
Methadone use in pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Methadone use in pregnancy


Avatar n tn This means that it is not known whether buprenorphine and naloxone will be harmful to an unborn baby. Use of buprenorphine and naloxone during pregnancy may cause withdrawal symptoms in a newborn baby. Do not take buprenorphine and naloxone if you are pregnant or could become pregnant during treatment. Contrary to what you may have heard methadone is not safe during pregnancy, it is actually more dangerous to a baby than heroin. I am not sure why doctors prescribe it but they shouldn't.
1825630 tn?1317572157 its not good for the baby, talk to your Dr.
Avatar f tn there are people who take methadone though there whole pregnancy because the risk of with draw is worse for the baby and there babys can be born fine and methadone is synthetic heroin so im sure if you were to quit now your baby will be fine im sure oxys are not as bad as methadone
Avatar n tn is there anything that will boost my energy. i am going crazy just sitting or laying around. i use to be active until i used methadone. the methadone helped my habit i had but i also feel it drained me of my energy. please help if you know anything. i'm eating all the protein i can really don't have much of an appitiate anymore. thanks.
Avatar m tn Methadone is one of the best pain relievers..not saying best one to be on for long term use as it is addictive...but throwing in a drug like tramadol makes no is not a very good pain releiver plus it is addictive as heck due to its narcotic like qualities and its anti-depressant qulaities/offers very little pain relief for the risk if u r an addict no... 2 weeks on trams is ok to flush those puppies down the toilet..
Avatar f tn CT is not an option for most during pregnancy and lots depends on the dose and time of use. If u r having issues tapering, do u have a friend u can hand them to to dole out to u daily? I see u flushed them? Flushing can be a great release and a way of letting go, taking back control of ur life. I just dont think i wld do it while i was pregneant. A slow taper is best. U r where u r. Is there any one of ur doctor';s u can talk to? I admire ur will power...
Avatar f tn Opiates are safe in pregnancy they don't cause birth defects this includes methadone which is used as a form of pain management not just for drug addicts. There are some risks of baby having withdrawal at delivery but this can be handled easily especially if your OB knows about it prior to delivery. Keep taking your meds as prescribed if you stop cold turkey it can lead to miscarriage or stillbirth.
Avatar f tn I would not use methadone in pregnancy at all. I used heroin up until i was 30 weeks pregnant, then sought help and the doctors from the sub clinic and hospital agreed to put me on subutex, all agreeing it is the safest choice. My habit was also huge and my baby suffered no withdrawls from the subutex. Guaranteed if you go on methadone, your baby will almost certainly need fenabarb when he/she is born because of withdrawls.
Avatar n tn hi i need help, my sister is 8 months pregnant, is on methadone and was just perscribed promethazine,cyclobenzaprine and zolpidem are these safe drugs to mix with methadone and pregnancy? she did just recently switch doctors for unexplained reasons..
Avatar f tn today i want another baby in the worst way and although my experience was ok and my son has no problems and is a healthy boy who you would never know he was a methadone baby i will not get pregnant again on methadone. that is just a choice of mine. it was tough having him in the hospital. that choice is up to you. if you do everything you are suppost to chance are our baby will be fine, but they still dont know years down the road if there could be any problems from the methadone.
Avatar f tn Most ppl go to these clinics to get off drugs and I can understand this, but not for such a low dose of hydos. I know one time in my town they did a sweep and took everybody off Methadone that was not using it for Bone cancer or ppl coming off H. However, now days they are prescribing it more for pain because it does have longer legs. They try to keep it down to 3-10mg a day and this depends on your pain level. I am SO glad that you stopped this before it got real bad.
Avatar f tn Most physicians have little to no experience with (or much knowledge of) methadone and how it works and especially methadone and pregnancy. A doctor must hold special licensing to prescribe methadone for opiate addiction, and have the appropriate opiate-substitution training to do so. Therefore, you may not always get the current or correct advice from a general physician or OB-GYN. Your methadone clinic can't steer you to an OB-GYN with the correct addiction training.
