
Prevacid and stool color

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid and stool color


Avatar m tn I eat lots of carrots (betacarotene), but I did that before the lansaprozole (prevacid). The color definitely changed after the med change. I have gerd and as a result the esophogial ulcer which was biopsied and non-malignant. I have the cough and lately my throat has become very constricted. often feeling like a pill is stuck in there which really *****. Appreciate your relating you're experience.
Avatar m tn Due to the presence of aluminum, it can produce some changes in stool color. This is temporary and resolves after the cessation of treatment, which typically lasts for 2 weeks. Hope this reassures you. There is no harm in taking a multivitamin with an ulcer. Do write back to me if you have further queries. Thank you for using MedHelp's "Ask an Expert" Service, where we feature some of world's renowned medical experts in their fields.
Avatar m tn I also have bad breath. I take Prevacid once a day for three years. I also take Lexapro. Even with prevacid, i still get heartburn some. I am a smoker and smoke about a pack a day. Can someone ease my mind a little about the stool thing? Or tell me some info?
Avatar n tn i have had bright red blood in my stool for a few days now but very little to no pain, could it be from my taking prevacid?
Avatar f tn I take Prevacid and my family doc says it quiets the vagus nerve. Avoid spicy foods, try to have regular bm's. Maybe a stool softener would help or anything that keeps things moving. Anything that affects my digestive system affects my heart and produces irregular beats.
Avatar f tn (Sorry for my gross question)this fast three weeks my stool are changing color normally my stool color are light brown or yellow..i have gallstone but no idea if changing the color of my stool are related to my gb issues.. I have mild stomach pain once a week..I had a endoscopy 3 weeks ago result came back all normal.thanks you!
Avatar m tn People of all ages (including infants and children) can get it and may have green and/or mucous in stools, foul smelling stools, diarrhea, etc. (I had this at age 50 at the same time my mother, 81 at the time, had I have read a lot about it and gone with my mother to multiple doctors. ) New research shows that Prevacid, etc. can upset the natural balance of bacteria in the digestive system and make a person more prone to C. Diff. infection. Not to frighten you--but C. Diff.
175861 tn?1428182413 s been acting up for around 3 weeks-burpy, baggy feeling in throat-went to ENT and gastro and ENT said she thinks its gerd-she did a scope of my larynx and saw redness and post nasal drip (the latter of which ive had most of my life). The loose stools are more recent. The gastro doctor does not think the gerd and gastro symptoms are related. She thinks its IBS which hasn't really flared for over 10 yrs.
Avatar n tn Have you had a breath test for H. pylori done? 46 is early for colorectal cancer, nausea is not a typical symptom. If pain was from cancer, you'd probably bleed from the intestine. Maybe it's good if you have a hemmocult test for hidden blood in the stool.
Avatar n tn , sometimes intense hunger then feels nauseous when food is presented, decreased appetite, overall pale color with dark circles under her eyes, and sig. decreased energy/fatigue. Her pcp did stool samples (-), a U/a (-), and bloodwork (normal except slightly inc. SED rate-23). He referred to GI who rec. Prevacid 15 mg 2x/day and follow-up in 2 months. He said ulcer can't be r/o w/o scope which he will do if not better, but that Prevacid should help.
Avatar m tn Hi I am a 29 years old male, been healthy all my life. I don't drink but I do smoke, like 7-8 cigarettes per day, sometimes less. About 2 months ago I started having stomach cramping and chest pain. When it started it hurts so bad I couldn't even eat. After a few days I went to the doctor and he prescribe me a H2 blocker (forgot name sorry).
Avatar f tn the toilet paper has blood all over it and noticed there was some blood attached to my stool and my stool was green, my stool being green has been going on for about a week but the blood coming out of my rectum has been going on off and on for a month , i feel isnt right ! should i be worried ? I went to see a doctor but he told me its nothing to worry about but it keeps happening! what should i do ? my mom has Diverticulitis shes had problems with her intestines since she was 16 !
Avatar f tn Good evening. Clearly I googled. My stool is very light in color. Like a light beige tan ( not normal for me ) an online scares me. Is it okay for stool to be light in color as long as it’s not white or does this mean something is wrong ?
Avatar f tn but it’s been about 15 days since all of that and my stomach has been slightly better, i feel pain here and there inside my stomach but it comes and goes. my stool is solid and good since i eat rice and bread again, but… i’ve noticed today my stool is dark black… really scared me.. even tho only half of my stool was black and the other half was normal brown??
Avatar m tn Different foods can effect stool consistancy, color, smell, and gas content some foods are known to cause more stomach gasses
535824 tn?1223815900 Today my stool was a light brown color should I be worried about that? Another question is do you guys pee a lot more since being on treatment, for example do you drink something and 30 mins. later you have to go to the restroom? I only have two more shots to go this Friday and next.
Avatar m tn Very dark in color. about 4 or 5 pea sized white stuff coming out as well.
Avatar f tn So I had normal color stool I check as I’m always afraid I have cancer. I looked at it after it came out looked fine water was fine. I sat a bit reading messages then wiped. Normal color. But then noticed the poop clouded the water a reddish color. So I panicked. Grabbed something broke the stool apart nothing red. Why would it seep out red is this a red flag no pun intended. I’m freaking out. I go to the damn dr over everything. Ugh.
Avatar f tn ve been experiencing Nausea while eating and burping lately, with diarrhea and change in bowel movements and color of stool..has anyone been having these same symptoms?
Avatar n tn Red tint as red streaks or stool of reddish color? Hemorrhoids, or eating something red (beet-root)...are most often causes. Rough wiping, straining. Then food poisoning (goes with diarrhea), intestinal worms (Possible: mucus, bloating, diarrhea). Diverticulitis (bloating, diarrhea) Crohn's disease (usually start in young adults...) Polyp, or cancer...well, not impossible in your age, but 50+ is a common age for colorectal cancer.
Avatar f tn Constipation, good times. I always get constipated when I am out of my normal environment. And one time when I went to Europe for 2 weeks, I was constipated the entire trip! I was so uncomfortable by the end. Abdominal pain is part of constipation and weird stools after as well. Improving what you eat should help. Here is what an ER doctor told me to do with my son for severe constipation--- grape juice. Simple grape juice. A full cup every day.
Avatar f tn If that is not the case, please get your liver enzymes tested. The typical color of stool is called bilirubin, which is brown, and is made enzymatically from the red color of meat (hemoglobin). But if your liver has a problem, and the enzyme to convert hemoglobin to bilirubin is missing or impaired, another color can come out, biliverdin, which is green. Good luck!
Avatar n tn If the stool is pale (whitish), foamy and sticky, this means fats in stool due to their inappropriate absorption in small intestine, due to infection or inflammation...
Avatar n tn My daughter also takes pentasa and WAS taking prevacid. The prevacid didn't seem to help her and our GI switched her to prilosec. My daughter has had no complaints with the prilosec. Both prevacid and prilosec have the same actions so they do the same things. The only interaction that I know of with prevacid and penicillin is with a type of penicillin called Ampicillin and it may inhibit the absorption of the prevacid.