
Nail fungus under acrylics

Common Questions and Answers about Nail fungus under acrylics


Avatar f tn What are your thoughts on having acrylics or getting a gel manicure while pregnant?
Avatar f tn I am a nail technician. I'm 33 wks pregnant. No pregnant woman should be using acrylics during pregnancy. Those chemicals are highly toxic and am an cause cancer of the cuticle and nail bed! I do gel nails and all my products are non toxic and odour free.
Avatar f tn I have a bruise under my left big toe nail, it covers almost all of the the toe nail area. It doesn't hurt like a bruise normally does if i put pressure on it and it never has. I don't know exactly how long it has been there as I had painted my toenails and due to my back problem it was easier just to top up the varnish than to remove it, so I first noticed it approx. 9 weeks ago. It has never hurt, I have no idea how it happened! I don;t remember banging it or anything.
Avatar f tn Hi Doctor, I got an appointment with a podiatrist and asked him his opinion on nail polish. He said that the reason why nail polish is a 'no-no' is that it traps moisture under the nail and can cause fungus!!! Yuck~!
Avatar f tn Maybe you should try gel nails. Acrylic fumes can go right through a mask. I am a nail tech and only do gels. I don't even like doing fills for someone with acrylics while pregnant, because of the fumes from filing acrylics.
1430129 tn?1283281475 I have a nail fungus that I've dealt with for nearly two years. I have had my doctor prescribe cream, I also took Lamisil (spelling?) I went to the dermatologist with my son yesterday, and he told me to file the side of my nail with the fungus all the way down, he said in order to get rid of the fungus that's in my nail, I have to get rid of that part of my nail. Is this true? I also think I have a fungus on one of my toenails.
Avatar f tn The vinegar will only work if you file down the nail bed, because the trick is you have to get under the surface of the thick nail bed. The fungus is gone and has never come back. I would recommend against taking the prescription because insurance companies think that this is a "cosmetic" issue and won't cover the prescription. Clearly it is something more, but this is the way insurance companies think, and they're the ones holding the purse strings.
Avatar n tn I used to be frequent nail-biter, but I recently changed jobs, and the lowered stress fixed that problem. However, now that my nails are getting longer, a couple of them became very itchy underneath. I noticed some loose skin under the nail,almost like a dried, peeling blister. I doesn't hurt, but it's annoying...
Avatar n tn Presuming it is actually a fungus, there is a problem because it is under the nail. Outside, on the skin for instance, you would just use Vick's-Vapo-Rub (believe it or not). Getting under the nail is a problem. There are systemic anti-fungals, but my husband did not have much luck with that. He kept painting the nails and pushing stuff under (as far as he could). I think it is pretty well gone now, but it took a long, long time.
Avatar m tn the fungus now has a great area to thrive. cut all the free nail back. apply Lamisil cream (over the counter) to the area daily. if you don't see improvement, see your podiatrist.
Avatar n tn growth, it appears about 6-8 months of new growth under the old nail. As I said, the new nail is approx. 75% to the end of my toe, while the old nail has reced from my cuticle area about 20%. I DO have a habbit of spending ltos of time on my feet wearing shoes too tight for me, and letting my nails grow too long...and when i clip my big toes my shoues would feel worlds better the next day. Emberasssing, but the truth.This stopped about 8 months ago..
Avatar f tn I still get acrylics done and I'm 37 weeks. The trained nail techs learn things like that and if they see danger in it they should tell you at the salon. All I know is done salons don't do pregnant women's pedicures. I think you're fine.
Avatar f tn Ahh I have the same habit! That's why I always just get acrylics. Lol. I've heard that sally nail polish that makes nails stronger is real good. You should try it.
4194487 tn?1370046144 So I quit my job after three years, there was a no nail polish/acrylics rule. All I want to do is paint my nails, is it okay to paint them even though nail polish has that strong smell? And acrylic nail shops smell even stronger, is it safe to sit in there and get your nails done? 10 wks pregnant. Thanks !
Avatar f tn Ok well i have a doctor's appointment today so I'll ask her
Avatar f tn You are probably talking about phathalates, which can be very bad. I found this CNN article that talks about phathalates being in (well, jsut about everything it seems) cosmetics (it isn't required to say "phathalate" anywhere on the package, if it does it might say DBP), however, it does say that nail polishes are fine, here is the link to the article (this particular article is 8 years old though:
Avatar f tn I'm 5 weeks 4 days and when I was removing old acrylics after soaking them i got the taste if acetone in my mouth a lot from using my mouth at times. Will my baby be okay or what should I do???
Avatar m tn Fungal infection in toe nail needs long term treatment. The nail is the most difficult from where the fungus can be eradicated. You need take anti fungal tablet for at least 9-12 months. The entire nail plate takes 9-12 months to be replaced so you need to take this tablet for long time. No topical drugs only will be effective. Please talk to your physician for this. Wishing you good health.
Avatar n tn I was okay trying to control(possibly) the fungus on my toes and my thumb and index fingernails. Now it needs like what my wife is having(black dot on her thumb) now resembles what I had once upon a time. I don't want her to fight with fungus. I did see a dermatolgist yesterday and she said my toes are likely fungus-related but she had I didn't have enough nail for samples. Prescribed me Penlac(sp?) and asked me to go back when the toenails grow out... I am so confused now.
483814 tn?1214311480 Itook a diabetic syringe and filled the sharp tip smooth , and cleaned out under the infected nail and twice a day just inject a little of the solution under the nail . It took 10 months but when the old infected nail was gone ( trimmed off ) i continued for about 2 more months and its been a year since and no problems .
407029 tn?1253992623 kimmy, Never got my fingernails done but get my toes done a couple times a month. I bought a pedicure kit when I found out I was hepc positive which I take with me everytime. That way, no exposure on either end. It had never occurred to me before I knew I had hepc that this was a possible form of transmission. I don't let them use the tools that required "digging around under the nail".
Avatar f tn In theory yes you can get a fungal type infection under nail varnish but you would have to be pretty negligent to the state of your fingers to do so. If you are wearing several layers of varnish and it starts lifting instead of just flaking off it would be a prime site for an infection, most peoples varnish just flakes off and even if it did start lifting most people would just strip off the whole varnish. So the chances are pretty rare.
Avatar m tn He prescribed a urea nail stick to aid with the fungus like matter under the fingernail. I keep it trimmed back to allow for new nail growth, but it gets to a certain point and develops this gross looking end to it. Any idea why it's taking so long for the nail to regenerate, or is this an indication of a possible underlying cause?
Avatar f tn wanted to get my nails done before my due date which won't be for awhile. I wanted to get shellac nail since I can't do anything with fake nails and don't wanna scratch my little lovely on accident. Plus I thought shellac because I won't have time to do them myself and they won't get ugly. My question is that is it safe to go into a nail salon while pregnant? Currently I'm 26 weeks.
Avatar f tn I did not realize it was actually a vein until I tried to file it down smooth and it bled. I do know I have somewhat of a nail fungus as well because the nail has been peeling for several years. Not think and yellow though. My podiatrist want to remove the nail and biopsy the area. Not sure what to do about this. He says with Lamisil for 90 days, the nail will grow back healthy. Any thoughts?
Avatar f tn s in your polish. You can google the bad chemicals in some nail polishes. Something to consider with your newborn though is that acrylic nails & long natural nails harbor bacteria. It's more difficult to wash your hands well. NICU nurses are not allowed to wear acrylics in most healthcare settings.