
Macrobid er

Common Questions and Answers about Macrobid er


Avatar f tn I'm 10 weeks and I have a UTI. ER doctor prescribed me Macrobid 100mg BID for ten days. Have any one taken this while pregnant? I googled it, and there were a lot of horror stories......just curious to see if others have taken, and there pregnancy remained normal...
Avatar f tn Was in the ER weekend before last. Diagnosed me with a UTI, and put me on Macrobid 100mg BID. Got a call yesterday, they said my culture reads that the bacteria in my urine is resistant to Macrobid. So apparently they didn't do a Culture and Sensitivity test when I was in the ER like they should have. I had to pay $50 for the Macrobid that I took, that didn't and wouldn't do diddly-squat for my "UTI". I think I was misdiagnosed and mistrated with the Macrobid.
1027524 tn?1259033777 after some problems, i went to the ER today. they sent me to labor & delivery, they ran a few tests and found out i have a UTI. they prescibed me Macrobid (a lot of other drugs used to treat them contain Sulfa & i'm highly allergic) well here's the thing. i looked some stuff up and i found this link, along w/ many others ^ i guess Macrobid is linked to birth defects. should i ask for a different med?
233616 tn?1312787196 I wish that I had seen this before I was prescribed Macrobid!! I went to the ER on 7-18-12 because I had no insurance and had woken up with a UTI that morning.. I was perfectly healthy other than the UTI. I told the ER DR that I had a severe reaction to a sulfa drug in the past and had a bad liver. I was scared! The Dr treated me like i was a complete idiot and told me that I would be fine. Well, 8 hours after taking the 1st pill of MACRObid I became fever jumped to 104..
Avatar f tn Hi.. has anyone else taken macrobid for uti?? Is it normal to feel horribly sick with it? How did you all deal with the nausea? My doc gave me reglan but it doesn't seem to be helping and I'm hardly half way with macrobid.. I've been non functional while taking it and it's getting worse every day. Any advise on dealing with it will be appreciated..
2131661 tn?1340229152 U sure ur Ob doc told u that macrobid is safe ??? Not the docs in the er, those docs are not correct when it comes to pregnancy n safe meds Cuz I've had uti, kidney infections for years! N im 17 weeks pregnant n when I was 10weeks I got a uti n that med was one my ob said pregnant woman should not take.
1088689 tn?1258173691 I recently went to the ER for painful and frequent urination and cramping. They did a urine sample, a culture, and an ultrasound. They said everything was fine. the only thing they found was some red blood cells in my urine. The doctor prescribed me macrobid anyways...I havent taken them yet because it has almost completely gone away. I have been gorging myself with water, so i am hoping that it was only because i was dehydrated. Any suggestions? Should I take the macrobid anyways?
Avatar f tn 6 weeks ago, I took a course of Macrobid (generic) for a UTI. After completing the 7 day cycle, I developed excruciating heartburn, to the point of tears. The following day (2 days after Macrobid) I started itching (scalp, chest, neck, arms...) This has gone on for 6 weeks! I have been to the doctors, ER, allergist to no avail. ALL of these professionals claim that pruritis (chronic itching of the skin) could NOT be caused from an anitbiotic this long after completing it.
Avatar n tn I went to the ER two nights ago with spotting. I hada miscarriage in December so i was paranoid. My hcg was 1500 but my white blood count was low. They told me I had a uti. I am still spotting. They said it was normal but i am worried.
Avatar f tn I just recently went to the ER for severe pain in my back, stomach, and burning upon urination whenever that was; meaning sometimes I didn't...I'm diabetic but lately I've had 7 uti's just this year alone but this is the first time I've ever been put on Macrobid...usually this drug is given for kidney or bladder infections...
Avatar f tn I had unprotected sex with a new partner...and a week or so later i noticed pelvic pain. Made an appt and get tested for stds (12 days after unprotected sex). The doc found a uti and rx'd macrobid. Std tests came back negative. Macrobid didn't help and i developed burning with urination...doc gave me cipro. After cipro burning and pelvic pain was worse, so i went to the er. They found cervicitis and swabbed the pus for a std test and rx'd doxycycline for 2 weeks.
