
Narcolepsy emedicine health

Common Questions and Answers about Narcolepsy emedicine health


535822 tn?1443976780 The long-term health damage caused by the great H1N1 swine flu scam "pandemic" of 2009 -- and particularly the mass vaccination campaign that accompanied it -- is already becoming apparent in the form of an autoimmune disorder.
Avatar m tn s often misdiagnosed or goes undiagnosed for 3 to 15 years. When will health professionals WAKE UP to the REAL narcolepsy? This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Undiagnosed-Symptoms/laughing-makes-me-faint/show/327198">laughing makes me faint</a>.
1287446 tn?1313947638 Hi everyone. I am not familiar with Narcolepsy or sleep disorders in general but my sleep has always been different. Typically, I fight daytime sleepiness with caffeine. In prior years, the caffeine has been a lot but I’ve lowered it significantly.
Avatar f tn Julianne Mann, MD, Resident Physician, Department of Dermatology, Oregon Health and Science University Coauthor(s): David J Elpern, MD, Consulting Staff, The Skin Clinic this article on emedicine is quite comprehensive. It would excellent to bring with you for doctors appointments. You need to register to view (free to register). Once you do, just search on Brachioradial Pruritus.
1745492 tn?1320198340 My husband was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy about 5 years ago and the narcolepsy is under control with 200 mg of Provigil. He had hypnogogic hallucinations, body jerks when falling sleep, imaginary conversations with no one, talked in his sleep, fell asleep driving, talking and even in activities you'd never imagine a male would fall asleep. He appears to always have had it since about puberty but it got worse as his sleep apnea did.
Avatar f tn Hi there! I too have narcolepsy and sleep apnea as well. I also have hypothyroidism due to surgery. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go back on cpap therapy. Any form of even mild apnea will make your N symptoms worse especially when you use xyrem. I currently take adderall. My xyrem is on hold again until my thyroid levels come back to normal. What I've come to realize is that due to the amphetamines my body metabolizes my medications extremely fast.
Avatar f tn // She has a hard time staying awake during the day without medication. This is called type 2 narcolepsy as well. My sister in law as I said takes medication that allows her to be functional during the day and go to work and drive and all of that important stuff.
1704625 tn?1310708761 Hello, everyone, I am fairly new to medhelp, and the sleep disorders community. I have narcolepsy, and was diagnosed about 4 years ago, or close to that. I was wondering if anybody else who has been diagnosed is still in denial after that long, questioning....maybe it's something else?! I can't believe I have narcolepsy.
Avatar f tn ve already been diagnosed with Thyroid Hoshimotos, and on top of that Narcolepsy, the most commonly associated symptom of Narcolepsy is excessive daytime sleepiness, which probably why you been dx with Chronic Fatigue as well, the constant level of fatigue could genuinely account for the cognitive issues you've been experiencing.
Avatar n tn The other concern (and it often goes hand in hand with addiction and substance abuse problems) is mental health. Severe depression can cause someone to be lethargic and stay in bed. Lastly, what about narcolepsy. There is typical and atypical. Both can cause someone to sleep inordinate amounts of time. My sister in law has atypical narcolepsy and she takes medication to keep her up for about 9 hours to go to work and then she is in bed the rest of the time.
149081 tn?1242397832 Also, I’m somewhat familiar with Narcolepsy and know it’s in no way a mental health issue. Any dr suggesting so also needs to be reconsidered. Because you had a TT, and because there could be other issues arise for you in that area, I would stick with seeing a clinical endocrinologist. They are the ones, among drs, who have the broadest licensing to order needed testing for thyroid disease.
Avatar f tn I am diagnosis with narcolepsy and have had symptoms for 5 years now. I have been taking 500 mg. of nuvigil for over 2 years. Plus, 60 mg of adderall a day. My symptoms have slowed down a little, but I have to take 2 naps a day and not drive anywhere. I have sleep studies twice a year and it seems to get worse each time. Its very aggravating to me! It seems like something would help. I see a team of specialists at Vanderbilt, but I need something else, but what? Anyone have any suggestions?
Avatar f tn I have Narcolepsy- My vitamin B 12 level is 235- should it be higher for my condition?
Avatar f tn Although the pt has RLS and PLMS, the arousal associated with these do not likely explain EDS- given a short overall sleep and REM latency, consider narcolepsy clinically. I had 156 arousals, 110 spontaneous, the rest due to limb movement. I also spent most of my sleep time in sleep stages 1 and 2, whith REM episodes scattered randomly. I had no time in stage 3, and when I had REM sleep it was from wake to REM with no progression through the other cycles.
Avatar n tn The combination of this study and my first MSLT nap study produced a perfect pattern for diagnosis of Narcolepsy. Has there ever been a study to look at the coorelation between the 2 diseases. Would many CFS sufferers be classified narcoleptic if they took the appropriate test? Narcolepsy leads back to hippothalmus and lack of production of hypocretin/orexin(?). Seems like all things lead to hippothalmus. Thank you!
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with narcolepsy approx. 5 yrs. ago. I haven't gone for another sleep study since, nor has my doctor seem to ever remember that I have narcolepsy. I am his only patient with narcolepsy, and if I ever end up in his office, it seems like he always forgets that I have narcolepsy. I don't believe he has a good understanding of this. Any suggestions. I am in the process of trying to switch my doctor, but in the meanwhile, I have been more tired lately than usual.
Avatar f tn i was wondering if i should be tested for narcolepsy, or if diagnosed with narcolepsy would they prescribe me to something similar to adderrall? if this were the case, being tested would not matter much if they would give me the same medications anyways. I just dont want to be misdiagnosed and on the wrong medication for the rest of my life.
Avatar m tn If it is arteritic then large doses of oral cortison are needed to get the sed rate down. The section on emedicine is especially good. If its non-arteritic there is no treatment for the eye problem and visual recovery is usually good. Again emedicine entry is excellent.
Avatar f tn I was recently told I have Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. I am a 74 year old Female and I am taking 20mg of Ritalin SR in the AM and 25mg of Imipram for the cataplexy in the PM. I get about 2 to 4 hrs sleep and the rest of the night I toss and turn. My Dr. told me she doesn't give meds for her patients to sleep. I am concerned about not sleeping and then taking Ritalin to keep me awake during the day.I feel my health will be affected. Is this the normal way to treat my condition?
Avatar m tn s a very complicated disease and not easy to describe. I suggest you do internet search on WebMD or emedicine and see if you have any further questions. Starbursts are not a common symptoms in AZOOR and more suggestive of cataracts, cornea problems, need for glasses or new glasses RX or macular problems.
Avatar n tn Sometimes he sleeps sitting up. I heard he could have developed narcolepsy or distroyed heart muscles or valves. When he got into rehab I was told he had about 24 hours to live, his heart had slowed and breathing. His arms swollen and he was urinating brown. He also had a blood infection heading for the heart. How will I know what tests can be run to find out if he has damaged anything? How long does it take to get back to a normal life?.
Avatar f tn feeling I have also had enormous trouble with sleep-which has just been diagnosed as Narcolepsy with Cataplexy, which could explain some of the fainting spells. I have had 5 lumbar punctures, which have indicated elevated incracranial pressure (ranging from 19-24 opening pressure), but the CSF fluid all came back clean-0 cell count in the fluid). The headache was temporarily relieved following the spinal taps, but only for about 24 hrs.