
Prevacid gluten

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid gluten


6822962 tn?1396329659 My doctor put me on Zantac and have been using it more than recommended because it isn't working. I only eat raisen brand,shredded wheat and fruit. No matter what I get acid so bad I throwup. Tonight I picked up Prevacid at the store. I haven't asked my doctor because I am such high risk. I can't take this anymore with the throwing up. Is anyone else taking prevacid and when did you start taking it ? How is baby since you have been taking it ?
Avatar f tn By February, my stomach started seeming to bloat really bad after meals. I went to see an Urgent Care doctor and they prescribed me with Prevacid, as well as trying to order some xrays, a barium swallow, etc. But I followed up with my primary doctor and she told me that I should just take the Prevacid and not worry about the xrays and such. That acid reflux is "normal" and Prevacid will help it. And it did. Or maybe I was thinking it was. Until I ran out of it about 3 weeks ago.
Avatar m tn two of them had reflux and had to take prevacid. Once they had been gluten free for about a year, they were able to go off the prevacid. I've considered dropping wheat and milk because i hear that it helps with chronic pain.
Avatar n tn Started Prevacid and also Strattera for ADD. We were able to wean off of the Prevacid and just stick to Strattera, as our peds thinks the Strattera helps him with the anxiety related to the GERD, and therefore he had no complaints of symptoms of GERD. In March we went off of the Strattera, and within 4 weeks the symptoms of GERD re-appeared ( Not eating, coughing, feeling like something is caught in his throat.) We went back on Strattera and Prevacid.
388842 tn?1221748498 Celiac Neg,gluten allergy Neg, she also has test negitive via blood sample to all food allergies except a small one to egg whites.. She also has bouts of Vomitting that come in about 3 month periods where her food doesnt digest and its like her stomach fills to its fullest and empties via vomitting. She has poor weight gain and is simply miserable most of the time. Is it possible that the blood test for food allergies or gluten allergy could be wrong?
Avatar m tn re interested in finding out more about this, you might want to read the book Wheat Belly, by Dr. William Davis. He is a cardiologist who happens to be gluten-intolerant. Gluten is the most common food intolerance (although there are many other foods besides gluten that can cause symptoms). That book is the single best source that I can think of as a starting point, should you want to consider the possibility of food intolerance as a cause of your issues.
Avatar f tn My GI thinks I have reflux but we haven't done an endoscopy. He said my stomach pain coupled with "burning" are signs of the reflux. I was on a Prevacid for a while and things got better and stayed better for a long time, so he took my off it as a trial. Now its back and I tried the Prevacid again, but its not working. We're thinking about trying Prilosec (sorry if its spelled wrong) OTC. Right now I'm just taking Tums until we decide. Does the prilosec work well?
Avatar f tn a scope showed reflux and only one area that could possible indicate celiac. we were going to put her onb prevacid for 3 months and run a Ttg blood test, but it was the end of the year, we had met our stop loss, so I had 4 of my children tested to start with---3 of them were positive for celiac---our family haws cooked mostly gluten free for about 7 years now. We got in on a celiac study, and discovered that my hubby and I and 8 of my 9 children all carry one of the main celiac genes.
388842 tn?1221748498 She is currently on 60mg of prevacid and take childrens Maalox . She has a low fat diet, doesnt drink soda, eats a pretty bland diet... any suggestions are greatly appreicated. Thanks Misty * I know that she isn't faking it to get out of doing anything or for attention.
Avatar f tn I have had elevated liver enzymes on and off for over 15 years. The ALT and AST have at the most doubled. I have celiac disease and have avoided gluten for 8 years. My last alt was slightly elevated at 52, but ast and all other livers were normal. My cholesterol was 212.
11672216 tn?1420313003 I was diagnosed with a severe dairy allergy and possible gluten intolerance. I have been off gluten completely for about 4 months and off dairy for about 2 months. Lately I have had horrible almost constant heartburn, burping, sore throat at night, and a feeling of fullness/ pressure in my stomach. My doctor wants me to try some heartburn medication as it's possible I have an ulcer or acid reflux.
Avatar n tn i take prevacid for my gerd, can this cause atrial fibrillation This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/937646'>acid reflux</a>.
702620 tn?1228445760 I've had a chronic condition for about 6 months. Syptoms include fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, reoccuring flu, gas, hot and cold flashes (I'm only 31, not pregnant). I've had a CT scan of abdomen, head, and sinus, X-ray, upper ultrasound, various blood tests that came back negative.
