
Meloxicam problems

Common Questions and Answers about Meloxicam problems


Avatar n tn Both Doctors were puzzled and would never acknowledge that the use of Meloxicam was the root of all of my problems. But, I suspect that it was, since I was perfectly healthy before starting the Meloxicam (with the exception of minor back pain in the morning associated with osteoarthritis). Also, I made an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon after all of my tests came back normal from the Neurologist and Primary Care Physician.
Avatar n tn meloxicam is a nsaid....
Avatar m tn I was told today by my awesome insurance company that they will not cover Celebrex. I have been on meloxicam for many years. I'm on day 25 norco free and working with my pain management doctor on non narcotic relief. I thought this maybe a good choice but the insurance company disagreed. Any opinions on arthritis relief options. I have liver issues and I'm tested every 6 months. I also have stenosis, 2 bulging discs and one that has been detached.
175688 tn?1297556647 My wife is pregnant and is taking meloxicam for breathing. She is also having problems sleeping. Can you take both meloxicam and a sleep aid that is safe for the baby? I really need to find this out, hopefully by tonight.
Avatar f tn Has anyone heard of Meloxicam helping with w/d from opiates, such lortabs? I went to the doctor for some issues that I had been having and decided to reach out to my doctor for help getting off these bad boys. He perscribed Meloxicam to help with some the withdrawal symptons. I have to say this stuff, which is just an anit inflammatory will helps with the symptons. It eleminates the hot, flush feeling which is most annoying. It really does help.
Avatar m tn ve got me on Plavix, Aspirin, Iron, Tenormin, DocQlace, Hydroco/Apap for pain. Was prescribed Meloxicam, but not taking it because of what I read about it and bypass surgeries. Would love to get some sleep.
Avatar m tn Since lupus can affect the internal organs, I would take her to see another rheumie until you find one that will try something other than or in addition to an NSAID like meloxicam. (I also take meloxicam, but in conjunction with three other meds for RA that go after the disease process itself, not just treating the symptoms like meloxicam alone). Blood work is only one of many diagnostic tools, not the yes-or-no definitive answer.
11026756 tn?1451826527 It all started when I got a neck spasm and desperate to try anything I went to a chiropractor to get my neck fixed seeing as I didn't know what my problem was I just had bad pain. Now I am experiencing weird neurological symptoms a whole month after almost and im freaking out.
Avatar m tn Can you take meloxicam and later a couple of Advil? I was prescribed meloxicam for my arthritis and it does not always help me..
Avatar n tn I have been on Meloxicam for about 4 months and have gained 20 pounds and i feel swollen. I am also on highblood pressure meds. I just quit taking the Meloxicam. Does anyone know if the weight goes away? How long does it take for bloated feeling to go away?
Avatar m tn I got x-rays and was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis in my big toe joint and on 9-18-13 I started taking Meloxicam (Mobic). The 1st two nights of taking Meloxicam I felt achey at night and had a fever of about 100- 101. That went away for a while, but then started happening again now every night from about 10-1-13 to now 10-11-13. I get a slight fever at night (100-101) and sweat bad all night long. Bad enough to where the sheets are wet. I usually lose about 3 - 3 1/2 lbs.
Avatar m tn I have ulcerative colitis for a few years, I been in hospital a couple of times but the last time i was in it was due to the pain killing drug meloxicam for joint pain. I am almost sure celelbrex is in the same family, so to speak, as meloxicam.. I ended up losing the lining of my stomach. I had had a problem with anti flams for a while and i new i couldnt take celebrex as i had terrible cramps in my stomach.
Avatar f tn Is there anyone who is taking Meloxicam that would know how much aspirin is in it? I am allergic to aspirin and just read the printout from the pharmacy. Can't call my dr till Mon. and think maybe I shouldn't take it. On the other hand my dr knows I'm allergic to aspirin. Hoping someone may know.
Avatar m tn I have gained a considerable amount of weight will taking Meloxicam. Once I stop taking will the weight come off??
1044813 tn?1370494406 Thanks for the suggestion, and we will certainly look into adding that.
1252901 tn?1271131868 I broke my ribs about 10 months ago. I have been on 5mg vicodins since then. I have changed doctors and she won't prescribe the vicodin anymore. She prescribed me meloxicam (normally used to treat arthiritis?). What can I expect from this drug? Is it stronger and does it work better than prescription-strength naproxin? What kind of side-effects does it have? Does it affect your mood like vicodin does? I'm just wondering about other people's experiences with this drug. thanks.
Avatar n tn Is it possible that Meloxicam could have eased my depression? I was on Meloxicam for a couple of weeks (for back pain) and noticed a huge improvement in my mood. Was this just a coincidence?
Avatar n tn cant even attempt to do a straight leg raise. Finally seen a doctor who take new insurance. Gave me meloxicam claimed tendonitis. 2 months of nothing but meloxicam,rest,electric stim, pool workouts, and massage. I had minimal healing/recovery. I decided to try eccentric strength trainiing as it worked for my hamstring tendon. and its known for achiles tendon. Its been about 3-4 days and i already feel much much better. anyone else had similar issues/advice on this topic?
Avatar m tn I’m in my mid-forties, and have a lot of medical problems that keep me in constant pain. Some of the things I’ve been diagnosed with include osteoarthritis, bone spurs, fibromyalgia, sciatica, lots of torn cartilage in my knees, lower back pain, COPD, anxiety attacks, depression, PTSD, and, well, you get the picture. My primary doctor and my neurologist have me on a lot of medications.
1305767 tn?1361192676 Is it safe to take ibuprofen in the same day as Meloxicam? I take 15 mg of the Meloxicam in the morning for pain but need additional pain relief later in the day and I know that both drugs are NSAID so I don't want to accidentally overdose.
Avatar f tn t think I had that , also mild back flow of left heart valve. Treatment was a shot of cortisone in each hip and priscribed Meloxicam 1 day for 6 weeks this all helped a great deal.
Avatar m tn ve been prescribed Meloxicam/Mobic for the pain and inflamation. The data sheet that came with the prescription details some pretty nasty potential side effects. I normally don't have too much trouble with meds but this stuff is potent. What have been your experiences with this med? I'm also on Paxil, 10mgs per day, and Methlyne, 15mgs per day, for the depression and anxiety problems. Thx in advance for all your replys. Thom.
Avatar m tn My non narco drug that I found to work really good for my back pain is called meloxicam I think that's how u spell it it's just the generic of mobic andbis just an NSAID like motrin or naproxen just a good bit stringer is what my doc told me and it works wonders for me so that's another one to try
1550149 tn?1340000730 In a search for an answer to your side effects question I also did some looking into the prescribed Meloxicam. Some of the side effects of Mobic (meloxicam) are problems with vision or balance and headaches. Sorry I could not be of greater assistance. Please discuss your SX with your prescribing physician. It may behove you to try an alternative pain medication to see if your SX will decrease or resolve.