
Pregabalin gabapentin conversion

Common Questions and Answers about Pregabalin gabapentin conversion


634733 tn?1316625992 I have heard that Lyrica actually worse that Gabapentin for the weight gain. I have gained a bit on the gabapentin too, but my mother was on Lyric and gained 30 lbs. in a VERY short time. you might want to reconsider it. I donèt know if it is a body type and condition that causes the weight gain, but I have heard it alot from people on Lyrica. Just check it out Pat, and see what your Dr.
1218873 tn?1300091216 Anyway just before we went, I had an dr. appointment. In short he is changing the Gabapentin to Pregabalin which he is asking my GP to over see when I'd returned from holiday. Also did a blood test for sarcoid, as I have had eye problems, he felt this was unlikley but wanted the test done. If that is negative he is refering me to a specialist for botox which will help the TN pain. So I have returned to find a letter from my GP to go and see him as soon as I return from holiday.
1253197 tn?1331209110 So me thinks it is most likely the combinatisom on of gabapentin/amitryptiline that is causing that tummy to stay the same shape. When I was on the trial yesterday there was a lady there having some treatment and she said she switched from gabapentin to pregabilin (lyrica) and this stopped her putting weight on.
Avatar f tn Hi could anyone help me please?
1218873 tn?1300091216 My consultant asked my GP to over see the swap over to Lyrica. So this is the plan. This means to begin with lowering the gabapentin dose by 300mg every 3 days (I'm on 1800mg at the moment) and then when I'm down to 600mg of gabapentin a day I start to add the pregabalin 75mg to begin with then upping it every 3 days till I reach 300mg a day at the same time still reducing the gabapentin to zero. Hope that makes sense.
Avatar f tn Several years ago I developed severe itching, which over a few months spread. It started on the left side below my shoulder blade (notalgia paresthetica), then my scalp, then on the edges of my face, then on my left lower back. Scratching felt good but didn't relieve the itch and irritated my skin. Topical creams didn't help. My dermatologist said my (otherwise sensitive) skin looked healthy. He prescribed gabapentin, which I had to ease into to avoid side effects.
Avatar f tn I am using both gabapentin and pregabalin. Pregabalin gave me some fairly major side effects, some fading within a few doses, others lingering for weeks and a few for the first year! The fatigue and word forgetfulness were the longest lasting side effects, but given the impact of pain at the time, I chose to stick it out for quite a while. Weight gain was another concern.
Avatar m tn This is true of gabapentin and pregabalin which were originally invented for seizures. Pregabalin is similar to gabapentin but has less side effects and often people who can not tolerate gabapentin benefit from pregabalin. However it is more expensive. The same is true for medications such as amitryptiline, which was originally used for depression but is now a mainstay of treatment for neuropathic pain. However, it has several side effects and may not be used in patients with heart problems.
1252153 tn?1269094321 can anyone tell me what Lyrica is and Savella, in england Lyrica is a company who make a drug called Pregabalin,thats what i am on now,been back to doc 2day and he has give me a larger dose of pregabalin.
1039200 tn?1314912008 Has anyone heard of Pregabalin (lyrica) for bipolar or anxiety? - my doctor wants me to try, but I have not heard about it before and would like to know if anyone here has tried it or knows anyone who has. Is it used as a mood stabiliser? - I can't find it on the web site ILADVOCATE recomended me a long time ago, does this mean it's not a mood stabiliser or just a new brand?
Avatar f tn Hello melal, It seems that you are having nerve compression due to the impact on the wrist.
Avatar f tn Hi, so I've been using gabapentin for withdrawal from hydromorphone. I used the hydromorphone to get off of fentanyl which Id been addicted to for 2 years. So I badly tapered of the hydro, and have been self medicating with gabapentin to nullify my withdrawal symptoms (about 2400mg 2x a day is what I've found at this point works best after establishing a tolerance).
Avatar f tn I have recently seen my Neurologist, who has confirmed I am suffering with Anxiety and has suggested I go on a drug called Pregabalin and he has said it will help my sleep problem. My question is has anyone had any experiences with this drug, if so comments very welcome.
Avatar n tn Dear Stukls, Thank you very much for your question. I am happy to address the issues that you pose, although it is important that you recognize that my impression is based entirely on the information you have provided in your posting and is by no means a replacement for an office visit with a neurologist. Diagnosis is contingent on detailed history and physical exam and as such, the following information should be considered solely for educational purposes.
Avatar m tn I was finally diagnosed with the condition after 2 years of trying various prescription topical creams (Elidel, Pramascone, Steroid Creams, Anti-fungals etc.) and oral medications (Pregabalin, Gabapentin, etc.) Is there any procedure I must have done to confirm my condition? Is there any particular specialist besides a dermatologist who would treat this condition? I have been to several dermatologists and most are clueless of the condition.
Avatar m tn Other drugs like gabapentin, pregabalin, amitryptline, carbamazepine are also effective and are relatively safe as compared to nortryptline. For more information visit
Avatar f tn Medications for nerve pain can also help in dealing with the pain, with drugs such as Gabapentin or Pregabalin, as well as some form of anti-depressant therapy which can modulate one's perception of pain. Make sure you discuss all of these options with your doctors before applying them. Regards and God bless.
Avatar n tn Amitriptyline/nortriptyline,gabapentin/pregabalin,minocycline, and dexamethathone. Seeing a neurologist or Orofacial pain specialist who is familiar with management of nerve injury is advised.
603838 tn?1238534975 I have been on a beta blocker (metoprolol) for about 8 years now and I also take Gabapentin to level out my moods. I have read that both of these meds can interfere with conversion of T4 to T3.
Avatar f tn Treatment of post herpetic neuralgia are antidepressants, anticonvulsants (such as gabapentin or pregabalin) and topical agents such as lidocaine patches or capsaicin lotion. Opioid analgesics may also be appropriate in many situations. For more information visit http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar m tn I was finally diagnosed with the condition after 2 years of trying various prescription topical creams (Elidel, Pramascone, Steroid Creams, Anti-fungals etc.) and oral medications (Pregabalin, Gabapentin, etc.) Is there any procedure I must have done to confirm my condition? Is there any particular specialist besides a dermatologist who would treat this condition? I have been to several dermatologists and most are clueless of the condition.
Avatar m tn Question for everyone....I am taking Gabapentin for "permanent" sciatic nerve damage. The Gabapentin works great, aside from the fact that I get brain fog and drowsiness. This drug separates me from pain, however, makes me a zombie! Does anyone know of a drug or supplement that I can take with the Gabapentin to combat the somnolence?