
Pancreatitis blood oxygen

Common Questions and Answers about Pancreatitis blood oxygen


1036334 tn?1274029591 s been in ICU since and he cant eat they feed him through tubes and about on wednesday he had breathing problems and now is friday and he has been set up on an oxygen machine.... WHat is happening?? what could the problem be??? how severe is this problem???? i need answers can some one help me PLZZZZ!!!!!
Avatar f tn Also has anyone ever had normal blood levels with pancreatitis?
415678 tn?1205970902 I have been tested with the clothespin on the finger machine. My blood oxygen was 52-54% (I was walking up and down the hall quickly for this test). I am told I have low blood oxygen. I also have Wegener's that has been in remission since 1999 (and is still negative). My lungs are clear - according to x-rays and CT scans. What could be the cause of my low blood oxygen and what can be done for it. I am 55 years old and female.
Avatar n tn My body has adjusted to low blood oxygen I work full time and lead a reasonble life,is it best to leave well alone even though I am very breathless and must admit am getting a bit worse or try steroids as has been suggested.
Avatar f tn Is it normal for an infant who is congested to have a lower blood oxygen level during sleep?
757137 tn?1347196453 Well, that is a tricky one to answer. In some cases it can actually lower your O2 levels to dangerous levels, even very mild exercise. If you are in an asthma flare, it is not recommended that you exercise. If you do, very mild exercise is recommended. In general though, aerobic exercise increases lung function which will raise O2 levels. God bless.
Avatar f tn My chocolate lab "Skip" is about 10 years old and developed pancreatitis for the first time. We took him to the doctor he never vomited or diahrea until the day after he got to the vets office. His amalyse was high like 8000 and his glucose and white blood count low but we got an ultrasound to make sure not cancer. He started to show improvements with the IV and antibiotic. Now a week later he is starting to decline and the vet has tried everything.
Avatar f tn Ask your doctor to do a blood test for amylase & lipase levels.
Avatar m tn Will low blood oxygen levels make blood pressure go up? If I walk for 15 minutes at medium speed and then rest for a while my B.P. reading has been as low as 117/ 76 . Yesturday at my physical my resting bp rate without prior walking was 138/90. Blew the physical .Should be 80 or less. Whats the matter. Im on bp pills and am reducing and on low sodium eating plan .
1770279 tn?1321073078 Oxygen won't help improve the amount of oxygen delivered to the body tissue. The issue is your red blood cells which perform this function have been reduced. So you need to have more RBCs to improve the situation. Red blood cells are the principal means of delivering oxygen (O2) and nutrients to the body tissues via the blood flow through the circulatory system. They take up oxygen in the lungs and release it while squeezing through the body's capillaries.
Avatar f tn I am not familiar with diverculitis but I do know elevated lipsase and amylase is a sign of pancreatitis which can come from many things like meds, cystic fibrosis, genetics, alcohol, or high tryglicerides. Did you dr mention this?
Avatar f tn Is there anyway that all four tests and blood work missed liver disease and/or pancreatitis?
Avatar n tn It sounds like your husband has at least pancreatitis based on CT, but it is unusual that the other blood work was normal. Usually pancreatitis presents with elevated amylase and/or lipase. Significant weight loss is concerning for cancer. Jaundice, dark urine, and light stools would also be concerning if present.
Avatar n tn My question is does this mean I have chronic pancreatitis or can you not tell on a MRCP? Does the duct dilatation set off an inflamation of the liver and pancreas and cause the pancreatitis pain? Also can the duct dilatation heal on its own in time? I have no desire to undergo an ERCP as I've heard such nightmare stories from people who have undergone but yet I'm so tired of not feeling good and having pain and just would like to feel good again. Thanks for your help.
Avatar f tn When you say her blood oxygen is 82 or 83, is that at rest or when ambulatory? Is she capable of dressing herself, bathing herself, etc.? As for smoking, that is a bad idea. Smoking while using oxygen is even worse. A nurse told me recently of someone blowing herself up doing that.
Avatar n tn I have had ultra sound, upper GI, Endoscopy, CT scan, MRI, MRCP. Hida Scan, back xrays, and all the lab work, that includes blood test for pancreas and liver. They did find two side branch lesions about 1 cm each in the pancreas. The radiologist and my pancreatic specialist said they need to be monitored and no real concern at this time. The endoscopy found mild gastritis. All other test are normal.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed yesterday in the ER. They found through an abdominal ultra sound the tail is enlarged. I have a family history of pancreatic cancer. They request I do further testing. Is pancreatitis something you can get rid of or is it something that kind of hangs around and "flares up"?
Avatar f tn Dogs, like humans, need a certain amount of fat for good nutrition, but sudden spikes in fat can bring on an acute case of pancreatitis - particularly in a dog who has already had it. Chronic pancreatitis is darned difficult to manage in humans as well as dogs. Please post back and let us know what your vet has to say about the urine sample and your dog's general condition.
Avatar f tn Day 1 chihuahua acted weak and crawled alot with spazuming under left rib cage. Moved around alot would lay in one spot. Day 2 threw up several times. Then threw up bile and brownish tinted blood. Took him to vet was put on "doggie finigrin" gave 3 shots 1 for stomach 1 pen 1 vitamin b12. Gave Ice chips and medicine every 4 hours. Day 3 vomited white foam mixed with what looked like a raw egg cracked into a cup minus the yoke. Will not eat absolutely anything.
Avatar f tn WHY WON'T ANYONE ANSWER MY QUESTION????? In February I had an amylase level of 170, then in March it went up to 179. So they did a cat scan and ruled out pancreatitis. I have no gall bladder, no pain anywhere, and the liver is fine. NOW IN APRIL the amylase level is 189 and the lipase test is 59. My gastro doctor said he isn't concern and he would retest my blood count in July. OK???? Isn't blood work done to alert doctors there is a problem.
976897 tn?1379167602 If I begin jogging, my leg muscles will obviously draw more oxygen from the blood being supplied and so the ratio of oxygen/carbon dioxide in that area will be very low. The muscles will struggle because the oxygen level is insufficient. I always thought there was a sensor at the base of the brain somewhere which reacts to the acidity level of blood, giving an idea of whether we should breathe faster or slower. But what actually tells arteries to dilate and in particular areas of the body?
Avatar n tn On this blood oxygen level issue - I went in for a colonoscopy last week and when I was in recovery it was noticed that I had low blood oxygen levels. The friend who was with me said that they would remove the oxygen mask and watch the levels immediately go down to an abnormal level, then go right back up when the mask was replaced. They said I should have this checked out so I do plan to ask my doctor about it when I go in next month.
Avatar m tn I have recently had an assessment for my shortness of breath and was told that I have 55% oxygen in my blood! what does this mean? This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Respiratory-Disorders/Low-oxygen-levels/show/739332">Low oxygen levels</a>.
Avatar f tn you are correct, cat food, being richer, has set off his pancreatitis. As you know acute pancreatitis can be a fatal event. It can also be transient. no one knows how your dog will do. Medications will decrease the severity of this event and sounds like if you get him over this you have managed his diet very well. I'd like to see his pancreatic work up and treat him to get him over this quickly and so that it does not progress further.