
Neurontin and gad

Common Questions and Answers about Neurontin and gad


Avatar f tn I have high anxiety (GAD) and have suffered from it for many years. I wish she would just give me something that would work immediately, because I hate feeling this way!
Avatar f tn While pregabalin, known as "Lyrica" in the States, has unlabeled uses for GAD and SAD, (Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder) it is primarily prescribed here for fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain associated with peripheral neuropathy. Nowhere can I find that it is beneficial for sleep problems, although one of it's side effects IS "fatigue," I don't think that is the desired effect for a sleep aid.
Avatar f tn I have recently began having GAD and a few panic attacks. I am used to the tingling in my chest and back. This time around I am getting a very uncomfortable kind of stimulations in my genitals. I have been checked for a UTI and vaginal infection. Both negative. This sensation is all-consuming. Any body else with this problem? I am on Celexa and Neurontin. I tapered off Klonopin about four months ago. I am having problems on a daily basis for the last two weeks. I am barely functional.
Avatar m tn Then, about 2 ½ years ago I had a near-psychotic meltdown, mostly about the devil and evil spirits, and was diagnosed with OCD and prescribed Anafranil and Zyprexa, which helped with the irrational thinking and obsessive thoughts a little. Between now and then, I have been diagnosed with OCD, Social anxiety disorder, GAD, major depressive disorder, ADHD, and most recently, aspergers/high functioning autism.
Avatar m tn Then, about 2 ½ years ago I had a near-psychotic meltdown, mostly about the devil and evil spirits, and was diagnosed with OCD and prescribed Anafranil and Zyprexa, which helped with the irrational thinking and obsessive thoughts a little. Between now and then, I have been diagnosed with OCD, Social anxiety disorder, GAD, major depressive disorder, ADHD, and most recently, aspergers/high functioning autism.
Avatar m tn told me that Lyrica is more widely used for anxiety than Neurontin. Neurontin is used for major depressive order off label. Lyrica is really effective for GAD.
Avatar m tn Mannitol could be an issue since it is an osmotic diuretic agent and a weak renal vasodilator. The amount of mannitol in Copaxone is small and absorption Gabapentin (Neurontin) should be used carefully in patients with renal impairment due to possible accumulation and toxicity. It has been linked with liver toxicity. Provigil is metabolized by the liver and excreted in the urine. Have they looked for an independent cause?
Avatar n tn I´ve been having serious problems with GAD for years now, and it has always been charactarazied by lots of psyical symptoms. As of late things seems to have escalated tremendously, and I am now at a point of more or less not being able to get out of bed. For some reason my physical symptoms seems to be worse on my left side (non-parkinsonian tremor and stiffness of fingers).
Avatar f tn My personal oppinion is that SSRIs shouldnt be prescribed for anxiety disorders anyways, because they rarely work, and if they do its usually paired up with a benzo like "Klonopin" to outweigh the side effects of the SSRI. So in true messures, the Benzo is actually working for you, and the SSRI is just creating more of a problem later. all SSRIs act as a type of stimulant, or have stimulant properties, which only aggrivates a persons anxiety, not help it.
1041243 tn?1375230520 I have ocd, gad, and moderate depression (all have been formally diagnosed). A week ago my psychiatrist stopped my 200 mgs of zoloft and started me on luvox 50 mgs a day for the first two weeks then 100 mgs a day there after. A couple days later I started expiriencing major withdrawal symptoms, severe anxiety and panic (more so than usual), insomnia, and some slight agoraphobia (I don't like to leave the house, but I will if I need too) and even stronger ocd symptoms.
Avatar m tn I take nexium for the GERD and fiber for the IBS and nothing for the GAD. For months now I have been having daily nausea and much worse heartburn and diarrhea than usual. I have pain on the left side of my throat, a feeling like something is stuck in it, feeling like I have to swallow multiple times to get stuff down and the occasional gag when it feels like my throat is closing off when I am trying to drink something. I am also frequently hoarse and my voice cracks.
