
Premature atrial contractions in fetus

Common Questions and Answers about Premature atrial contractions in fetus


Avatar n tn Is it possible your daughter has premature atrial contractions and not atrial fibrillation? I am not a doctor but I have not heard of afib described that way and atrial contractions are not a danger where afib could be due to possible blood clots. Does your daughter have an unusually high heart rate keeping in mind children's heart rates tend to be more elevated than adults. An average heart rate for a baby in their first year can be anywhere between 100-160 from what I have read.
Avatar n tn I believ they ae also known as PAC or Premature Atrial Contraction. It's a premature heart beat that initiates in the upper chambers. I've had some of these, and it feels like a skipped beat similar to a PVC, only the "bump" you feel isn't as pronounced. .
Avatar m tn There are occasional premature atrial contractions. There is a single episode of what appears to be a nonsustained atrial tachycardia with a rate of about 100 beats per minute which was somewhat irregular lasting less than 2 seconds. it spontaneously terminated to a regular sinus rhythm. There is a second episode of tachycardia with a rate of 165 to 170 bpm where there is excessive motion artifact. Atrial activity is not clear.
Avatar n tn In a ECG, what does marked sinus bradycardia with premature atrial complexes with aberrant conduction mean?
Avatar n tn VE also know as pvcs premature ventricular contractions and SVE also known as pacs premature atrial contractions.
Avatar m tn almost like a trick question i think. If you are having premature atrial contractions its almost like what came first the chicken or the personal feeling is that it would be possible if combined with a fib and it is slipping in between the episodes....thats my best guess...are you and your colleague sitting in a "rig" right now? I personally think the best person that really is into the total mechanics of the heart to answer this one is Itood....are you reading this Itdood?
Avatar f tn The most common cause of a fetal heart rate irregularity is premature atrial contractions (PACs) that arise from the baby's upper heart chamber and are usually benign. You should avoid caffeine and stimulants and keep well hydrated. If they persist, your doctor will likely refer you to a pediatric cardiologist for a fetal echocardiogram to document the arrhythmia. In most cases, these self resolve.
Avatar n tn PACs or premature atrial contractions are extra beats, premature beats, originating from the upper chambers of your heart. Everyone one has them sometimes at varying frequencies and a minority of people have symptoms with them. Some people are very symptomatic. PACs are not associated with an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Unless they are very frequent and the anesthesiologist is worried about them, they should not affect your surgery.
Avatar f tn There are a variety of reasons for the symptoms you are experiencing including premature atrial or ventricular contractions or an SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) which includes a number of different types (atrial flutter, atiral fibrillation, AVNRT, atrial tachycardia, junctional tachycardia). The first step is to identify what is going on which is often done initially by a standard 12-lead EKG and possibly a holter monitor.
Avatar n tn tired, fatigue, light headed, chest pain, and black out for 4 seconds. Went to heart physicians the summary was Ectopic Atrial Rhythm, Premature Atrial Contractions. Mediacl records also said unconfirmed analysis. I did my research on the stated above and usually says no symptoms beside feeling the flutter and skips of the heart. Why do I have these sypmtoms? I am 25. Female.
Avatar m tn hes so informed about this stuff) but PVCs are Premature VENTRICLE Contractions, and PACs, Premature Atrial other words, skipped, or extra beats, in the bottom (Ventricle) or top (atrial) of your heart. Electrical system of the heart a bit wacky. But my cardiologist tells me PVCs and PACs are totally harmless---and I have thousands a day some days. Harmless, in an otherwise healthy heart that is. Ive been through every cardiac test there is...
Avatar m tn Premature atrial contractions (PACs), also known as atrial premature complexes (APC) or atrial premature beats (APB), are a common cardiac arrhythmia characterized by premature heartbeats originating in the atria. While the sinoatrial node typically regulates the heartbeat during normal sinus rhythm, PACs occur when another region of the atria depolarizes before the sinoatrial node and thus triggers a premature heartbeat.
Avatar n tn Are you talking about PVC's? In the heart it is called Premature Ventricular Contractions, the bottom of your heart contracts an extra beat here and there.
Avatar m tn Sounds like you have premature beats which are classified as either premature atrial contractions (PAC) or premature ventricular contractions (PVC). Very common occurrence, almost everyone has them at some point supposedly. They are completely benign in a healthy heart so almost certainly nothing to worry about. If you just began having them, it wouldn't hurt to be checked out by a doc but PACs and PVCs are generally no big deal and of no concern to doctors in a healthy individual.
Avatar n tn Premature beat are of two types-atrial and ventricular. Premature atrial contractions are a type of premature heart beat which start in the upper two chambers of the heart, also called atria. These aren't as serious as a Premature Ventricular Contraction and usually require no medical care. Ventricular premature beats are extra beats that cause an irregularity or abnormality in the usual rhythm of the heart. These extra beats are known as a premature ventricular complexes.
1282416 tn?1271439654 The abnormal heart rhythms that can arise due to magnesium deficiency include premature atrial contractions (PAC), premature ventricular contractions (PVC), multifocal atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, fibrillation, and Torsade de Pointes. Though many reports suggest taking calcium to magnesium in a 2:1 ratio, several researchers now support a 1:1 calcium to magnesium ratio for improved bone support and reduced risk of disease.
Avatar n tn A typical example is with bigeminal premature ventricular beats, also known as a premature ventricular contractions/complexes (PVC). Following the PVC there is a pause and then the normal beat returns - only to be followed by another PVC. The continuation of this pairing of beats is an example of bigeminy. These can increase depending on the number of beats involved in the abnormal system. If every other beat is abnormal, you can describe it as bigeminal.
Avatar n tn Sinus rythm with frequent, premature ventricular complexes and possible premature atrial complexes with aberrant conduction. Otherwise normal ecg. What exactly does this mean?
Avatar n tn I get PAC's, premature atrial contractions. There are many things that trigger mine like caffeine, too much chocolate, stress, and fish oil. Many people can use fish oil and it helps, but for some of us it aggravates the arrythmia. I use magnesium and it does help me. Nature's Calm is the brand I use and it has made a big difference. Are you on any kind of meds?
Avatar f tn These can come from the atrium - pacs or premature atrial contractions, or from the ventricals - known as pvcs or premature ventricular contractions. The beat from here comes fractionally earlier than the ones from the hearts usual pacemaker cells, and as such the heart fills with a little extra blood which needs a slightly bigger heartbeat to push it through. This is the thump or flip-flop sensation that people feel as a palpitation.