
Metadate ritalin

Common Questions and Answers about Metadate ritalin


Avatar f tn I don't think that I can help much but do note that OCD and ODD are both anxiety disorders. Often children who suffer from extreme anxiety display ADHD symptoms, but in fact, do not have ADHD/ADD as severe anxiety can mimic this disorder. It appears the Zoloft works - which is a SSRI used for anxiety disorders. I googled the drug "Metadate" and it appears to function similar to Ritalin so I suppose there would not be any reason to change to this drug.
Avatar f tn They started and currently have him taking Zoloft 25mg and Metadate 10mg, they are not working. When he takes the two together whether at the same time or at separate hours he is worse off then when we started. It seems like they counter act each other. If I give him just the Zoloft, then he is fine, his anxiety is down and less violent, but climbs the walls and has to be given a benadryl to calm him down.
383943 tn?1217722721 Did she get evaluated by a psycholigist or developmental doctor that specializes in ADHD? If she has ADHD, the first medication that you should try is Metadate CD or Ritalin. Start with a very small dosage such as 2.5mg or 5mg. If it does not work because it is not enough, keep on increasing the amount very slowly until you see that she is doing well. I am not familiar with celexa. If it is a stimulant like Ritalin, the dosage sounds too high.
Avatar n tn Adderall is not the only medication. You might you doctor to try a different medicine such as Ritalin or Metadate CD. These are still stimulants, but in another family of stimulants. Good luck.
Avatar f tn My 9 year old son hs developed a tic, I believe, from taking ritalin for atention deficit disorder. He did well all year in school, and I stopped giving him ritalin one month ago when school ended. It seems he has developed this tic of rolling his eyes after stopping the medicine. Does anyone have any advice? We have tried many different medicines- concerta, metadate, all wioth severe side effects with my son, so do not want to keep trying defferent medicines.
Avatar n tn You can expect that any of the psychostimulant medicatins, such as Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate, Focalin, Adderall, to name a few, might well help him re: any nyperactivity, inattention or impulsivity. Such medications will not have an influence in the other areas of his functioning. Any of these medications should be employed only if a careful diagnosis of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has been reached.
744777 tn?1235089263 Vyvanse is in the same family of ADHD drugs such as Anderall. Maybe you can try the Ritalin family, including Metadate CD. By the way stimulant drugs, such as Vyvanse, Ritalin and Metadate, seem to make the PDD / Autism and Anxiety symptoms worse in some children. If the Ritalin / Metadate does not work you could try Stratera, a non-stimulant type medicine. Good luck.
Avatar f tn Stratera is not a very good medicine for focus per what I have read. I assume that you tried Ritalin (slow release), Anderall and Metadate CD. These medicines are slow release stimulants and help more with the focus issues of ADD. Usually, the doctor gives Stratera only after trying stimulants and assuming that these do not work. Why Prozac at such a young age? Why mix medicines? If you find an ADHD medicine that works, the ODD might also be eliminated.
Avatar n tn I do think that you need to see a child development peditrician or child psychiatrist that specializes in ADHD. Was he formally diagnosed with ADHD by a child psychologist or specialist, other than a pediatrician? Pediaticians are usually not qualified to eveluate ADHD. I am also surprised that your doctor would tell you to up the medication if the medication is causing tics.
Avatar f tn If it is metadate CD it is an Extended release capsules (Metadate CD). If it is metadate ER it is a Sustained release tablets. I really doubt if he is on the immediate release tablet as that would be a huge dose at his age. Your doctor should have made you aware of what he is on - as this is confusing stuff. If he is having trouble sleeping at night I would try cutting back the dosage - as even in the CD or ER form, it is a fairly high dose for a 6 year old.
1020229 tn?1251471842 if she has a diagnosis, the first line of meds that these specialists usually try is a stimulant such as Ritalin or Metadate CD. Get another doctor (specialist) and get her formally eveluated. If she does ADHD, ask for a stimulant such as long acting Ritalin. You also need to make sure that she has a cleas diet with no sugar, no artificial sweetner, no artificial color, no preservatives and cooked from fressh ingredients. Make sure that she gets lots and lots of sleep.
Avatar f tn Most doctors usually start children on a stimulant medicine such as Ritalin or Metadate and not Tenex. Talk to your doctor about stopping this medication and trying a low dosage of Ritalin. On the other hand, five is a very young age to have a diagnosis of ADHD. Most doctors are reluctant to give a diagnosis of ADHD until past the age of seven and only at the age of seven and eight do they prescribe medicine for ADHD. Children mature alot between five and seven.
Avatar f tn Talk to your doctor about trying Metadate CD instead of Ritalin. It is the same medicine but the distribution is not the same. It seems to be milder. You might also try to reduce the dosage by opening the capsule, taking some of it out and closing the capsule again before you give it to him. It is a small dosage, but it might be too much for him.
