
Meloxicam for tmj

Common Questions and Answers about Meloxicam for tmj


Avatar n tn I am on w/c after the worst experience of my life and approved for c 6/7 fusion to help nerve issues in left arm hand, to clear up some pain helping cleaning up discs, ect. as a result of impact and compression. I have severe pain and numbness in entire left arm elbow and right shoulder mass contusion with severe pain when pressing. Also, TMJ, buldging lumbar and severe spinal trauma resulting in intense constant pain in neck back shoulders throat ect.
Avatar m tn Since lupus can affect the internal organs, I would take her to see another rheumie until you find one that will try something other than or in addition to an NSAID like meloxicam. (I also take meloxicam, but in conjunction with three other meds for RA that go after the disease process itself, not just treating the symptoms like meloxicam alone). Blood work is only one of many diagnostic tools, not the yes-or-no definitive answer.
Avatar m tn ve been taking Meloxicam for my costochondritis for about a month and felt much better. I quit taking it and had a flare up and am now back on it. I hope it works. I just don't want to be on it too long term.
Avatar m tn Can you take meloxicam and later a couple of Advil? I was prescribed meloxicam for my arthritis and it does not always help me..
175688 tn?1297556647 Meloxicam is considered a strong Motrin, but this meloxicam knocked me out for 24 hours. My husband was soon prescribed it and he also hated it. You cannot drive or read, just sleep. Meloxicam is a pain killer, very strong, and doctors are acting like it is just motrin. It is not. It puts you in a coma.
Avatar n tn I have been on Meloxicam for about 4 months and have gained 20 pounds and i feel swollen. I am also on highblood pressure meds. I just quit taking the Meloxicam. Does anyone know if the weight goes away? How long does it take for bloated feeling to go away?
Avatar m tn Hi there! I was just prescribed meloxicam 15mg for arthritis along with prilosec for acid reflux. I was wondering if you could tell me if meloxicam would be better for pain relief compared to 800mg ibuprofen. Also does it take time for meloxicam to build up in my body for maximum benefit? If so, how long does it take? Thanks very much!
Avatar f tn I went to the doctor for some issues that I had been having and decided to reach out to my doctor for help getting off these bad boys. He perscribed Meloxicam to help with some the withdrawal symptons. I have to say this stuff, which is just an anit inflammatory will helps with the symptons. It eleminates the hot, flush feeling which is most annoying. It really does help. Just wondering if it's all in my head or has anyone actually heard of this? Thanks.
Avatar f tn I've been on that medication for many years and have had no side effects. It's been very helpful for my condition (severe tibial tendonitis).
Avatar f tn try this treatments i have tn is a horrible pain i take lyrica and now i,m taking gabapentin i have 2 surgerys for tn but since then my tmj is worse the only thing to help me a little is the gabapentin good luck
Avatar m tn I have gained a considerable amount of weight will taking Meloxicam. Once I stop taking will the weight come off??
Avatar n tn I was prescribe Meloxicam and tynolol with codiene,is this a good combination for severe arthritis?
1044813 tn?1370494406 Thanks for the suggestion, and we will certainly look into adding that.
Avatar n tn I started going to the chiro about two weeks ago for my tmj and he said I should have neck adjustments for 2 weeks 3 days a week. So far it hasnt helped my tmj it may have made it worse cause im now streesed about my neck it feels sore and numb going down my back. Was this a proper thing to do for tmj?
1222635 tn?1366396286 we live in alabama..i am assuming that it is not required by law for insurance companies to cover TMJ, as BCBS of AL does not. any help is appreciated. my dentist told me my problem will only deteriorate without treatment and i am at a loss for what to do as we have no money.
Avatar n tn Is it possible that Meloxicam could have eased my depression? I was on Meloxicam for a couple of weeks (for back pain) and noticed a huge improvement in my mood. Was this just a coincidence?
Avatar m tn I've been using a dental mouthguard at night for the last few years because my dentist said I was grinding my teeth at night. The first one broke, and the second one has a large crack in the same location. I've also had TMJ problems, mainly in the right jaw joint, for many years. A couple years ago these got much worse, and I had more jaw pain and migrane-like headaches.
Avatar f tn I see a specialist in TMJ who tells me my case is very severe and he has been urging me for at least a year to get a full surgical joint surgery with new implants. I have heard awful things about that type of surgery. I feel like I haven't heard anything positive. I know when I see him, he is frustrated because my jaw hardly opens and it sounds like crumbling rocks, no more popping, that was the good ole days. His frustration is that I won't give in to surgery.
Avatar n tn I decided to try eccentric strength trainiing as it worked for my hamstring tendon. and its known for achiles tendon. Its been about 3-4 days and i already feel much much better. anyone else had similar issues/advice on this topic?
1305767 tn?1361192676 Is it safe to take ibuprofen in the same day as Meloxicam? I take 15 mg of the Meloxicam in the morning for pain but need additional pain relief later in the day and I know that both drugs are NSAID so I don't want to accidentally overdose.
Avatar m tn Hi! I've dealt with TMJ for several years, and it is important to find a doctor who actually treats it! For the first several years I had a maxillofacial surgeon and when i moved I found a dentist who specialized in TMJ. The reason why this is important is that they will understand the need for speciliazed splints to reduce harm to the jaw, and also be able to properly medicate, measure the progress and damage to the joint, and see if surgery(rarely) is needed.