
Omeprazole and zantac together

Common Questions and Answers about Omeprazole and zantac together


Avatar n tn I've had GERD for years and yes it seems to get worse during pregnancy. I'm 36 weeks now and it's bad. I have prescribe Protonix 40mg and I also wI'll have to take Zantac some days along with it. Try asking your Dr. about Protinix instead if you have worries. Try not to worry and stress your GERD can flare up. Good luck on everything.
Avatar f tn would you say its safe to mix Zantac 75 and omeprazole..??
Avatar m tn Can you please tell me if you can take Nexium 40mg. and Zantac 75mg. together or on the same day. My GI doctor has me on Nexium 40mg. and my PCP wants me to take Zantac 75mg. at night before I go to bed. Is it safe, and can I take it with Xanax 1mg. I have GERDS and Barrett's Esophagus. And they both think it mjght be causing these little pinpoint pimples in my mouth, tongue, and throat.
1088529 tn?1256844030 I've just started taking zantac, and I don't know if I'll have any side effects, or if my regular symptoms (stomach pain, upset stomach) will become apparent or come back. My question is this; if I get nauseous, stomach pain, upset stomach etc. as a side effect or other, can I take tums to calm my stomach down? Or will it just make things worse? I can't talk to my doctor because (a) don't have an appointment and (b) am too young to drive there or get an appointment myself.
Avatar f tn I take Nexium 40mg which is class b. I took it with my first 9 years ago and taking it now and im 37 weeks. Zantac, and tums didnt work for me either. ask your dr.
Avatar n tn pepto is not safe. it has bismuth in it and that's not good for the baby.
Avatar n tn The GI doc has me switching off omeprazole (prilosec) in the morning and ranitidine (zantac) before bed. Switching the two helps and of course watching what I eat and drink, Right now I am uncomfortable from my dinner - the giant milk shake was a bit too much milk and sugar for me. I have no saage advice for this one.... but can definitely commiserate.
Avatar f tn Thank you. So, I go in for another liver enzyme blood test in a month. I guess I should stop taking both omenprazole and zantac until then? Is that what you would do? Thanks.
Avatar f tn If it quits working then switch off of the H2 Antagonist drugs (zantac, pepcid etc) and go to the PPI (omeprazole etc) as they are much stronger and instead of reducing stomach acid they turn it off altogether.
Avatar n tn Take some OTC antacid like Mylanta. You can also take zantac(ranitidine)or prilosec (omeprazole).These will help. Also keep your fluid electrolyte balance optimum by drinking lots of fluids. If the symptoms worsen then it may be due to H.Pylori infection. You need antibiotics in that case after prescription from a physician. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar n tn Prevacid, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex, Zantac, and Pepcid are all used to treat reflux. You can ask you doctor who will know best which one is least likely to cause you dizzyness.
6778631 tn?1396407123 Anyone taking Omeprazole and milk of magnesia on occasion for acid reflux????
Avatar n tn t take plavix in the morning and in the evening take lopressor 50mg and lipitor 80mg. I had been at least 4 hours since i took these two medication lopressor and lipitor. Is it ok to take zantac 150mg for heart burn .
8960138 tn?1407673893 I have had heartburn for over a year now,i think i might have something more severe,i waz taking zantac 150,then i found something that worked more better,Omeprazole Magnesium(compare to preacid) but now that am pregnant i dont kno what to take i stop taking everything,and my heartburn is killing me alive,i cant sleep i cant eat or eat anything..and i heard tums are the only thing a preg woman can take..but those work only for 10mins then i start again =""((...
9663463 tn?1407525554 Milk and tums. Don't lay flat on your back and try not to lay down right after eating.
Avatar n tn I'm taking omeprazole(prilosec) and have been since I was about 16weeks I couldn't eat or drink even water it was so bad I didn't wanna take any medicine either but it was so bad and the Dr assured me it was safe.
Avatar n tn my 14 weeks baby girl weighing 12 pounds spits up at least 3 to 4 times every feed (4 feeds per day) and she burps many times as well and she gets all cranky and fussy while burping or spitting.. She doesn't cry excessively but she just seems annoyed and we need to keep distracting her..
9487829 tn?1404261279 My heartburn got to be a daily problem for me and my Dr prescribed Prilosec (Omeprazole generic name) and it works for me!
Avatar f tn I take 20 mg of omeprazole a day, carafate 1 g 2xdaily, and Zantac 300 at bedtime. I have cirrhosis with hepatic gastropathy and my stomach is a mess. My transplant hepatologist said it was better than a bleed. Better check.
Avatar m tn I have the same problem. Doctor said I have Larygophargeal reflux. My throat was all swollen. He prescribed Zantac I also take Omeprazole. It's not working got worse.
Avatar n tn I have diagnosed GERD, hiatal hernia, gastritis and reflux that aspirates into my lungs. I take either Zantac or Omeprazole, depending on how I feel. My liver doctor says that many hepatic patients take them and with my diagnosis I need to stay on medication. I worry because I do not want extra stress on my liver, but also know that I have another health issue that needs medication. Believe me, I have tried every and all non reflux medication options and they do not work for me.
Avatar n tn In addition to what LivinginHope said first and then I wanted to add I was on Zantac 150 for about 4 months and I had no side effects at all. I have a benign arrhythmia (PACS) and so it depends on the person and if you take it long term. I have to go back on it again. But my doctor said not to stay on it all the time. Rather, to stay on it for a while then go off and on. But, I would definitely report this to your doc.
7797471 tn?1397188658 I'm 35 weeks and started taking Zantac. It's been my savior since tums wasn't helping at all. Highly recommend it.
Avatar f tn Then I took more Zantac, woke up crampy and nauseous, ate some cereal, now I am lightheaded and my stomach hurts and I need to eat something else but I'm afraid to. Could the Zantac be messing with my digestion and making me feel worse?
Avatar n tn I finally took Zantac, since i was relying on tums and they would stop working after 15 minutes. Eating too many tums is bad, and just changing my diet hadn't helped since even water gives me heartburn.
Avatar f tn I tried GasX it doesnt help much. but I'm ok now after 2 days of burping.