
Prevacid in kids

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid in kids


Avatar n tn He has Silent Reflux and is on Zantac twice a day and Prevacid once a day. It seems like he eats and eats because he is in pain. What can I do to help him not gain so much weight?
Avatar n tn i take prevacid for my gerd, can this cause atrial fibrillation This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/937646'>acid reflux</a>.
Avatar f tn t work, or stops working like in my case, Prevacid is also safe during pregnancy and works like a charm. I had it real bad this last time and Prevacid was all that would help me.
290867 tn?1333569278 When a pharmacist makes a compounded version (liquid) of a medince, usually the precise amount of sodium bicarbonate is not added to the medicine. Therefore, when the medicine is ingested, the natural acid in the stomach attacks the medicine and degrades it before it even has a chance to you're basically not giving any medicine at all. The solutabs already have the correct amount of bicarb and are able to work effectively without being degraded....
Avatar n tn pylori at that time. He put me on Prevacid and I have been on it untill about 6 months ago. The prevacid was no longer working that well so the doctor switched me to Protonix.
Avatar f tn Has anyone ever tried taking the Prevacid at night or in the middle of the night( 4 hrs prior to Synthroid) so that it is working when I do put food into my stomach? I just am fearful of interfering with the Synthroid.
Avatar m tn t know about the Prevacid, but you should have your testosterone checked. My husband fell in his early fifties, was a body builder and avid runner. When he fell he broke his back in 2 places. He was diagnosed with Osteoporosis, they started him on Testosterone shots (his was low), and within a fairly short amount of time, his bones were strong again. He has to take the shots for the rest of his life.
1176471 tn?1263733305 Also keep in mind that the lactose from the milk will be present in all other dairy products as well, such as cheese. Are you now off the protonix? If so, have you noticed an increase in symptoms since stopping it? If so, it could be that you need a longer course of it - but before starting it again, check with your physician. Never start, stop, change, alter, etc. any medication without talking to, and getting approval from your doctor/s.
Avatar n tn i have had bright red blood in my stool for a few days now but very little to no pain, could it be from my taking prevacid?
Avatar f tn Now off hydro 5 days, taking prevacid again. I will deal with acid reflux and take my prevacid..Stress does make it flare up really just maybe I can get it back under control soon...
Avatar n tn I posted her in 2008. I've learned a lot since. I think Prevacid is a PPI. Ask your pharmacist. PPI's inhibit the absorbtion of calcium. I asked my gastrointerologist and he said "yes it does". I read that people who take PPI's for a long time, should take small breaks of treatment so they can absorb calcium. I'm NOT telling anyone to do this-follow your doctor's advise. I also had my Vit.D checked and it was extremely low.
Avatar n tn i had blood work done and now my cholesterol is 160 without any changes except for the Prevacid. Can Prevacid lower cholesterol ? I was worried because I have read that an unexplained drop in cholesterol could mean cancer someplace.
Avatar m tn Over that time, I have accidentally forgotten to take the Prevacid twice. Once, I ended up in the ER, and the next ,the doctor's office for heart palps. My doctor agrees there is a definite connection in my case. The esophagus runs right behind the heart so it does make sense. I have to watch everything I eat. Last night, I had brisket and potatoe salad and it set me off...maybe too much sodium, who knows.
Avatar n tn ) We went back on Strattera and Prevacid. While we noticed an decrease in symptoms for the first 3 weeks, this past week they have comeback with avengeance, along with anxiety, tearfulness, and a general "mopy-ness". We are upping his Prevacid to 30 mg. If there is no improvement we go back to the GI Doc next week. Any advice? Anyone been through anything like this? Thanks.
547002 tn?1219797376 I quit prevacid on many occasions cold turkey. It caused massive lower stomach cramps and thick painful diarrhea. I recommend you get off it immediately, however, slowly ween yourself off. DO NOT quit cold turkey. Get on Zantac. PPI's truly messed me up. Made me 1000 times sicker than my GERD. Now I've been off them for 6 months and live a normal healthy life. Those are poison. Doctors will do anything they can to get your money, don't belive the ppi hype.
Avatar f tn I just went to the doctor to get blood tests and make sure that my drinking has not already damaged my body beyond repair. My doctor gave me Prevacid for some stomach issues I have been Having. Does anyone know if it is safe to take it when I have been drinking? I am really trying to stop but I am having problems with the withdrawls so I am trying to wean myself off. Any one have any opinions? I would hate to do more damage when I ma trying to correct already done damage.
Avatar m tn After taking Prevacid, I gain my appetite back. The problem is, I have develope new symptoms after taking prevacid for 1 week. I am having very loose bowel movements, blood on the toliet paper when I wipe, indigestion, lower abdominal pain. Most importantly is I am having more frequent heartburn and chest pain, which I don't have when I am on the H2 blocker.
Avatar f tn Thank you for answering!
Avatar f tn I am pretty certain that this terrible feeling in my stomach is not related to time a day or dosage of Prevacid. It is not a reflux/gerd situation. I have no other complaints or ill feelings. It starts about an hour after taking my synthroid pill and is beginning to stay with me most of the day. Usually it is better after lunch but reoccured that night. This has only started 6 months after TT and beginning 137 mcg Synthroid so not certain Synthoid can be blamed.
Avatar n tn Hi I have had GERD for a few years now. I've never had halitosis. Recently my reflux started acting up, so i doubled my prevacid. I'm not sure what is causing my very horrid halitosis. I have figured out it is not dental related. In fact when I burp, I can feel the hot yucky gas coming up from my stomach. A recent google showed that prevacid can cause a side effect of halitosis. Other comments insist it is the GERD but I am not entirely convinced.
Avatar f tn This is my third pregnancy and I have never had a heartburn/indigestion problem till this time. Mine started in my second trimester and I tried tums to start but it didn't help a darn thing, I killed a bottle in a week or two. They put me on prevacid which worked really well till insurance decided I could only have 90 pills in 365 days :/ they then told me to try prevacid and pepcid but they did not work very well at all.