
Omega 3 hdl ldl

Common Questions and Answers about Omega 3 hdl ldl


Avatar m tn Eating foods rich in the good omega fatty acids, such as omega 3 is good for your blood vessels also.... things like freshwater fish, flaxseed meal, walnuts, macadamias, almonds, and pumpkin seeds.
Avatar f tn All you probably need to do is alter your diet to increase beneficial and neutral fats, and lower harmful fats and simple carbs such as sugar and white flour, which turn to easily oxidized fat (LDL) quite quickly. Raising your HDL a bit will help prevent oxidation of the LDL. Basically, less animal fat, more fish fat and other omega 6 fats, fewer omega three fats.
Avatar f tn Avoid foods that contain saturated and Trans fats as they raise LDL cholesterol and damage your blood vessels. Nuts, fish and other foods containing omega-3 fatty acids are helpful in changing your LDL cholesterol to HDL cholesterol ratio. Adopt lifestyle changes. Exercise daily and avoid smoking and alcohol ingestion. These all will help. Do keep me posted. Best luck and regards!
Avatar n tn That could make a difference. Good news is chocolate especially dark chocolate raises HDL along with Omega 3. Buy omega 3 eggs and salmon is very good at raising HDL.
422924 tn?1331764319 t think you should go any lower on your LDL unless you have heart disease or some major risk factors. Also, your HDL is great as well. You can increase it with Omega 3 fatty acids like fish oil. Also, staying natural with fruits and veggies and staying away from processed foods will help your LDL if you do need to lower it. Overall, I think your numbers are great, nice job!
Avatar m tn What will be the specific diet to rise HDL level and also low VLDL & LDL level?
Avatar m tn Your numbers are fine. Your HDL is low but so is your LDL so the two cancel each other out. You may want to talk to your doctor about adding some omega 3 to build your HDL, other than that you're good. As far as your tri's go, you may want to take a fibrate, ask your doctor. Tri's are easy to control by cutting your sugars and empty carbs like breads and pastas.
Avatar m tn Your HDL can be raised further by consuming fish with omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon), consuming moderate amounts of red wine or increasing your aerobic exercise.
503607 tn?1275671579 When I dropped beef from my diet my LDL went down from 126 to 106 and when I stopped eating pork the LDL went down to 76. Recommended LDL for myself is 100 or below. Dark chocolate, salmon with the omega 3 raise HDL levels. Your HDL levels are low. The HDL should be in the 50's. Medication can help raise the HDL and lower the LDL.
Avatar n tn Salmon, dark chocolate raise HDL levels. Look for Omega 3 in your foods. For men the HDL is lower than for women. You should try to get your HDL at least in the thirties if not higher. You can ask your doctor about fish oil also. A good multi-B vitamin is good for the heart and nervous system.
Avatar m tn Fish oil pills are an excellent way to raise your HDL and lower LDL due to the high content of the Omege 3 fatty acids that they contain. Anything that has a high Omega 3 content will have this effect, such as flax seed. Most commercial eggs are commonly high in Omega 6 fatty acids due to the fact that they are raised in cages and eat the seeds of plants that have a high Omega 6 content. Omega 6 fatty acids have the effect of raising LDL levels in the blood.
Avatar n tn m betting you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Hdl levels increase with aerobic exercise, and also Omega 3 fish oil will raise hdl levels as well.
Avatar m tn then add daily to your time - always ask your doctor first to be safe Lose weight if you need to Stop smoking if you do Cut out the trans fatty acids - 1) reduce the fat intake to 30 - 35% of the total calories in the diet - but probably no lower than 25% of total calories Avoid Alcohol Increase the monounsaturated fats in your diet - try to eliminate saturated fats and trans fats from the diet, and substitute monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats instead Add soluble fiber to your diet Also
Avatar m tn Well aerobic exercise, losing weight, avoiding saturated fats and taking mono-unsaturated fats helps raise HDL levels. Other than this omega-3 fatty acid supplements and niacin can also help raise the HDL levels but ask your doctor before starting this. Take care! The medical advice given should not be considered a substitute for medical care provided by a doctor who can examine you.