567489 tn?1297250714 If you get a chance to pipe in, please do - I will check the forum in the morning before I take my meds, and leave for the MRI. They are doing the MRI on my brain and C.Spine to see if the copaxone is doing its job - I've been having some new symptoms and increased pain so after my neuro appt last week, the MRI was ordered. So bottom line - any opinions about whether I should skip my neurontin before the MRI tomorrow?
Avatar m tn Like if you have to do a big presentation or speech and are nervous-- people can take this and it gets them through that. This seems like a very odd choice for generalized anxiety disorder. Clonodine is a drug for lowering blood pressure but it has gotten other indications of anxiety and panic disorder. It probably isn't used as a first line med though. So, again, this brings me around to wondering if you've been on other medications previously and what the result was.
Avatar f tn They should wait a minimum of 5 min before doing the T1 scans post-GAD. Some centers will give you the GAD and then do the last T2 scan (which will take more than 5 min) and then start the T1 post-GAD sequences. Since GAD will only show up on the T1 sequences, this is considered an acceptable procedure and you don't have to wait in the bore doing nothing for 5 min.
Avatar f tn My psychiatrist is thinking about it for my anxiety, since nothing is working since a terrible and weird and untreated Paxil withdrawal four years ago. And to the poster, she says it's okay to take with klonopin, if that's any help, since I'm on klonopin and asked her about that.
Avatar m tn Hopefully there will also be some intensive therapy to help you drill down and find out why you have the GAD, and/or give you some tools to deal with it without medication (or in addition to medication). The bottom line is a very thorough consult with your psychiatrist, and the attitude that this situation requires serious attention. In the end, the cure is IN YOU.
Avatar m tn Is there anyone out there suffering with GAD and if so do you always seem to feel unusually tired and cannot concentrate well?
Avatar m tn It does happen that one grows 'used' to the drug and it takes a higher and higher dose to receive any medical benefit and often at the risk of increased side effects, You say that you tried an antidepressent----- I'm wondering how long ago. There are medications available now that work really well for GAD and have a favorable side effect profile. The duel receptor types of medications that work on both serotonin and norepinephrine-- SRNI's.
Avatar f tn I started counseling and that has helped alot, but I also ended up back at the doctor and she put me on flouxetine 20 mg, I must say the first 2 wks I felt very down, but my body stopped acheing and the chest tightness went away and the constant fear and worry have gone away, it has now been 24 days since I started the medicine and I feel like I am back to my old self again. I have a 2 year old and I knew I needed to do something.
Avatar n tn I have recently wanted to stop the medication and it is proving to be a problem. I cut back to .125 mg and my symptoms of anxiety and depersonalization are coming back. It has been about four days. I have two questions: Do I tough it out and see what happens is it just withdrawal symptoms or are these my underlying syptoms of GAD? Should I just stay on the medication because I can function with it and it makes me feel better and for how long?
1880256 tn?1322569908 Well so far so good your on the right path to recovery. Stick to the plan, I too take zoloft and it has helped before and it's helping me now. The only thing I can include for u is to keep learning about anxiety symptoms and keep us posted the more u learn the better you'll be able to manage your anxiety.
Avatar m tn I have GAD and have had it all my life.. I had an extremely acute 2 year period and am getting much better etc. I was given the option of SSRI's but preffered to try and live with it.. I have to drive to Nebraska and so one of my many phobias fears is Thunderstorms and Tornadoes etc. So am trying to get past this by educating myself and so I can face my fears. I would love any feedback help.
Avatar m tn I am going to school full time and comute 90 miles a day which stresses me out alot, So in other words when does everyone think I will get a little relief from GAD and maybe some possible ideas to help with the poor concentration parts of the GAD. Thanks to whomever read this.
Avatar m tn It seems lately as if I have been really angered and more pissed off with people around me.
Avatar n tn I have heard of links between gluten and autism. Many doctors suggest gluten free diets for children and adults with autism. However, I haven't heard anything about GAD and gluten free diets. Doesn't hurt to try I suppose!