
Meloxicam in animals

Common Questions and Answers about Meloxicam in animals


Avatar f tn There are many, many medications available to treat not only the pain and inflammation, but also slow down and hopefully halt the progression of the disease itself. The frustrating part is finding the right medication or combination of meds for you - no two people respond the same way to the same medications. My "cocktail" is Enbrel and methotrexate, plus an anti-inflammatory called meloxicam (Mobic). These three meds only scratch the surface of what's available. Good luck!
Avatar m tn Can you take meloxicam and later a couple of Advil? I was prescribed meloxicam for my arthritis and it does not always help me..
175688 tn?1297556647 I have been clean for 9 days and am in severe pain from cleaning my house. I was afraid to take anything, but found the meloxicam my doctor had prescribed a few months ago. I now feel safe to get relief. Again, thank you.
Avatar m tn I got x-rays and was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis in my big toe joint and on 9-18-13 I started taking Meloxicam (Mobic). The 1st two nights of taking Meloxicam I felt achey at night and had a fever of about 100- 101. That went away for a while, but then started happening again now every night from about 10-1-13 to now 10-11-13. I get a slight fever at night (100-101) and sweat bad all night long. Bad enough to where the sheets are wet. I usually lose about 3 - 3 1/2 lbs.
Avatar f tn Is there anyone who is taking Meloxicam that would know how much aspirin is in it? I am allergic to aspirin and just read the printout from the pharmacy. Can't call my dr till Mon. and think maybe I shouldn't take it. On the other hand my dr knows I'm allergic to aspirin. Hoping someone may know.
Avatar f tn Has anyone heard of Meloxicam helping with w/d from opiates, such lortabs? I went to the doctor for some issues that I had been having and decided to reach out to my doctor for help getting off these bad boys. He perscribed Meloxicam to help with some the withdrawal symptons. I have to say this stuff, which is just an anit inflammatory will helps with the symptons. It eleminates the hot, flush feeling which is most annoying. It really does help.
Avatar m tn I was wondering if you could tell me if meloxicam would be better for pain relief compared to 800mg ibuprofen. Also does it take time for meloxicam to build up in my body for maximum benefit? If so, how long does it take? Thanks very much!
Avatar n tn I have been on Meloxicam for about 4 months and have gained 20 pounds and i feel swollen. I am also on highblood pressure meds. I just quit taking the Meloxicam. Does anyone know if the weight goes away? How long does it take for bloated feeling to go away?
Avatar m tn I have gained a considerable amount of weight will taking Meloxicam. Once I stop taking will the weight come off??
Avatar n tn meloxicam is a nsaid....
1044813 tn?1370494406 Sure, we can add Mobic/Meloxicam to the Pain Tracker for you. In the meantime, please use NSAIDs, since meloxicam is a type of NSAID and this is already available on the tracker.
Avatar m tn Since lupus can affect the internal organs, I would take her to see another rheumie until you find one that will try something other than or in addition to an NSAID like meloxicam. (I also take meloxicam, but in conjunction with three other meds for RA that go after the disease process itself, not just treating the symptoms like meloxicam alone). Blood work is only one of many diagnostic tools, not the yes-or-no definitive answer.
Avatar m tn Just wanted to update my own post in case anyone happens across this. I found that the 15 MG Mobic / Meloxicam helped immensely. My chest pain is almost gone - only felt it a few times today. I called the Dr's office and spoke with the nurse and asked her if I could take one in the morning and one at night because it worked great at night, but I started feeling it a little around 1pm (the prescription said 1 with dinner each night).
1252901 tn?1271131868 I broke my ribs about 10 months ago. I have been on 5mg vicodins since then. I have changed doctors and she won't prescribe the vicodin anymore. She prescribed me meloxicam (normally used to treat arthiritis?). What can I expect from this drug? Is it stronger and does it work better than prescription-strength naproxin? What kind of side-effects does it have? Does it affect your mood like vicodin does? I'm just wondering about other people's experiences with this drug. thanks.
Avatar n tn Is it possible that Meloxicam could have eased my depression? I was on Meloxicam for a couple of weeks (for back pain) and noticed a huge improvement in my mood. Was this just a coincidence?
1305767 tn?1361192676 Is it safe to take ibuprofen in the same day as Meloxicam? I take 15 mg of the Meloxicam in the morning for pain but need additional pain relief later in the day and I know that both drugs are NSAID so I don't want to accidentally overdose.
Avatar n tn cant even attempt to do a straight leg raise. Finally seen a doctor who take new insurance. Gave me meloxicam claimed tendonitis. 2 months of nothing but meloxicam,rest,electric stim, pool workouts, and massage. I had minimal healing/recovery. I decided to try eccentric strength trainiing as it worked for my hamstring tendon. and its known for achiles tendon. Its been about 3-4 days and i already feel much much better. anyone else had similar issues/advice on this topic?
Avatar n tn Hello and Welcome to our Arthritis Community, You've asked a good question - and received some good information. I'll just add a bit. As you know Meloxicam (Common Brand Name, Mobic) and Ibuprofen are NSAIDs. Each can be effective in reducing pain and inflammation. As with all medications, their effectiveness often depends on an individual's reaction (metabolism).
Avatar f tn Actually much friends puppy almost suffocate the baby because he too like the smell an taste of milk an after she fed her daughter he wanted to lick it off an almost took her breath away, I'd say watch with all animals just in case you never know. I've had a cat who was so mean any new baby he seen he'd try to sit on there heads like wtf cat we eventually got rid of him, he was a mini serial killer I swear never met such an evil cat.
Avatar f tn Believe me, i want to get rid of the cats. But i don't even mess with them. They're my husband's cats. He takes care of them i do not. They just like to annoy me. I honestly only take care of my dog, turtles, and our fish. But like i said, there's absolutely no animals allowed in my baby's room. None have ever gone in there and probably won't ever go in there. I'm keeping my baby away from the animals for quite a while.
Avatar f tn My other half has a cross bread its a big 31kg dog that thinks shes the size of a pug and does not like to be left alone and is constantly wanting attention she is really really starting to depress me i cant stand her she smells and follows me around she throws up in the kitchen, poos in the garage and malts everywhere i put her outside and can hear her wining constantly im fed up of hovering the floor to get rid of her disgusting hair im debating leaving the house til the baby arrives i dont
Avatar f tn I recently switched rooms with my brother into my mom's back room which is bigger then my old room and my dog seems to think she moved in too. My brother said she would hardly go in there but if i don't let her in she will keep scratching the door until i open it and she has to get under the blankets with me if not she "cries". She follows me everywhere and if i sit down she will be right next to me. If i could show you a picture right now of my dog it would be so funny.
Avatar f tn Animals are so smart:))
7552244 tn?1393364737 My cat never slept with me in my room he would always sleep in my moms room on her spare pillow with his blanket and ever since ive been pregnant hes never left my side! He throws fits when I leave my room for more than 5 minutes and he nudges my stomach almost all the time every day. Has anyone noticed a change or is it just me?