Avatar n tn I feel very strongly that methadone is not the best choice for drug treatment during pregnancy. I am sure you want what is best for your baby and so do I. Methadone is an opiate, very long acting one and very addictive. You are still opiate dependent and if you continue to be on methadone through your pregnancy, your child will also be born opiate dependent. Your baby will be in withdrawals after birth and will have be spend time in the Neonatal ICU to go through those withdrawal.
Avatar f tn medications, meaning they are known to cause harmful and possibly fatal birth defects on a fetus, the are not recommended for use in detoxifying pregnant women.
Avatar f tn I would rather stay on oxycodone during the pregnancy than switch to methadone. much harder to quit, much longer withdrawals, and this will affect baby as well....I'm on pregnancy #4 (child #3, my first was a miscarriage) and with all three pregnancies I've had to take pain meds, including oxycodone at one time during my first two pregnancies for kidney stones/other problems....and both of my babies are fine and healthy.
Avatar f tn After putting alot of thought into it, I decided to stick with my taper plan & just deal with what comes my way, I was really leaning towards going onto sub yesterday but after a nomal nights sleep I came to the conclusion that it,s just not gonna happen, I do believe that sub is a much safer & better choice versus methadone, but I am so, so, close to wrapping this thing up, I mean geez, Im at 1mg & so close to having my life back that I dont want to ever put my body thru even the sl
1947400 tn?1324310774 I am 3 weeks into clinically dispensed suboxone films(8mg twice a day). I was on methadone for 2 and a half years (also thru clinic)and tapered down to 28mg. I am wondering, how long until I think about starting to taper? I am 2 years clean and sober(have a sponsor,attend meetings regularly,AA+NA). I just know that the clinic that I go to would LOVE for me to go forever- I am tired of having to be physically dependent to a substance. Any help would be much appreciated.
Avatar f tn Tramadol may cause life-threatening addiction and withdrawal symptoms in a newborn.
Avatar f tn I feel very strongly that methadone is not the best choice for drug treatment during pregnancy. I am sure you want what is best for your baby and so do I. Methadone is an opiate, very long acting one and very addictive. You are still opiate dependent and if you continue to be on methadone through your pregnancy, your child will also be born opiate dependent. Your baby will be in withdrawals after birth and will have be spend time in the Neonatal ICU to go through those withdrawal.
Avatar f tn I just found out that I'm about 9 wks pregnant. And I use heroin. I'm just gonna stop using. Does anyone know if this is safe? Can I just stop at this point? I just want to stop before I do anymore damage to my unborn child. I don't want to use methadone or subs. I know I can wean myself off. I've done that before with success. My only question is, which would be the better and safer solution at this point of my pregnancy; quitting cold turkey or weaning myself down?
Avatar n tn Hi! Congratulations on your pregnancy. I, too, live in MA & an 3.5 + mos. clean off Methadone/Subutex. I'm familiar with both drugs. Suboxone is listed as a Category C drug (adverse effects in lab animals.) Methadone is considered safe for pregnancy. Since you are already on it, your OBGYN might want to switch you to Subutex w/o the Nalaxone in it. Here are some links: (Buprenorphine warning) http://en.
Avatar f tn I have been a methadone user for over 9 years now, With my first son i was very stupid & went cold turkey. I wasn't on methadone then just the herion, But thank god my son was fine no w/d. Anyway with my second so 7 years later i was on methdadone & i was on a high dose 90ml a day. I got down to 20 ml a day & was told that most woman that get down to 30ml a day have very little problems with there baby's going through w/d.
Avatar n tn I think the tenuous FDA approval of subutex/suboxone and methadone (for pregnancy) explains the confusion about it's legitimate use for pregnant women. As far as I am aware, both suboxone/subutex carry a Class C classification for use during pregnancy. A Class C rating is described by the FDA as follows....
Avatar f tn when i was using methadone the same way as you have been doing they specalist in the hospital (i am a diabetic type 1) decided to keep me in so they could make it more comfortable for me. i was given diazapam and tramadol to help ease the discomfort but even with these i was still unbelievably uncomfortable and felt extreamley irritable. but i did come off it quite suddenly. after i left hospital it took me about 5 months before i felt like me again. your sleeping is going to be F**cked.