6320170 tn?1380347497 So by 8/3/13 I had to go to the ER. Where they diagnosed me with Hyperthyroidism ( Graves Disease). And the Dr. on call said he couldnt treat me I would have to see my primary and get a referal for Endo. Which I did the following monday. My primary gave me levothyroxine , a referal for Endo and obgyn specialist and sent me home. By that night this was 8/7/2013. I had to return back to the ER. where they were first concerned that I was on the wrong medication for my grave disease.
Avatar f tn Almost about a week ago, I went to the ER because I had no control over my bladder one night and when I went to the bathroom a lot of blood was coming out. I am 19 years old, female, and I’ve dealt with UTI’s all my life. The doctor told me I could have a kidney infection based on the symptoms. He prescribed me Cephalexin for 10 days. The bleeding stopped and the pain after urination. I decided after day 4 to switch to Macrobid and it is day 3 and I still have mild urgency. What do I do?
Avatar f tn m 10 weeks 6 days and I think I have a uti I had a little one the er gave me medication but it makes me sick and I throw up so I looked up and down the pharmacy isles and found it I took 2 but then I looked at info on it but I'm kinda scared for my baby can't contact my doc until tomorrow morning and its not bad to go to the er
Avatar m tn Hello - Feb 16 - woke up with burning sensation inside penis, prescribed 7 day macrobid for suspected UTI, week later urine and urine culture came back normal. Put on 10 day Cipro suspected prostatitis, PSA, DRE and Trans Rectal Ultrasound all normal. Went to ER a few days later with pain in the penile shaft and glans. Examined by ER doctor and put on 10 days cipro and 1 dose cefixime. Went back to doctor, put me on 21 days sulfatrim for suspected Epidimitis-ochitis and ordered US.
Avatar f tn I found out tuesday that i have a pretty horribly UTI after swearing i had a yeast infection. I was put on Macrobid 1 pill twice a day for 7 days. This is day is day 3 of the pills and i was wondering how long until it starts working? i am not in nearly as much pain as I was, but the pain with urination is still there slightly and get worse at night.
Avatar f tn Macrobid? If so my son was fine and very healthy.
Avatar f tn Hello... I think I have a uti because when I go to the restroom it feel like I'm not done peeing and also feel low abdomen pain/cramps. I'm 9 weeks and 5 days and my doctor appt is next Tuesday but don't know how long I can take this pain. My question is should I go to the er or wait till my appt? Has anyone else dealing with this issue? Ughh I know I will be in the er all day...
Avatar f tn Yes I did with my daughter I was like 8 weeks i started bleeding bright red and went to the er they said it was from a uti it took two rounds of macrobid and a shot of rocephin to get rid of it.
10973934 tn?1414701423 I've had two this pregnancy.
Avatar f tn I do know that the weakness and numbness in one side can be caused by the MS, but it did not occur until i took the macrobid. I was stopped from taking the macrobid and started on it 2 more times and each time the weakness returned. Is there anyway to fix this? It is getting rather annoying and saddens me cause it feels like i cant do anymore what i like to. If anyone has had the same thing happen, please let me know im not alone... How can the weakness and numbness be stopped.
Avatar f tn I do know that the weakness and numbness in one side can be caused by the MS, but it did not occur until i took the macrobid. I was stopped from taking the macrobid and started on it 2 more times and each time the weakness returned. Is there anyway to fix this? It is getting rather annoying and saddens me cause it feels like i cant do anymore what i like to. If anyone has had the same thing happen, please let me know im not alone... How can the weakness and numbness be stopped.
Avatar n tn I am a 23 year old female who has the constant urge to urinate on and off for two months now. Various doctors have checked for a UTI and there is none. I have been on macrobid, vesicare and now I'm on flavoxate. Each of these medicines have worked for about a week and then I get the constant urge to urinate again. I just started the flavoxate and I have not gotten any relief. I'm not in any pain, but the constant urge to urinate seems painful and is affected my daily life greatly.
Avatar f tn i have lupus, multiple ureters on one side and history of reoccurring pyelonephritis. i have been have uti symtoms for a few weeks took entire prescription of macrobid and started feeling slightly better but only for a couple days. i have a lot of flank and abdominal pain. i have been taking cranberry capsules and drinking water. i took 2 home uti test and both showed positive for leukocytes.
Avatar f tn Did anyone take macrobid for uti during third trimester?
Avatar f tn Uti or bladder infection. My doctor proscribed me macrobid. Terrified to take it, anyone else had to use this while pregnant, I'm only 8 weeks!