Meloxicam and side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Meloxicam and side effects


Avatar n tn I do not see kidney function on the list of side effects. Did you look on WebMD? Just curious. I’m prone to stones. That is why I’m asking. Don’t trust doctors at all anymore.
1550149 tn?1340000730 In a search for an answer to your side effects question I also did some looking into the prescribed Meloxicam. Some of the side effects of Mobic (meloxicam) are problems with vision or balance and headaches. Sorry I could not be of greater assistance. Please discuss your SX with your prescribing physician. It may behove you to try an alternative pain medication to see if your SX will decrease or resolve.
Avatar m tn Thx for all your input. I'm now off of Meloxicam/Mobic due to side effects. Went back to using Aleve and am doing well with it; per DR's recommendation. I'm also coming off of Paxil and Ritalin since the Paxil doesn't seem to do anything for my depression and the Ritalin makes me too "jittery" feeling. Have an appointment with my Phychiatrist in mid October to review my meds and alternatives. I'll post more then.
Avatar m tn Both the medication with give almost equal amount of pain relief though meloxicam is associated with fewer side effects as compared to ibuprofen. Though pain relief may be immediate, anti-inflammatory action may take a few days to build up. Hope this is helpful. Take care!
Avatar f tn I've been on that medication for many years and have had no side effects. It's been very helpful for my condition (severe tibial tendonitis).
Avatar n tn I thought it was the start of some horrible disease until I thought to look up the side effects of meloxicam. I quit meloxicam and started feeling better after a couple of days (it take a few days to get out of your system because it has a relatively long half-life). After about 2 weeks I'm pretty much back to normal. I hope y'all eventually recovered as well - that was scary!
Avatar f tn This thread scared me a lot when I was having side effects from Meloxicam so I just wanted to leave a comment to clear things up. If you're having numbness and weird tingles, even slight burning, don't worry. These side effects will most likely pass with time. They did for me (it took about 10 days though). I feel perfectly normal now. The comments the people left in this thread are completely irresponsible and unacceptable. It isn't right to wildly speculate.
Avatar m tn this rom drumaybe side effects from drugs prescribed.
1252901 tn?1271131868 I broke my ribs about 10 months ago. I have been on 5mg vicodins since then. I have changed doctors and she won't prescribe the vicodin anymore. She prescribed me meloxicam (normally used to treat arthiritis?). What can I expect from this drug? Is it stronger and does it work better than prescription-strength naproxin? What kind of side-effects does it have? Does it affect your mood like vicodin does? I'm just wondering about other people's experiences with this drug. thanks.
Avatar m tn Can you take meloxicam and later a couple of Advil? I was prescribed meloxicam for my arthritis and it does not always help me..
Avatar f tn Side effect of this drug can be muscle pains and diabetes, among other serious effects. This drug is controversial and the benefits are questionable, particularly among women and people who have never had a heart attack. Is your cholesterol very high? You can address this again with low carb / keto diet. If you are taking the meloxicam to address the side effects of this drug then it would probably be rational to discuss stopping both with your doctor. Thyroxine is for hypothyroid.
175688 tn?1297556647 t do any good at all. mostly it would be best at helping you sleep. the side effects if tricyclics are often too great for it to be of much use even for sleep, though.
Avatar f tn // There is more to this article, however, this is the part that concerns me... "The drug in both forms is FDA-approved for dogs – the oral form is more often used to treat the symptoms of canine osteoarthritis. The injectable was approved for one-time use only in cats to manage postoperative pain. The oral form was not approved for use in cats at all.
Avatar m tn I have severe joint point pain and I have been told that Celebrex is a huge help for this. I am wondering about side effects and medicine interactions.
Avatar f tn I've been on Celexa, Neurontin, and Meloxicam for some time due to chronic pain, depression arthritis, and neuropathy. I've been reading a lot about DLPA and it says NOT to take it with SSRI's. Does anyone know whether I should stop taking the Celexa before I ever start taking Ithis supplement? I'm very anxious to give this supplement a try! My depression has gotten the point that NOTHING works anymore, I have no sex drive, feel hopeless, I have no motivation, etc...
Avatar m tn Hello Flowr, I understand your hesitancy to take Meloxicam. Meloxicam is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with analgesic and fever reducer effects. It's often used in Arthritic and inflammatory conditions. However any NSAID comes with concerns - including OTC NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen. Several years ago Glucosamine & Chondroitin was popular with medical providers. It was hailed as the new and one of the best "treatments" for restoring cartilage and reducing pain.
Avatar f tn He ordered an xray of my right rib cage and prescribed me Meloxicam 15 mg. The Meloxicam has helped some... meaning I am able to get up and walk around with constant dull to medium pain in the same place, and sharp pain returns regularly but not constantly. The xray results showed up nothing abnormal. I am a very active person and since 4 days ago can hardly get out of bed without terrible pain. Does anyone have ideas of what could be going on?
Avatar n tn Is it possible that Meloxicam could have eased my depression? I was on Meloxicam for a couple of weeks (for back pain) and noticed a huge improvement in my mood. Was this just a coincidence?
Avatar m tn Daily use of NSAIDs over a long term, can have serious side effects and is not recommended.Substituting, another NSAID is not the answer. If you truly have developed post-traumatic arthritis as a result of previous meniscus injury, there are several alternatives. Viscosupplementation with hyluronate injections, such as Synvisc, can be very helpful. Natural anti-inflammatories such as Glucosamine or Omega-3 are very useful alternatives.
Avatar m tn But for your question about meloxicam,it is a strong anti inflammatory and one of the rare but serious side effects is bleeding of the stomach. If this is your case you need to STOP ASAP. It can cause serious issues even death!
Avatar f tn He ordered an xray of my right rib cage and prescribed me Meloxicam 15 mg. The Meloxicam has helped some... meaning I am able to get up and walk around with constant dull to medium pain in the same place, and sharp pain returns regularly but not constantly. The xray results showed up nothing abnormal. I am a very active person and since 4 days ago can hardly get out of bed without terrible pain. Does anyone have ideas of what could be going on?
Avatar f tn He ordered an xray of my right rib cage and prescribed me Meloxicam 15 mg. The Meloxicam has helped some... meaning I am able to get up and walk around with constant dull to medium pain in the same place, and sharp pain returns regularly but not constantly. The xray results showed up nothing abnormal. I am a very active person and since 4 days ago can hardly get out of bed without terrible pain. Does anyone have ideas of what could be going on?
1687929 tn?1319426011 I was on 25 mg of topamax. It made all my pains worse especially my neck spasms and migraines. I also got very depressed and angry with most meds. I got vicodin an ER only six they worked ok. The only thing that has worked and with no side effects was morphine at ER but I don't know too much of it.