Avatar m tn We eliminated all these substances from her diet, including the kid vitamens that contain these ingredients. No improvement. We also tried Prevacid for a possible stocmach acid or reflux issue. We even considered this could be a mental issue and continue to go to sessions so she can deal with the pain. Pain management seems to be our only option and we are losing this battle.
Avatar f tn Thank you for writing, he has been tested and they said he doesn't have a reaction to Lactose, would that be the same test as for casein? I make his lunches for school and have tried to keep his diet clean. I will be finding out today if his gluten test shows he still has much gluten in his system, but I can't understand the evening vomiting of clear fluid. I hope his doctors can figure it out when I see them today, he is still in pain and not in school.
1176471 tn?1263733305 Hi Sheila - I'm sorry you've been having tummy troubles. Yes, you can develop a lactose intolerance at any time, same as you could with any "true" allergy. Although changing to fat free milk helps to cut down/out the fat from your diet, it does nothing to elminate the lactose from the milk. Also keep in mind that the lactose from the milk will be present in all other dairy products as well, such as cheese. Are you now off the protonix?
Avatar n tn Her eyes darken underneath and she is completely enervated during attacks.Abdominal pain rated at 6 out of 10, intermittent. She has been taking prevacid for 10 days and is on an extremely bland diet since the last ER visit, excluding almost all vegetables and fruit and usual reflux triggers. Any ideas about possible diagnosis and treatment is greatly appreciated. This is a new and scary problem for her. She has suffered from night terrors in the past on occasion - can there be some link there?
Avatar f tn The doctor put him on prevacid and thought that acid reflex could have inflammed the entire GI tract leading to bowels to stop, creating an infection occurring in high fever. However, the symptoms have started to occur once again but with less frequency slowly happening more often. We are going to see GI specialist in 2 days but just wondering if anyone else has had similar symptoms or ideas of what to check for. Thank You!
Avatar f tn Then I developed stomach problems. I have been told gastritis or ulcer and was given prevacid and nexium. I also developed allergies all of a sudden to dust, pollen..pretty much anything outside. One morning I woke up and back of head was asleep and the next day the right side of my lips were I went to a Neurologist whom is doing MRIs of brain, neck and spine next week and checking for MS.......
574423 tn?1258658571 i was dx with fibro early this year. the past 2-3 years has been terribly painful and frustrating. i'm taking 600 mg of neurontin 3x day, prevacid 30 mg 2x day, flexeril 10 mg, magnesium 1000 mg day, vit d 2000 iu day, and a multivitamin. my foot pain has been steadily increasing every day. it hurts the worst when i wake up and put my feet down. i get a tingling/burning pain like when your feet have fallen asleep and they are just waking up.
Avatar n tn Hi, Since January I have been having problem when I drink alcohol. I INSTANTLY retain water and can't pee it out! For years, whenever I drank alcohol I would pee it out all night and even feel lighter the next day. Now, after just a few sips I can feel the water coming on, and I will be a few lbs heavier over the next 2-3 days. It's horrible to not be able to enjoy drinking anymore and I love doing it socially! What can be causing this?
Avatar f tn After the upper endoscopy I was told I had a Hital Hernia right below my sternum where I have been having pain and that my stomach had redness. He took biopsies to check for celiac (gluten intolerance), and H. Pyroli bacteria. He didn't tell me much other than what he saw. I looked up what the hernia is online. My question is what caused it to randomly start giving me pain, why is my stomach red, and what does all this mean for me in the future.
Avatar f tn I am pretty certain that this terrible feeling in my stomach is not related to time a day or dosage of Prevacid. It is not a reflux/gerd situation. I have no other complaints or ill feelings. It starts about an hour after taking my synthroid pill and is beginning to stay with me most of the day. Usually it is better after lunch but reoccured that night. This has only started 6 months after TT and beginning 137 mcg Synthroid so not certain Synthoid can be blamed.
Avatar n tn My daughter also takes pentasa and WAS taking prevacid. The prevacid didn't seem to help her and our GI switched her to prilosec. My daughter has had no complaints with the prilosec. Both prevacid and prilosec have the same actions so they do the same things. The only interaction that I know of with prevacid and penicillin is with a type of penicillin called Ampicillin and it may inhibit the absorption of the prevacid.
Avatar f tn After they had been gluten free (for the most part, they cheated), they were able to go off of their prevacid---as far as I know, neither one has had reflux problems anymore---but They are both married and living away from us--so I can't guarantee that statement!! Just something to think about, especially if you are going to see a specialist.