
Lidoderm for arthritis

Common Questions and Answers about Lidoderm for arthritis


Avatar n tn 3) Lidoderm patches are patches with topical lidocaine, which works as a pain reliever. Lidoderm can work for low back pain among other things. Lidoderm, unlike Flector patches and Voltaren gel, is not a topical anti-inflammatory but rather a numbing medicine applied to the skin. 4) An over the counter option, though not as well studied, is Aspercreme cream, which is a topical salicylate (aspirin) pain reliever. It works by reducing swelling and inflammation in the muscle and joints.
Avatar n tn My doctor also wrote a prescription for a compounding cream. I getit for the RSD but use it for the arthritis as well. Mine has Fentanyl, Baclofan, gabapentin and a few other drugs. I am sensitive to a lot of medications so this is a good alternative. I have also done a bunch of procedures and some physical therapy and occupational therapy. I had been swimming, which helped a lot but I haven't been doing it for a while. I want to try acupuncture but my insurance won't cover it.
Avatar n tn As long as it's not an Nsaid, and more like IcyHot or something, then yes it's completely safe. I also use something called a "lidoderm" patch which has lidocaine in it but doesn't really go into your bloodstream. it's used for arthritis and localized pain and helps my back sometimes when my pain level isn't too high.
Avatar n tn Can a prescribed Lidoderm/ Lidocaine Patch 5% give u a pain pill buzz? Ive watched some of my friends go thru bad DTs and eat patches that were suppose to only be applied. I get Lidoderm Patches and have been keeping it a secret just incase. I don't wanna get robbed cuz they really help with my pain. I need to know if one of them ever find my patch and eat it or use it... will they get any kind of buzz from it?
82861 tn?1333453911 I'm going to check out these Thermal Clay heating pads. I use the ThermaCare ones ALL the time for everything. Right now I have two on, one for bad period cramps and one for the back. I love them. JayBay, see if you can try lidoderm patches. Heat helps me most but I got the lidoderm patches for my hand. They're pretty large and I cut them for my hand. But I've tried them on my hips. I hear you on the not being able to sleep because of the hips.
Avatar f tn I've given up on using the creams for my arthitis. I used to use joint-ritis, but it's been discontinued now, also it was a roll on and not cream.
Avatar f tn I use the Lidoderm patch and love it. It really helps take the edge off. I cut it for my hand. It was prescribed for "desensitization" of my scar on my hand, but I use it on my hip for really bad arthritis there. I have trouble with the stairs, getting up from a chair or out of car, and the patch really works well. (My dad also has a really bad back; herniated disks, past surgeries, and arthritis, and I put it on him, nad it helped.
Avatar m tn So far Ive seen an Opthalmologist, had full lab/blood work for blood count, thryoid etc.., had an MRI done of my brain, seen and ENT, and everything has come back normal. However, all these odd symptoms still exist. Today I saw a Neurologists that thinks I could be experiencing occipital headaches (or tension headaches) and possibly mild migraines. She wants me to get a MRI of my spine, mainly the upper cervical. Many years ago I was in a car wreck and hit a tree really hard from behind.
728965 tn?1266373645 Have you tried to rub some muscle creme on it? You could also ask the doc. for Lidoderm patches and see if they help alleviate the pain. I hope you can get relief soon. Please be safe and take care.
Avatar f tn Is anyone out there using lidoderm patches for back and/or neck pain? My neurosurgeon just prescribed them for me--they're a topical anesthetic patch. I tried one, it seemed to help briefly. I've been taking Lyrica for about a month, trying to taper off hydrocodone (after 7 months of steady use), and wondering why I have not seen these lidoderm patches mentioned by anyone in any of the back pain boards I've looked at. Looking for input on this. Thanks.
Avatar f tn t heard anyone say they tried Lidoderm patches-they work well for any part of your body you are in pain, and you can cut the patches into smaller ones if you want. They are only made up of lidocaine (numbing) for surface pain, muscle pain, any pain. You wear up to 3 for no more that 12hrs and then take a 12hr break. Only one bad thing is they don't stick well, I have to use heavy duty med tape, but they are worth it. Plus, they are 235.
