
Macrobid bactrim

Common Questions and Answers about Macrobid bactrim


551604 tn?1333983135 Have any of you ladies taken this medication and everything turned out ok? I'm a little scared of taking meds while pregnant. I don't even take anything for my cold.
Avatar f tn I'm 52 and was prescribed macrobid for a UTI. Shortly after taking it I started having really severe heart palpitations. I have had them off and on since I was 29 and have been told it's probably due to my hypoglycemia. I'm very sensitive to certain medications and I looked this one up and it says it should not be prescribed to older people who have a debilitating condition. I am extremely anemic and may have internal bleeding in my intestinal area. My dr.
Avatar f tn I posted this question on the wrong community board so am reposting here. I was prescribed macrobid for a UTI. I've always been prescribed bactrim or amoxycillan or the like. But for some reason my dr. put me on this drug. I do not have frequent UTIs. I had severe heart palpitations, hot and cold feelings, and felt like I would faint. I read that this should not be prescribed to an older adult with any debilitating condition. I have severe anemia and some internal bleeding somewhere.
Avatar n tn I had a recent UTI with staph, and they gave me macrobid. I was also on bactrim for a staph infection on my skin, and that wasn't helping the UTI, so they gave me macrobid along with the staph.
Avatar f tn I haven't heard about copays, but it wouldn't surprise me. I'll hope it isn't true. As for UTI's - I am on a prophylactic dose of macrobid and it has worked very well. The bactrim worked too but my urogyno wanted to use a drug that isn't needed for other infections and Macrobid fits that description. I have been UTI free for about 18 months or so. Good luck in finding the right balance - it takes some time but can be done.
493068 tn?1224765315 Within 48 hours of stopping macrobid symptoms came back culture showed ecoli again and same macrobid for 7 days. Then symptoms returned and again ecoli put inpt on imipenem for 10 IV doses and dc with macrobid for 7 days. Then culture positive for ecoli again now ESBL. No UA has ever shown WBCs but cultures grow bacteria and frequency, urgency, nocturia and burning present. Can you have a UTI with NO wbc's present in UA and bacterial growth on culture? Thanks for your input.
Avatar f tn I went to GP, he prescribed me a bunch of antibiotics (Cipro, Bactrim, Macrobid), none of them work. Fast forward, went to see my GYN, she did a urethral swab and urine culture. My right part of urethra feels tender per GYN. The swab for STD/STI were negative. However, my urine came back positive for E.Coli. So I was prescribed Cipro, but I had an allergic reaction to it. So now I am on Keflex 4x a day for 7 days. Today is 2nd day, I still feel the pain.
Avatar f tn Most recently I took 3 days of Bactrim and symptoms did not subside. I went in 4 days ago for a urine culture and it came back today negative. I've been taking AZO for the pain and urgency, but I've been told in the past not to take it for too long. I've had a scope of my bladder done and CT of my kidneys and nothing has shown up. My Gyno-urologist put me on daily macrobid for 6 months, 2 years ago. I have been off of them for 1 year and I've had 3 UTI'S since January.
Avatar f tn So he prescribed me Cipro (stopped after 1 dose due to a reaction) and now on Bactrim (7/10 dose now). I feel like **** for the first three days and today feel more energy but the right side urethra urination pain is still here and feeling worse. Anyone experience this or have a clue what this is? Thanks!
Avatar f tn m like I have a uti Bactrim will give me a yeast infection he said most likely not, had refill for fluconazole and Bactrim so obviously I hate taken it before. asked me about allergy's I say no BINGO BANGO..... the minute I took the Bactrim ... no pardon me... I took the Bactrim right when I got back to my car. By the time I was at the light.... my clitoris's area and vulva opening started to itch.. IM LIKE NO FRESKING WAY! not that quick. SO what do I do... I take the fluconazole.
Avatar m tn Went to my gyno she saw bacteria and white blood cells in urine and gave me bactrim for uti infection. Took it but 1 1/2 week later it came back. They said I had a uti again which was strange because i have never had it before. I went back again with same symptoms and they again saw the bacteria and white blood cells and gave me cephlex. Took all the pills and 9 days later i went back. They said because i had three in a short period that I needed to go to a Urologist.
Avatar f tn Alternative, if you have symptoms of frequency, urgency, and pain with urination, you can be treated with a standard antibiotic like bactrim or macrobid for 3-5 days, and see if the symptoms clear up. Dr.
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with a minor UTI (my first one ever) about 8 days ago. They gave me a three day dose of Macrobid - which I did not consume. I am too afraid. I am allergic to the cillins (anaphylaxis), and have had a horrible reaction to quinones. Every time I thought about putting that little Macrobid in my mouth, I would start to panic. The following day, without the Macrobid, my symptoms were much improved. The day after that - even better.
