
Prevacid and gastritis

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid and gastritis


Avatar m tn I know many people that suffer from acid reflux that don't have HCV, prevacid and prilosec are now OTC and work really good.
4121556 tn?1350428560 I have acid reflux and afib and they are definitely related. I am taking Prevacid but sometimes wonder if it has any effect on my irregular beats. I was on Zantac for about a year, then my anti-arrhythmic meds had to be increased and I had to go back to a PPI. I will try the gaviscon and see if that helps. Do you know if it interacts with warfarin? It seems many drugs do. Stress (lots of adrenaline) brings on my af episodes, as well as caffeine, spicy food, too little sleep.
Avatar n tn Symptoms are a coated tongue, foul breath, bad taste in the mouth, increased flow of saliva, scanty urination, a general feeling of uneasiness, and mental depression. Major heartburn (throat and esophagus burning and sometimes pain) and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, especially after meals. Can’t eat. , makes me feel sick. I am pretty sure it is gastritis based on all these symptom. I have appointments with my MD and gastro DR.
Avatar f tn I have started taking prevacid and it has helped a little, but iam now worried that I have let this go for too long and have maybe developed stomach cancer. I smoke 1-2 cigarettes a day and will be quitting this week. I know that leaving ulcers and gastritis untreated can turn into stomach cancer. I have an EGD scheduled for Tuesday and I am terrified of what I will find. My anxiety seems to have made everything so much worse. Can hardly sleep or even work. Any ideas?
Avatar f tn said I had acid reflux and gastritis but did not take any tests other than an h. pyrloi blood test which was negative and just based it off of my symptoms. I do have a family history of various stomach issues which made him think it was IBS. After the upper endoscopy I was told I had a Hital Hernia right below my sternum where I have been having pain and that my stomach had redness. He took biopsies to check for celiac (gluten intolerance), and H. Pyroli bacteria.
Avatar n tn She told me to take prevacid once a day no matter how I felt and to avoid OJ and tomatoes. So I did and it helped. I switched from prevacid to DGL and that helped as well. Then I started to feel a dull pain under my ribcage on the right side. It would come and go. Never sever, just annoying. Still have it on and off. Also have pain in my right flank area. I had an ultrasound done of my liver and it was fine. Could it be the gallblader or could it still be gastritis?
Avatar n tn pylori at that time. He put me on Prevacid and I have been on it untill about 6 months ago. The prevacid was no longer working that well so the doctor switched me to Protonix.
Avatar f tn Hello, I am an 18-year-old female recently diagnosed with chronic gastritis. I tried alcohol for the first time when I was about 14 - just a few sips. It was immediately followed by excruciating pain in my stomach. Every time since then, if I have more than a few sips, it feels like I'm going to die. In May of 2009, I started feeling extreme pain and nausea after eating high acidic foods. Then recently (July 2009), after having an upper endoscopy done, I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis.
Avatar n tn Hi, Since January I have been having problem when I drink alcohol. I INSTANTLY retain water and can't pee it out! For years, whenever I drank alcohol I would pee it out all night and even feel lighter the next day. Now, after just a few sips I can feel the water coming on, and I will be a few lbs heavier over the next 2-3 days. It's horrible to not be able to enjoy drinking anymore and I love doing it socially! What can be causing this?
963268 tn?1312900315 Today, I take one Prilosec, 20-mg, and I have no pain. If you have gastritis and are not taken medication specifically for gastritis, your stomach lining can become worst, and you might develop an ulcer. If I were you, I would require your doctor, not his office staff, to confirm whether or not you have/had an ulcer caused by H. pylori? Also, inquire whether an acid reducer like Prilosec, Zantac, Nexium, Prevacid is prescribed for you?
Avatar f tn I'm just about to start treating my gastritis, but want to make sure I'm taking the right thing to fight it. Do mastic gum, DGL licorice, slippery elm, and OTC products like Prilosec or Prevacid, etc. cause loose stools? I'm prone to loose stools and don't want the problem to get worse. Thanks for any help and suggestions!
