
Lopinavir and tipranavir

Common Questions and Answers about Lopinavir and tipranavir


Avatar f tn This is a fact not a question......they have found a cure for hpv and cancer at penn state but the fda/pharmacy companies won't fund for it. People they want us stay sick...they don't want to be cured cause then they lose their money, the vaccine is all they care about..I want this cure people, let's fine away to get it. People are dying hpv and cancer, let's get saved before we see that fate, aav2 is the cure.
446474 tn?1446347682 Specifically, the agency said atorvastatin is contraindicated with tipranavir plus ritonavir, and telaprevir and should be used with caution -- at the lowest effective dose -- among patients taking lopinavir plus ritonavir. For patients taking darunavir plus ritonavir, fosamprenavir, forsamprenavir plus ritonavir, or saquinavir plus ritonavir, the atorvastatin dose should be limited to 20 mg daily. In patients taking nelfinavir, daily atorvastatin should not exceed 40 mg.
446474 tn?1446347682 * Boceprevir reduced average trough concentrations of ritonavir-boosted atazanavir (Reyataz), lopinavir (Kaletra), and darunavir (Prezista) by 49%, 43% and 59%, respectively. * On average, reductions of 25% to 36% were seen in peak concentration of the three drugs, when given with boceprevir, along with declines of 34% to 44% in exposure (area under the curve).
Avatar f tn Examples of these drugs include Nevirapine and Nelfinavir- and Ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors (Darunavir, Fosamprenavir, Lopinavir, Tipranavir). There are antiretroviral drugs that do not mess with the pill, including Tenofovir. If you take an HIV medicine, talk with your health care provider about the risks and benefits of your birth control options. St. John’s Wort Saint John’s Wort is an herbal remedy that some people take for depression, anxiety or insomnia. Taking St.
Avatar m tn Zidovudine and Lamivudine Tablets ,Lopinavir/RitonavirOral Solution .i want to know ,will it work?how much percent will i avoid being infected?thank you all!
Avatar f tn So, I am at the 15th day of my pep regime and have been strictly adhering to the program till today. I have been taking lopinavir ritonavir along with tenofovir. I am taking 2pills twice for the first one and one pill once a day for tenofovir. Today my bottle of rito/lopi finished after I took my first dose. I went to the doc clinic which was closed and he says i can only get the meds tomorrow.
Avatar n tn 11,12am), I take hiv block drugs from doctor, these drugs are Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Tablets , Aluvia (Lopinavir and Ritonavir Tablets) and Lamivudine Tablets. I have take these drugs for 28 days (until 2013.10.8),at 2013.10.9(1 day after taking drugs) , I have take a HIV Duo or Combo (4th generation) test and the result is negative . so, I want to know 1. Could these drugs delay the hiv window period , so that the combo tese was not correct? 2.
Avatar m tn 1-My partner tested Negative(Antigen/ Antibody) on 22 days post exposure 2-Thinking that i might be developing facial Lipodystrophy (slight facial fat loss under cheek bones). I cant tell if my face was like this before the treatment or it is just an illusion. What can i do to really know if i developed some lipodystrophy ? any test u can advise about?
Avatar m tn This is known. Are there any similar action in the protease inhibitor, such as Kaletra (lopinavir) for example? Have you ever thought about that? I read - sometimes laugh. Simvastatin, vitamin D, which the Chinese poeben, mythical new drugs, masturbation with measurements of the level of HBsAg, and other nonsense....
863555 tn?1239133228 (The other two I use are emtricitabine and tenofovir). Daily, I use 200 mg of retonavir to boost 800 mg of lopinavir. I read in the study that 100 or 200 mg of retonavir is used to boost 200, 400 or 600 mg of SCH 900518/boceprevir. My HIV is successfully suppressed (i.e. UND) after two weeks of interferon -- that's three weeks ago.
Avatar m tn I write you because I have inquiries about risks of transmission of HIV. Three weeks ago, I had receptive and protected anal sex ( we used condom which did not break) with a guy whom has HIV (I realized of that the next morning of the intercourse). Also, I did fellatio to him (without condom), but there were not ejaculation, and when we were kissing ( eating a chocolate), he did a cut in his mouth lip.
Avatar n tn A 12 years old girl had a blood transfusion with hiv blood, she took PEP( tenofovir, emtricitabine, ritonavir-boosted darunavir (subsequently changed to lopinavir) and raltegravir) after 24 hours and had these PEP for three months. This girl also has cssr5 dna which is a dna that hard to infect hiv. After 8 months, she had a negative result on HIV RNA and HIV ag/ab test. (
Avatar f tn Treatment with PEG-IFN-alpha 2a, 180 ug/week and ribavirin 1000 mg/day was started, and lopinavir/r/3TC/tenofovir was continued. HCV RNA was cleared after 12 weeks and AST levels normalised. At month 13, still on PEG-IFN/ribavirin therapy, AST levels increased and HCV RNA became detectable. Genotyping showed HCV genotype-2. The patient admitted he had participated in one more ‘fist-@%* king’ party at month 11 in Berlin. The patient denied IVDU at any time.
Avatar m tn Research suggests that lopinavir and related drugs may inhibit HIV in the lab. As yet there is no evidence of any effect in people or even, to my knowledge, in experimental animals. Clinical trials may be coming, but at this point don't get your hopes up. Even if effective, it will be years before we know whether it works, the dose of drug (oral versus creams), etc.
Avatar f tn i'm going to try and make this simple and sweet. i'm 21.female. i've had 9 sex partners. i saw my doctor about what i was concerned was a wart. she said it "looks like hpv" . in that same test i got results saying i have an inflamed cervix and pre-cancerous cells on my cervix, that she thinks are "likely due to the hpv" . I am litterally freaking out. i've never been so unsafe in my life.
Avatar m tn Now I deeply regret it and have fears that I may have been exposed to HIV and I have since went to an ER and gotten myself on a course of PEP. I still have several concerns and questions.
Avatar m tn These have been proven to work, however they may not work for everyone. It's important to convert to a diet of fruits and vegetables with at least 20 minutes of sun a day, while trying to heal yourself. It's also important to avoid alcohol and smoking. I tried for 4 years before any results. I tried Aldara treatments over and over again. I tried cutting them off with knife. I tried Veregen and even Aldara & Veregen at the same time.
Avatar m tn Left or right pelvic region pains, feeling of hot rush inside the body, pain under the chest, headaches that are strong, yellowing of eye balls, skin. I was on Lopinavir/Ritonavir and Tinofir (spellings might be incorrect). My doctor gave me lever detox tablets and syrup which resolved the purpose and I was able to continue with this regime. Some doctors will change the line of PEP medications. Whatever it is, not stopping it and taking it correctly everyday is the key to success of PEP.
Avatar f tn not at all, its a prescription, but it has saved me from the chills sweats and anxity, and it makes you sleep i went into the hospital with bad symptoms and they gave me some to try and said it is safe to use non addictive and can get it from a doctor, it is the only thing that has worked for me and this is the first time i had an aid to get clean i also picked up a bunch of vit's that supposedly help and im on day 4 and i think they are really helping but seriquil is a for sure way to help,
Avatar m tn I am a 24 year old male and I have a beautiful girlfriend who I have been with for almost 2 years. We have been through a lot with HPV already.In the summer of 2006, after we had sexual intercourse, my girlfriend got tested for all STDs.Everything came back negative except for her Pap smear which came back abnormal.She was then told that she had "high-risk" hpv.She went for a coloscopy and they found abnormal cell changes.