Avatar f tn Hi im 14 wks and 5 days pregnant and my doctor told me i had a urinary tract infection and he prescribrd bactrim.. On the label it says do not take if pregnant. Can bactrim hurt your pregnancy?has anyone else takin it while pregnant?
Avatar m tn late August felt a sense of stinging at end of penis, then burning when urination. NP did urine test (found bacteria) and 7 days of macrobid....bacteria was gone but week later, still symptoms and after another urine test, it came back clean....but still "burning sensation" within penis. So, NP gave me 2 weeks of bactrim....which did nothing. Went to urologist who did tests on urine, PSA and prostate check...all came back fine. He put me on a month of cipro 500mg.
Avatar f tn I went to a walk in clinic and did a urine test, it showed that I had the UTI. I was put on 3 days of Bactrim. It seemed to work great and the next day all of my symptoms were gone. But then two days after finishing the antibiotics, the symptoms came back and I had abdominal pain and kidney pain. I went back to the walk in clinic and was put on Macrobid for five days. After five days however, none of my symptoms seemed to be gone.
Avatar f tn I have since become immune to doxycycline,bactrim/macrobid..and now clindamyacin...I am currently suffering from a staph boil on my left cheek..I have taken 3 rounds of Clindamyacin ( each round is 2 pills every 4 hrs for 2 weeks), and bactrim skin ointment..and it won't go now I am afraid I am immune to Clindamyacin as well. I also have extremely bad stage 4 endometreosis...could the constant inflammatory effect of the endometreosis cause my immune system to weaken??
Avatar f tn Hi, The first issue is--what is your diagnosis? You didn't mention it but what did the urine cultures while you had symptoms show? To have IC you have to have symptoms with a urine culture showing no infection. IC usually doesn't cause dizziness, headaches and extreme thirst. You hay have a second disorder going on unrelated to the bladder symptoms. Are you a diabetic?? The potassium test is not a good test to determine if you have IC.
Avatar f tn There was no blood in my urine that morning, but we had sex the night before and i had tons of blood in my urine. I have been taking bactrim for my infection (my third round) and everything seems to be clear now...except for when I have sex. I just don't know if maybe the blood is clots from the infection and the sex is causing them to pass? or maybe something more serious?
20805815 tn?1515601255 I finally visited the Urgent Care of Baptist on the 27th of December and I was tested positive for a UTI. I was given Macrobid and Phenazopyridine. After taking the prescription AZO (Phenazopyridine) I felt slightly better but still not well. I had this dull throbbing pain in my urethra near my bladder. Finally it was January 3rd and I visited a regular doctor because i was not seeing improvement.
Avatar f tn I’ve been suffering from IC for 5 years now and for some odd reason Nitrofurantoin/Macrobid seems to work well for me, even when my urine culture comes back negative. I take it (100 mg X 2 for 10 days) when my IC flares and within a few days the symptoms are essentially gone. They often come back 3-5 months later, but at least it works temporarily. My doctors have no idea why this medication works, but it’s been working pretty consistently for the past 3-4 years now.
Avatar f tn but i had arranged with another dr to have my blood hormones taken so i went to her after being on menest about a month during which time i developed a Uti,nurse practioner gave me macrobid which i took but didnt care for,when i went to get results of hormone blood levels that dr did a urinalis and said i was clear,but it showed high protien and a high ph but it shows im drinling plenty fluids,i also had a yeast infectiona and she said a vagiginal infection,gave me cleocin suppsotories which mad
Avatar m tn It went away about a week after, only to return like ten days later, where it is till here, antibiotics have done nothing, I have been on ciprofloxacine, doxycyline, macrobid, bactrim and azithromycin, all have done nothing, doctor said he didnt thing it was an std because I have no full on blisters or discharge, my urine samples always come clean. Could my doctor be a quack?
Avatar n tn I'm a 31 female and have had 20 uti's in the past 2yr. Recently I had 3 uti's in one month. Each uti becomes more painful than the last (dysuria, pain in lower abd). I have cultures done on all UA's and all result in lacotbacilli growth only. I have tried a daily dose of macrobid, urination after sex, increase in fluid intake, cranberry tabs, and every thing else that my doctor has told me to do.
379229 tn?1208639419 I am allergic to Macrobid (I think the brand name or derviative of the Nitro med you are on). I had tingling of extremiteis and EXTREME DRUNK STOOPER feeling 24hrs later .. I saw spots in front of my eyes (yellow) and that was with one pill ... they told me I was allergic and never take it again! Just 2 weeks ago I posted about Levaquin and Synthroid ......... I really felt anxiety and just not so great with the combo and all is fine now that Lev is done with ???? I was getting chills!
Avatar f tn I have taken Macrobid and Bactrim two times. They have not helped me at all. I have also been having tailbone and lower back pain. Any ideas? I cant take the suffering anymore.