
Pioglitazone and pcos

Common Questions and Answers about Pioglitazone and pcos


Avatar f tn Other newer insulin-sensitising medicines include pioglitazone. This is not currently recommended for PCOS. For certain people with PCOS, a specialist may advise that metformin be taken. However, further research is needed to confirm the role of these medicines in the treatment of PCOS.
Avatar n tn To test the effectiveness of pioglitazone and vitamin E, Sanyal and colleagues at 11 other medical facilities identified 247 people who had severe fatty liver disease. None of the volunteers drank alcohol excessively or was diabetic, but all were overweight or obese. Their average age was in the mid-40s. The researchers randomly assigned participants to one of three treatments — vitamin E, pioglitazone or a placebo capsule — taken daily for nearly two years.
Avatar f tn Study Confirms Benefits of Vitamin E in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Megan Brooks May 4, 2010 — Supplementation with the natural form of vitamin E (800 IU/day) has beneficial effects in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), but pioglitazone's benefits are less clear, according to the latest findings from the Pioglitazone vs Vitamin E vs Placebo for the Treatment of Nondiabetic Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (PIVENS) trial, reported online April 28 in the New England
Avatar m tn Thank You very much for your reply, As I mentioned above, she was given new medicined once she experienced high blood sugar level few weeks back. She was given Metformin (850 mg) and Pioglitazone (30Mg per day). Once she started experiencing low blood sugar level, the doctor stopped giving Pioglitazone and asked to continue Metformin with few other medicines and the my mother was told that she experiencing such low levels of sugar due to Pioglitazone.
1124023 tn?1261539248 ok well i took a pregnancy test about last tues the 24th of Nov. and it was neg. and i have pcos and my last period was on the 16 of Nov. and on 9 the Nov. i took out my nuvaring and me and my husben have been trying,now its the third of Dec. and my nipples hurt and i feel like im a lttle bloated and and ive been peeing ALOT and slight cramps not nipples arent as bad of hurting but they do hurt to touch and itchy sometimes and vaginal secretions (clear) only one day though!!..
Avatar m tn among the two drugs Pioglitazone (Actos) has less sides and also active against HCC but i didn t find a study on its activity against hbsag and hbvdna http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Avatar f tn Just got report from doctor today: testosterone is high (116) but all other levels are normal. I DESPERATELY would like to speak with some of you who have had the same experience. I'm having a glucose and insulin and ultrasound done this week to rule out PCOS. I just need info. I'm not even sure what to ask you guys. I'm not 100% sold on Metformin if I do have PCOS. Does anyone use a different, more natural alternative with positive results?
806995 tn?1265823176 agreed that the '08 metformin study did not make a strong case for adding metformin in all patients, however you might also want to look at a recent Khattab'10 study that looked at adding pioglitazone in geno 4s with HOMA1 gt 2. They measured across-the-board improvement in SVR rates 60% vs 39% significant at 0.04. Geno 4s seem to be particularly susceptible to IR-related effects so this may not generalize.
Avatar f tn I am on hydrochlorothiazide (water pill) and Zocor for high cholestoral. Also take Humalog and Lantas insulin (4 shots per day). Take Prilosec for GERD and a potasium pill. Also on Peri-Colace for stomach problems. Spoke with the Dr. and discontinued all pills for a few days to see if it had any effect and it did not. Still swelling. Right now about 5 pounds of water, by tonight it will be 10 pounds.
603412 tn?1220315536 Hi I was just wondering if there is a link between PCOS and miscarriage? I had a miscarriage a few years back and ever since then I have had nothing but problems with my periods. I don't know for sure if I have PCOS but my doctor suspects it as well as my friends and family. Before the miscarriage my periods were always on time and I never had any pain.
Avatar n tn s anyone else out there who has the two symptoms I have that are not common to PCOS. That is, does anyone have PCOS and is thin? Do you have PCOS and you get your periods like every two weeks? If you are I want to know if you know anything I don't...
Avatar n tn (250,231,222 are the last 3 readings for her Fasting levels,281,274 and 250 the reading for Postprandial) . She has so much tension in her workplace and she is very very tired and exhausted by the time she leaves her work that she cant even stand up.We are very much worried. What should we do? Should we try taking Piogliit again? She follows a strict diet regime, has a good excercise regime also.She also takes supplements like Dprotin. Pls guide us.
1160836 tn?1332330169 This is very helpful to us all who hve PCOS and want to BF. thanks girls for all the info.
1418727 tn?1282487078 Hey ladies, thanks for your response. I am on Synthroid 75mcg, I do not have PCOS, nor endomatriosis or enything, I do have another vaginal US on monday so we'll see but the US showed nothing before, and I don't have any PCOS sympthoms either. Just my AB for my thyroid are really high, that is the only thing that is wrong.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago, and none of my nurses told me until I looked on the paper and saw for myself.... The stuff they tell you and the stuff you read is more than discouraging about Conceiving and losing weight and being normal. I'm close to giving up.
1238554 tn?1339420116 to answer ur question though YES all these symptoms could be related to pcos, pcos will usually make u gain weight and the skin color changes are usually due to hormone imbalances, as is the anxiety. i too have horrible anxiety with panic attacks, it does get a lil better once u get the pcos under control, loosing weight will be the most important thing! the best advise i can give u to do that is avoid sugar, carbs such as white bread pasta potatoes ect.
Avatar f tn I have pcos and pregnant. 14 weeks. I've had some spotting and sharp cramps when I cough or sneeze sometimes, but nothing much. Keep in contact with your doctor. Ask them of you're bleeding a lot. Another girl I once knew who had pcos, and was diagnosed during her pregnancy was put on bed rest because she was bleeding too much.
Avatar f tn ve been reading a lot about Vitamin D and Calcium and how they are helpful regarding fertility and PCOS (I just googled Vitamin D fertility pcos). In fact, my sister's friend is an endocrinologist (not a reproductive one though) and he just went to a conference about PCOS and that's where I found out about it - apparently Vitamin D is low in PCOS patients and very beneficial to fertility. The calcium is generally lower too, and you need calcium to properly process the vitamin D.
557911 tn?1225980644 He said that cholesterol isnt always high, but it has been associated with it and he thinks that mine is because of the PCOS. My total is fine but the bad is high and good is low. My free testosterone is too high as well. I don't have the cysts though, which really surprised me.