Avatar m tn Instead of going for supplements, try eating Fish like sardines, mackeral & salmon which are rich in Omega 3 fats & lowers LDL/Triglycerides & increases HDL. You can also eat walnuts & Flakseed. These have worked wonders for me. I had a CABG done 4 months ago and I have made sure that my HDL & LDL levels are with the required parameters.
Avatar f tn m not sure of the meaning of my ratio. which is 2.8. My HDL is 72, LDL is 114, Triglucerides are 96. I swim daily, but I do have MS and about 28 years ago was told I have Mitral Valve Prolapse, which I don't take anything for and also have no symptoms. Can you tell ,me if my ratio is good or not. Thank you.
Avatar m tn Your Total and LDL are great. Your HDL is low but can be increased with exercise and Omega 3 fatty acids. You can lower your TGLs by avoiding empty carbs like sugars, breads and pasta. Also, if you drink, cut way back as that will increase TGLs. If that does not work there is a class of drugs called Fenofibrates that are very effective and have no side effects so you can ask your doctor about those. FYI, a TGL of 256 is really not all that high.
Avatar n tn I think the internet is the worst place for me as since getting my cholesterol tests back i am a wreck and have not been to work.. My total was 148.. Triglycerides were 52. Ldl was 100 but the hdl was only 37.. This has thrown me into a tizzy thinking I am a walking time bomb as keep reading all about hdl hdl.. I am 37 years old, do not smoke. i don't eat any fish , nuts , eggs .etc.. the doctor told me not to worry, said take some omega 3's and it will go up..
Avatar n tn As with many people, taking medication to lower cholesterol seems to do them both, LDL and HDL. It isn't easy to get HDL raised and it has been reported that the following can help. Exercise. but this must be aerobic gentle exercising, not exhausting marathons etc. It is important to note the length of exercise is more important than the intensity. Certain foods, especially fibre helps many people. oats, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, at least 2 helpings a day.
Avatar n tn I was very shocked at the outcome. Their LDL was in the high normal range, but their HDL (the good chol.) was shockingly low. My oldest son, 11 1/2, who is not very active due to mild CP, was around 24 and my youngest, 8, who bounces off the wall, plays sports, rides his bike and runs and plays everyday, was 11! They have a healthy diet for the most part. I think we're like most American families, eat at home 75% of the time and eat out the other. They both take a multi-vitamin.
Avatar n tn Hi, you dnt have to worry about it,even if it's 37,just equal to your age ;) back to hdl u can just continue eating sardine and tuna,if u replace butter and vegetable oil by olive oil it would be good too,look at the food u buy,wherever u find things that contains omega 3 it would help u to raise the hdl..and again,it's not that dangerous. best regards.
Avatar n tn Limit or eliminate all processed foods Eliminate all gluten, and highly allergenic foods from your diet Eat organic foods whenever possible to avoid exposure to harmful agricultural chemicals such as glyphosate Eat at least one-third of your food uncooked (raw), or as much as you can manage Increase the amount of fresh vegetables in your diet Avoid artificial sweeteners of all kinds Swap all trans fats (vegetable oils, margarine etc) for healthful fats like avocado, raw butter or coconut oil T
Avatar m tn I have my LDL down to 79, HDL 54, and triglycercides 35. I did it with diet. Eat salmon for the omega 3 and to raise HDL levels. Eat fresh organic vegetables, brown rice, fruits. Eliminated beef from my diet 13 years ago (and prime rib was my favorite). Eliminated pork from my diet for 1 year, the LDL and triglyercides dropped more but became anemic so started eating pork once or twice a month now. My iron's up to 16 now. Drink plenty of water for energy and to avoid feeling tired.