
Meloxicam nsaid

Common Questions and Answers about Meloxicam nsaid


1305767 tn?1361192676 Is it safe to take ibuprofen in the same day as Meloxicam? I take 15 mg of the Meloxicam in the morning for pain but need additional pain relief later in the day and I know that both drugs are NSAID so I don't want to accidentally overdose.
Avatar n tn I also have high blood pressure and take Ibuprofen (which is like meloxicam as its an NSAID), I was told to drink MORE water so that the Ibuprofen doesn't make the blood pressure worse. Its some sort of chemical thing, a pharmacist told me once. Ever since then, my blood pressure has been so much better. Good luck to you.
1044813 tn?1370494406 Sure, we can add Mobic/Meloxicam to the Pain Tracker for you. In the meantime, please use NSAIDs, since meloxicam is a type of NSAID and this is already available on the tracker.
175688 tn?1297556647 So glad to hear from you! The Meloxicam is an NSAID much like Ibuprophen, just stronger, kind of like the 800 mg Ibuprophen. It should help quite a bit and has absolutely no potential for addiction, so its a great choice! I am sorry to hear that you are still suffering, but i think this will help. Send me a message sometime soon to let me know how you are and whatcha been up to, have missed you.
Avatar m tn ve been prescribed Meloxicam/Mobic for the pain and inflamation. The data sheet that came with the prescription details some pretty nasty potential side effects. I normally don't have too much trouble with meds but this stuff is potent. What have been your experiences with this med? I'm also on Paxil, 10mgs per day, and Methlyne, 15mgs per day, for the depression and anxiety problems. Thx in advance for all your replys. Thom.
175688 tn?1297556647 Meloxicam is just an NSAID like Ibuprofen or Celebrex. It might help with some aches and pains. The Elavil might help with the depression aspect, but it would take several weeks to kick in. I wouldn't expect much help from either.
Avatar m tn Since lupus can affect the internal organs, I would take her to see another rheumie until you find one that will try something other than or in addition to an NSAID like meloxicam. (I also take meloxicam, but in conjunction with three other meds for RA that go after the disease process itself, not just treating the symptoms like meloxicam alone). Blood work is only one of many diagnostic tools, not the yes-or-no definitive answer.
Avatar m tn Hello Flowr, I understand your hesitancy to take Meloxicam. Meloxicam is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with analgesic and fever reducer effects. It's often used in Arthritic and inflammatory conditions. However any NSAID comes with concerns - including OTC NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen. Several years ago Glucosamine & Chondroitin was popular with medical providers. It was hailed as the new and one of the best "treatments" for restoring cartilage and reducing pain.
Avatar n tn Now after reading about Meloxicam side effects today, I am suspecting that perhaps the issue is the Meloxicam. My symptoms seem slightly different each day. Initially it was a few days of mostly lower leg weakness and overall lack of energy. That changed to a few days of lower leg tingling and numbness, and then the numbness and tingling moved to mostly my right side leg and arm and slightly in my left leg.
Avatar f tn I know three people who take Meloxicam. Two of them have absolutely NO problems with it and the third has a very sensitive stomach when it comes to ANY med, so they tend to have stomach issues from it, but then they have stomach issues from every pill they ever take. Depending on what kind of damage there is in your spine from the herniated discs you may or may not get much relief from it, but you won't know until you try.
534785 tn?1329592208 No problem, thanks for the update! I talked to my doctor about the pain and swelling, and was prescribed Meloxicam, 15mg per day (it's an NSAID). So far, it's reduced the pain a good amount, but there is still a good amount of aching and the swelling hasn't gone down much, from what I can tell. She said I could occasionally take ibuprofen along with Meloxicam if I really felt the need to. I do have some heating pads, so I'll try those as well. Thanks again, everyone!
Avatar m tn Welcome back dude. I have been on every NSAID imaginable...including Meloxicam for chronic pain. I have come full circle after a few years to Ibuprofen 800 mg 3x/dy but MUST take Prevacid daily to prevent ulcers. You have been thru the mill hon. Have you taken a Prevacid or any like med while on NSAID's? I hate to see you back on pain meds when you have fought so hard.
463897 tn?1468013750 m in menopause!); my two main RA drugs are methotrexate and Enbrel, both by sub-q injection. Also Mobic (meloxicam), an NSAID. I also take meds for GERD, hypertension, glaucoma. Um, I think that's it...must consult my list. I have a husband, two kids, two dogs. I work from home as a writer, writing technical documentation, marketing copy, web content, and fiction. At this point in my life, there isn't any part of me that hasn't been poked, prodded, and analyzed to death.
Avatar m tn I was told today by my awesome insurance company that they will not cover Celebrex. I have been on meloxicam for many years. I'm on day 25 norco free and working with my pain management doctor on non narcotic relief. I thought this maybe a good choice but the insurance company disagreed. Any opinions on arthritis relief options. I have liver issues and I'm tested every 6 months. I also have stenosis, 2 bulging discs and one that has been detached.
Avatar m tn My non narco drug that I found to work really good for my back pain is called meloxicam I think that's how u spell it it's just the generic of mobic andbis just an NSAID like motrin or naproxen just a good bit stringer is what my doc told me and it works wonders for me so that's another one to try
Avatar f tn Metacam. This med is an NSAID...which can be risky for kitties; very hard on their kidneys. You want to use it as LITTLE as possible. I would take your girl back to the vet to test her renal function, as itching can be a sign of a problem (please google for side effects). There is more to this article, however, this is the part that concerns me...
Avatar f tn for restless legs, try stretching your hamstrings for a few minutes several times a day, esp before bed. otherwise, try a nsaid like meloxicam for the other symptoms in case of swelling around irritated nerve roots in your neck and back. Your doctor may be able to give you a free sample of a meloxicam, a Celebrex...assuming you've already tried all the weak over-the-counter stuff.
Avatar m tn Can you take meloxicam and later a couple of Advil? I was prescribed meloxicam for my arthritis and it does not always help me..