimal if any results). I have also been sleeping propped up on pillows. Thank you for the tips, but I have unfortunately already adopted these practices with minimal results. I have read about the cyclical vomiting syndrome, and I am interested. In my case, however, I never actually vomit.
Avatar m tn They found that i have a hiatial hernia as well as a weak les sphincter. Anyways my GI doctor put me on kapidex after followup. I prefer kapidex to protonix and i was doing pretty good until this morning when i had a random bout of nausea. Luckily i had some phenegren left so i took it and got better. I have already bought the special pillow that raises my head while sleeping and i think has really helped me.
Avatar n tn I switched to taking tums multiple times a day, which worked for a couple months and then stopped. I tried Kapidex which also worked perfectly for about 3 months and then completely stopped working. Zantac worked for about a month and is now subsiding. My doctor has added carafate, but the pains are still not gone. They usually come when I haven't eaten for a while and let myself get hungry at all. I try to eat every 2-3 hours but am not always able to.
Avatar f tn I am afraid to eat other things. What an I do. I am taking Kapidex and take giner tea. I also take anxiety meds just because of this feelings in my throat.
Avatar m tn Could be some gall bladder pain, dont eat late stick to low fat meals , it could also be a pulled muscle if you have started weight training ..
Avatar n tn My daughter also takes pentasa and WAS taking prevacid. The prevacid didn't seem to help her and our GI switched her to prilosec. My daughter has had no complaints with the prilosec. Both prevacid and prilosec have the same actions so they do the same things. The only interaction that I know of with prevacid and penicillin is with a type of penicillin called Ampicillin and it may inhibit the absorption of the prevacid.
Avatar f tn I have been on that but it didn't work that great after a while. Kapidex or previcid works. Liquid carafete helps to.
Avatar f tn I am having a problem with taking my Prevacid 4 hrs. after Synthroid. Right now my routine is to take Synthroid when I first get up and 6 AM. an hour later eat something void of fiber (usually egg sub.) The 4 hrs. later I take the Prevacid and have another small meal (cereal usually). The problem is something is causing a bad taste to come back in to my mouth sometime after all this and I am thinking it is because the Prevacid really is not being taken prior to eating.
Avatar m tn I was told to cut back the Prevacid to once a day. My blood work shows no obvious problems. Has prevacid been linked to Osteoporosis? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/236579'>Prevacid and Osteoporosis</a>.
Avatar f tn I just went to the doctor to get blood tests and make sure that my drinking has not already damaged my body beyond repair. My doctor gave me Prevacid for some stomach issues I have been Having. Does anyone know if it is safe to take it when I have been drinking? I am really trying to stop but I am having problems with the withdrawls so I am trying to wean myself off. Any one have any opinions? I would hate to do more damage when I ma trying to correct already done damage.
Avatar n tn Welcome to the gastroenterology community! Did you just start taking prevacid? Have you eaten anything red recently? Are you constipated? Do you have hemmorhoids?
Avatar f tn Now off hydro 5 days, taking prevacid again. I will deal with acid reflux and take my prevacid..Stress does make it flare up really just maybe I can get it back under control soon...
Avatar m tn Thanks Selma I am taking Kapidex 60mg, I was taking previously prev acid once in the morning and once at night didnt work, then I wnt with Protonix, Kapidex is supposed to be a new med but doesnt seem to work. the dr says I may have a very sensitive esophagus that is why I feel everthing all the time. Is there such a thing as having a sensitive esopahgus that feels everything without the damage?
Avatar n tn My bone density plummeted from 15% above normal to 25% below normal in 6 years (post menopause). Could Prevacid excellerate bone loss. I don't have many risk factors for osteoporosis, no family history. I take Synthroid, Verapamil, Prevacid. I eat lots of dairy, greens, almonds. I exercise daily. I eat a fairly low carb diet, minimal alcohol, caffeine, and cola. This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.