Avatar f tn Many kids do not sleep well when on these type of long lasting meds. You might be better off with a shorter acting medicine such as Metadate CD (8 hours only) or Ritalin and maybe a lower dosage. At 5 years old, it is very hard to get the right medicine and doasage to work. Make sure that you have a good doctor and you are communicating with him/her. Be patient and give your child lots of positive rewards (verbal and otherwise).
Avatar f tn They started and currently have him taking Zoloft 25mg and Metadate 10mg, they are not working. When he takes the two together whether at the same time or at separate hours he is worse off then when we started. It seems like they counter act each other. If I give him just the Zoloft, then he is fine, his anxiety is down and less violent, but climbs the walls and has to be given a benadryl to calm him down.
Avatar f tn The first medicines that he should try are medicines such as Ritalin or Metadate CD. These medicines are called stimulants and usually work better to control ADHD than Tenex. Go back to an ADHD expert doctor and try a different med, if there are no other medical reasons with your son.
Avatar n tn He does ok on Metadate CD but he seems a little zombie like with no emotion and not very social when on Metadate. I believe that it is why the doctor suggested a different med. Thank you for your comment.
Avatar f tn If he really has ADHD, have you tried to give him Ritalin only? Usually Metadate CD (slow release version of the Ritalin ingredient) seems to work better for children than immediate release Ritalin. You can also post on the "expert behavior" forum to the doctor in charge of that forum. Give him examples of the behaviors that your grandchild shows. Also tell him which major city you live close to.
Avatar f tn Strattera is not a psychostimulant. Ritalin, Metadate Anderall are. Strattera is anothr type of medicine for ADD that doctors usually use when the stimulants do not work. Strattera rate of working is not as high as stimulants.
Avatar n tn Finally I decided to put him on ritalin . He would get extremely moody at the time he came home from school. He would take his med at 8 am at noon. In the summer I stopped it but he still had troublrein school with being figity. The teacher claimed it helped. In third grade the teacher said he was disorganized figity. Therefore put him on ritalin again in November but had ta take off in December. He would be so emotional I was so afraid. He seemed extremely depressed.
Avatar m tn I am not a doctor or specialist, but you sound like you have ADD or maybe PDD NOS with ADD. Have you tried any ADD meds such as stimulants (Ritalin, Metadate or Adderall)? If you have not and you are not against them (some people are) you should see a ADD specialist doctor who can evaluate you for ADD and if he agrees you could try one of the ADD meds.
Avatar n tn Talk to her docotor about trying another med such as Stratera (non-stimulant) or Metadate CD another type of stimulant. I have a friend with a boy who takes Metadate CD. They tried Concerta and it did not work for the school at all. He was very restless and hyper. At home he was fine at the end of the day. So, the way this boy's body metabolized the med was different and the benefit of the med was late in the afternoon. Metadate CD works better for this boy during school hours.
Avatar f tn If he is formally diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, the first medication that the doctor tries is a stimulant such as Ritalin or Metadate (assuming no medical reasons to avoid the stimulant such as heart disease). Did your daughter try one of the stimulants? Stratera is not a stimulant. It usually is given to ADD children that tried the stimulant route, but the stimulant did not work. Tenex is not a stimulant either.
Avatar n tn , Concerta, Ritalin, Adderall, Metadate, etc.) all have the potential to suppress appetite. This in itself is not always a problem. It becomes a problem if it leads to persistent weight loss. Strattera is a treatment for ADHD that is not in the psychostimulant family of medications. It does not suppress appetite and is quite an effective medication, particularly for those children who are inattentive but not hyperactive.
Avatar f tn my 7 yr old has been on the metadate CD for 2 yrs now and I am pleased with it. It is a very good medicine. She had tried the adderall, but it didnt work for her. so she was put back on the metadate.
574101 tn?1245537020 If this does not work, make sure that the correct meidicine is provided to him for ADHD (most of all for hyperactivity). These ADD/ADHD meds are stimulants such as Ritalin, Metadate and Anderall or non-stimulants such as Stratera. You need a child psychiatrist or child development pediatrict doc to correclty diagnose him. These type of specialists usually do not make house calls. Make sure that you have the right doctor before you medicate your child. He might not have autism.
Avatar f tn t know about abilify he has also been on concerta, adderall, metadate, ritalin and focalin he had reactions to all those especially the focalin he started hallucinating so now he just takes the risperdal and he also takes tenex at night.
Avatar f tn I suggest that the medicine is not the right medicine or it is not enough. I assume that he is taking Metadate CD (8 hour slow release) or something similar such Ritalin? If so, you need to ask the doctor that prescribed the med if you can increase it. You should increase by 5mg at a time until you see that it is enough and it is working. For example, after you talk to the doctor, you would increase the dosage by 5mg (you might have to divide the capsule) for about 4 or 5 days.
Avatar m tn I hlave a question, does metadate cd show up on drug screenss and if so what could cause a false negative.? I gave my son his metadate at 6:30am, and at 11am they said he tested negative for it.