Avatar f tn I just turned 50 and was having upper right quadrant pain that I thought may be related to being on 4 antibiotics in 2 months, so the doctor ordered both tests. The gastro doc said I had mild gastritis and GERD (even tho I never have heartburn), he removed a benign nodule from my esophagus and said I had diverticuli that were not inflamed. About 2 weeks later I had severe chest pain and heart pounding. Went to ER and everything was OK.
Avatar n tn For the gastritis I tried Pepcid (extreme dry mouth and constipation gas) The doctor gave me the lowest dose of Prevacid and made symptoms worse along with fatigue and anxiety. Don't know what to try next. Have also had the same reaction with Nexium and Prilosec.
Avatar m tn I have been suffering with abdominal pain for about a year and a half now, i had an endoscopy in January 2009 and was diagnosed with mild Gastritis and Reflux, i was given Nexium to take which i took for 4 months and felt better. After a couple of months it came back again but felt worse so i was told by the doctor to go back on Nexium again which i had taken for 3 months and the pain and burning had not gone away.
1176471 tn?1263733305 m a 44 yr old that has been diagnosed w/ gastritis 2 months ago...I had an endoscope done and that result came out that I had gastritis...they tested for h plyori but that came back negative...I am wondering if my symtoms are normal for gastritis...the dr. put me on protonix for a month and said to stop it and see how I do...I still have days that our worse than others..I'm trying to figure out if maybe I have a food allergy which is causing it..
Avatar m tn Hi there was interested to read your story and although I dont have gastritis anymore, I did have last May 08. (My story is under sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, I will just summarise my issue so you can understand where my story is leading). My problems continued on into June and July lst year where I finally had my GB removed, Post-op pain reduced and there was still a niggle of pain so I referred myself back to my GI specialist.
Avatar m tn Hi I am a 29 years old male, been healthy all my life. I don't drink but I do smoke, like 7-8 cigarettes per day, sometimes less. About 2 months ago I started having stomach cramping and chest pain. When it started it hurts so bad I couldn't even eat. After a few days I went to the doctor and he prescribe me a H2 blocker (forgot name sorry).
Avatar n tn i was on three different antibiotics for a bladderr infection and ended up haveing upset stomach and nausea and am still haveing it a month afterr antibiotics gi doc did upper endoscopy and saaid gastritis and acid reflux does any body know if antibiotics can cause gasttritis
Avatar m tn Your symptoms and findings are consistent with alkaline reflux gastritis. The Carafate and Prevacid would be a typical treatment for this. When the medical therapy fails the alternative is a surgical procedure that disconnects the stomach from the duodenum so there can no longer be any bile refluxing back into the stomach. This is a fairly drastic step for a problem that we can't actually prove.
Avatar f tn Recently (1 yr) getting worse. Also horrible anxiety. Feel like I have gastritis and ulcers. Pain always in the same two spots. Worried about stomach cancer because it has gone untreated until now, for like 5 years.
Avatar f tn Zantac.
Avatar f tn I'm a 33 year old female. 3 nights ago, I was woken up by intense stomach pains (right in the bottom/center of my ribs) that felt like they were coming in waves lasting about 3-5 seconds. I was eating Gaviscon tablets all night, which helped for about 25 minutes at a time. I have absolutely NO history of stomach issues or even heartburn. I've been taking Prevacid for 2 days and its helping though I still take Gaviscon liquid in the morning and when I go to bed.
Avatar f tn The medications he is on in Prevacid 15 mg 2xs daily and Ondnsetron 4 mg 3xs daily plus Maalox when needed.
Avatar n tn after taking these i went to see a gi doctor who had helped me in the past with a similar issue and he said keep taking nexxium and prevacid and it would probably go away. well it has been almost 10 mo. now and it has not gone away. i eat low fat, no spices, no acid food and eat plenty of wheat product which i thought helped with digestion. is there a natural product that can help break downs foods so they are not just sitting there rotting?