Premature ventricular contractions on ecg

Common Questions and Answers about Premature ventricular contractions on ecg


Avatar n tn A Premature Ventricular Contraction or Complex (PVC), also known as a ventricular premature beat is a relatively common event where the heartbeat is initiated by the heart ventricles rather than by the sinoatrial node (right atria), the normal heartbeat initiator. The electrical events of the heart detected by the electrocardiogram allow a PVC to be easily disntinguished from a normal heart beat.
Avatar n tn No. Normal people have what are called "PVC's" or premature ventricular contractions after drinking coffee, for example. In addition these are electrical events, and though they usually do, they may or may not correspond to an actual contraction. Unless they are excessive (which your physician would have noted) a few here and there are no great cause of concern.
Avatar m tn It looks like you are getting premature ventricular contractions. Bigeminy means you were getting PVCs every other beat (at time). Trigeminy means a PVC every third beat. I get them too. Do you understand what those are?
Avatar f tn A ventricular ectopic beat is an extra heartbeat originating in the lower chamber of the heart. This beat, also called a premature ventricular contraction (PVC), occurs before the beat triggered by the heart's normal function. Ventricular ectopic beats are common and do not indicate a problem in people without heart disease.
Avatar n tn I recently took a stress test and an ECG. The results told me I have left atrial enlargement and while at the treadmill, the test also said that I had "premature atrial contraction immediately after exercise, recovery 4; premature ventricular contraction at stage 5." what does this mean? On a positive note, I have high cardiorespiratory fitness having reached close to maximum heart rate at stage 6 at 13 METS (duration of treadmill exercise was 16.5 minutes).
Avatar n tn Premature beat are of two types-atrial and ventricular. Premature atrial contractions are a type of premature heart beat which start in the upper two chambers of the heart, also called atria. These aren't as serious as a Premature Ventricular Contraction and usually require no medical care. Ventricular premature beats are extra beats that cause an irregularity or abnormality in the usual rhythm of the heart. These extra beats are known as a premature ventricular complexes.
Avatar n tn everything in my echo is normal, my holter monitor says normal though there is a low frequency, low grade premature ventricular contractions occurring singly. what does this mean?my doc told me its normal, but i want to know what are these premature ventricular contractions and why do i have these? my other test are fine except for my hdl total for 206, and low hemoglobin (113), low white blood cells (3.9), low hematocrit (0.35).
Avatar n tn A related discussion, <a href='/posts/show/606918'>right ventricual hypotrphy</a> was started.
Avatar f tn org/conditions-treatments/premature-ventricular-contractions-pvcs-and-premature
Avatar m tn My son 14 years have an Pediatric ECG analysis. The values and analysis on ECG printout are as follows:- Age - 14 years, Height - 65 in, Wegith - 146 lb Vent.
19469268 tn?1478270013 VE total: 8565.... Those are you total for premature ventricular contractions or PVCs. That means about 9% of our year heart beats are PVCs. Follow up with your doctor for next step.
Avatar m tn Patients with three or more consecutive premature ventricular contractions in a row have ventricular tachycardia. Ventricular tachycardia that is prolonged can result in low cardiac output, low blood pressure, and fainting. When I'm exhausted, I ofen begin to throw a single PVC here and there. A good night's sleep, and they disappear.
Avatar f tn I did a quick google search and it appears that "isolated narrow premas" are what is usually referred to as PACs, or premature atrial contractions. "isolated wide premas" are PVCs, premature ventricular contractions. These are also sometimes called ectopic beats. I'll take a stab at this because the way the numbers are presented in a way I've not seen before. What I think it means is: You had a total of 409 PACs.
Avatar m tn You could be having premature ventricular contractions (PVC's), which are common and harmless. You need to see a doctor, though, to find out what is going on. Out here on the internet, we don't really know what your heart is doing. It's probably no big deal, but you need to see a doctor to find out.
Avatar n tn hello doctor my father is having an abnormal ecg stating normal sinus rhythm with occational premature ventricular complexes non specific Twave abnormality .is it a serious thing to consider ,is it an attack symptom what does the changes in t wave do,what is the reason and why is it due to.any immediate medical care is required.
Avatar m tn You didn't tell me what you EKG showed. If it is normal or shows premature atrial contractions, not premature ventricular contractions, the risk of sudden cardiac death is very low, probably similar to the general population's risk. If premature ventricular contractions are present on your EKG then the risk is slightly higher but not high enough to warrant any further therapy other than maybe a beta blocker.
Avatar m tn I was wondering how many people in this club actually suffer from premature ventricular contractions? How often do you get them? If your like me pvc's my be affecting your night time sleep? I'm doing a study on how much pvc's or pac's affect our everyday life styles. I would appreciate any input to help me find a way to cope and deal with my heavy concerns on this issue. I thank you all in advance because I know you've all been so helpful to me in the past.
Avatar m tn Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) tend to be the most common form of a benign irregular beat. Looking at the EKG will reveal a very pronounced "QRS" wave for PVCs. The QRS wave is the biggest wave on the ECG normally, during a PVC it takes on a bizarre profile and is quite noticeable. An example of PVCs can be seen here PVCs are usually benign, occur in about 60% of the population.
Avatar f tn It basically is saying you are having some premature ventricular beats and that your heart rate is getting pretty slow at night. Unfortunately you are not having enough of the premature beats, 193 for a 24 hour period, for a doctor to be too concerned. Do you exercise a lot? Males tend to have slower heart rates than females and exercising can bring it down more. I don't know that 35 bpm is unheard of at sleep but it is pretty slow.
Avatar m tn These extra beats disrupt your regular heart rhythm, sometimes causing you to feel a flip-flop or skipped beat in your chest. Premature ventricular contractions are very common — they occur in most people at some point. Thousands have Atrial Fibrillation of various severity and live with it day in and day out. But you should have ALL the tests to eliminate the sinister possibilities. I would not like it if you were concerned enough to let your mind wander down the sudden cardiac death road.
Avatar n tn A typical example is with bigeminal premature ventricular beats, also known as a premature ventricular contractions/complexes (PVC). Following the PVC there is a pause and then the normal beat returns - only to be followed by another PVC. The continuation of this pairing of beats is an example of bigeminy. These can increase depending on the number of beats involved in the abnormal system. If every other beat is abnormal, you can describe it as bigeminal.
1282416 tn?1271439654 The abnormal heart rhythms that can arise due to magnesium deficiency include premature atrial contractions (PAC), premature ventricular contractions (PVC), multifocal atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, fibrillation, and Torsade de Pointes. Though many reports suggest taking calcium to magnesium in a 2:1 ratio, several researchers now support a 1:1 calcium to magnesium ratio for improved bone support and reduced risk of disease.
Avatar n tn VE also know as pvcs premature ventricular contractions and SVE also known as pacs premature atrial contractions.