Avatar f tn Kudos to sandee for keeping it going and thanx to everyone for straight up honesty in your replies to questions. For me there is a taking of responsibilty and accountability to protect what we need to live a fulfilling life. I'll pray for you and ask that you do the same for me. I am a Baptist MInister and as a part our church covenant we pronounce that we will help to bear one anothers burdens and celebrate each others joys. This is exactly what this site provides.
1182304 tn?1349305951 I guess some insurances per my doc are kinda against it for anything other then for shingle pain, but my insurance did approve it for my chronic back pain.
563571 tn?1232491190 Do any or many of you use Lidoderm patches for pain? I used them some before getting Trimadol and still think about using them along with the Trimadol, but have some concerns. For several days I used them on hip, leg and knee (by instructions for number of patches and length of time) and did get some relief; however, my calf is swollen and very, very numb to the touch, but also burning badly.
Avatar n tn Hi, I fell last year and broke my coxis. Eventually it fixed itself. Now it has moved and I am in a lot of pain. My doctor gave me Fentanyl patches and they are not doing much. I use Lidoderm patches for arhtitis pain. I don't know whether I can use both together and weather I can take some pain meds at the same time? I am going abroad in 10 days and there is no way I can cancel this trp... Please, help! Thanks.
Avatar m tn This may end up being a blessing in disguise for you, as it is for a lot of people. For one, you were abusing your script...that never goes anywhere good. You didn't handle that the proper way by talking to the doctor about the medication not being as effective, you took matters into your own hands. That's a slippery slope. Second, often times opiates will make pain's a vicious cycle. Look up opiate induced hyperalgesia. So, you're kind of at a crossroads.
Avatar n tn //www.empr.
1459410 tn?1285695005 I think you need to find someone who cares more about you for a doctor. I have taken ibuprofen for weeks at a time in the past for the osteoarthritis in my jaws. I try to take it sparingly for it now. But I get frequent heartburn and was recently put on cytotec generic, which is supposed to help with stomach lining. I have tried acupuncture, which I thought helped some, herbal heat pack, ice, valium, ibuprofen and wear a flat-planed splint for my jaw osteoarthritis.
Avatar f tn Lidoderm Patches (Rx Only or doctor sample) work better for me and 5% Lidocaine Cream (you can find online) is awesome! Hope this helps.
Avatar f tn I am a 31 yr old female who has been having problems with pain. I have been having a lot of pain in my neck for which I went to physical therapy for. It helped some but the pain comes back priodically. My C6 & C7 are showing signs of being degeneratve. I have been having discomfort in all of my joints but the most pain is in my right elbow. At times I cannot even extend it to is full length without pain shooting up and down my arm. I have also been told I have onset of carpel tunnel.
Avatar f tn I have seen corneal melts with automimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and also after shingles. A rheumatologist may need to be consulted to look for other possible causes..An ophthalmologist that is a corneal specialist should be able to guide her with her workup and treatment.
Avatar n tn Thanks for the response Caregiver. I agree with the vicodin suggestion and it soundslike an excuse but it seems impossible for me to not take painkillers until I have an alternative or reduction in symptoms. I have had rounds of PT with the most recent being last Fall with limited success and I also have a TENS unit that works for a short while and then it just becomes annoying.
15254172 tn?1439477225 Hi, Tryagain. I just wanted to answer you even though chronic pain isn't my expertise. I do know this: at 6 days you are in the throes, the hell of detox. Your pain receptors are going bonkers. Even people who don't have chronic pain have aches and pains at day 6. It's called rebound pain. You've been numbed for so long and now your back is screaming for it's "medicine." I'm so sorry I can't give you a solution (other's will have ideas I'm sure.
Avatar f tn m hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. As some of you know, my main complaints have been pain, mostly arthritis pain along with fibromyalgia pain, and RSD pain, which came after 9 surgeries on my hand, which ultimately failed. I've been on a ton of medications over the past several years. Since last June I've been on the Fentanyl patch, 75 mcg every 48 hours, oxycodone 30 mg. 1 to 1.5 pills every 4 hours, 800 mg.