
Lidocaine used in cardiac arrest

Common Questions and Answers about Lidocaine used in cardiac arrest


383138 tn?1314167773 But since I had such severe heart reaction to just a shot of lidocaine at dentist in the past, the cardiologist said I am lucky I didnt go into cardiac arrest at that time and if they put lidocaine in me again he said my heart may suddenly fail (sudden cardiac arrest) and it may not be able to recover next time. And the warnings on lidocaine (even for people w/out heart problems) are such things as: rare but possible arrhythmias and cardiac arrest.
Avatar m tn In 2001 I suffered a massive MI and a prolonged cardiac arrest. It was some 45 mins before they got a regular sustained rhythmn again, I was "defibrillated" several times and they even went beyond protocol to save me. Fortunately for me they did. However, ever since then I have felt different. My memory which used to be a particular strength of mine was weaker, and my ability to multitask almost went overnight. I often forget peoples names or the next word that I want to say.
Avatar f tn I'm thinking cardiac arrest isn't the actual term they used? Cardiac arrest is a heart attack. But in general, it sounds like you had yourself checked out and they couldn't find any heart health issues? Are you sure it's your blood vessels? Why do you think that? Muscles (and we have gazillions, even super tiny little one) twitching is very common. That can be due to fatigue, anxiety or even too much caffeine.
Avatar n tn I would reccomend you get a medical alert bracelt for your allergy to Lidocaine as this is sometimes used in emergency situations to treat cardiac arrest.
Avatar m tn t know if I would go so far as to say you are going into cardiac arrest the fact that you are sensing a long pause of some sort needs to be investigated. Please visit your doctor to get reevaluated. If you do not have any other troubling symptoms that may be a good sign you have nothing to worry about but please do go get checked out, a doctor really needs to make that call. Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing.
14991338 tn?1447193706 i always hear about cardiac arrest in the young and athletes but very very rarely about heart attacks. not electrical problems but plumbing problems. is it an older persons health problem? do youngsters get blocked clogged arteries?
Avatar f tn I was only reading a case about it last night where a huge air pocket accumulated in the right side of the heart and was the cause for cardiac arrest. There are also cases where air has been drawn in through intravenous feeds.
Avatar n tn Usually presence of pupillary reflexes and spontaneous eye opening in patients after cardiac arrest is considered to be a good prognostic factor in context with brain injury. Extensor, flexor responses, conjugate gaze if present, we can except a favourable outcome in the patient. But outcome of a patient after surviving cardiac arrest is very individual. Consult a neurologist for further assistance. All the best.
406412 tn?1217438384 Hi Sudden cardiac death is also known as sudden cardiac arrest. All known heart diseases can lead to cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death. However, the most common cause are cardiac arrhythmias where irregular heart rhythm causes the heart to suddenly stop beating.
Avatar m tn Now, a leading doctor at this hospital claims that there is no way a head trauma like the one experienced, or any for that matter, could cause the victim to enter cardiac arrest. The view is that this victim had to have had entered cardiac arrest possibly while running or at some point along the way, but NOT from the actual head trauma. Maybe hereditary condition (but unbeknownst to individual).
955560 tn?1250194545 I am just curious but someone posted about a Doctor dieing from cardiac arrest from anxiety.I am just curious can that really happen can you really die from cardiac arrest in anxiety..Can someone answer that for me and let me know..I have been checked for a cat scan, blood test, and a EKG so i am just curious if i should get checked for other things and just to make sure there isnt anything wrong bad..When becomes to something like SCA that freaks me out..
1528249 tn?1291875739 i have uploaded my ECG in my pictures on my profile i think in my ecg i can see R waves?but maybe im wrong??because if there are R waves maybe i was not in cardiac arrest?? any help is much appreciated i am very worried It did happen suddenly, i was at the mall,luckily this mall had a defib. I have had all the tests and i have a normal heart overall except obviously this, my cardiologist at the hospital tho,just put an implantable reveal device in i thought best would have been an ICD?
Avatar f tn he had a ballon, trombplysis, cardiac arrest in the hospital\. now his brain is likely dead. please how can i attach his medical reports?
Avatar m tn s but maybe only 10% of what I used to have, but the big benefit is I no longer spend my life in fear of cardiac arrest, and instead of spending my days in fear, I am enjoying my life. Will my heart rythm problems cause cardiac arrest, well maybe, but I know i have done all I can for my health, and have decided to drop the "worry" part and life is now a whole lot more pleasant.
Avatar n tn The media is full of stories of athletes dropping dead of cardiac arrest. It could be nothing, but if there is a problem with his heart, he could get treatment.
Avatar m tn The only real exceptions would be a family history of Brugada Syndrome (confirmed by genetic testing and history of cardiac arrest in young family members) and/or his EKG showing something close to the Brugada sign. Ajmaline is considered the best sodium channel blocker to be used in a drug challenge test that may provoke the Brugada sign in patients where it may be "concealed" on a baseline EKG.
Avatar f tn I am 23 I have had random intense chest pain for about 3 years, possibly variant angina, I went into cardiac arrest in October and then acute respiratory failure and was on life support, my blood pressure is generally around 96-105/48-66 (and always has run low/normal), and my pulse rarely dips below 100, this is new in the past couple of years about since the chest pain started, the range is about 96-133 beats/min.
Avatar n tn She felt a little dizzy and went to the ER.. The nurse went to get a bed pan and my Mom had a sudden cardiac arrest, her heart stopped. They started life saving measuresand it took 20 minutes to get her back. They said all that time she suffered severe brain damage from lack of oxygen.She coded in the ER. I blame myself and I blame the ddoctors for not doing enough. I am I'm in my 20s and my last living relative my grandpa passed away.I don't know my Dad.
Avatar n tn Even though, generally, patients with spasm have similar outcomes compared to the normal controls, I think you are a bit different bacuse of the cardiac arrest. I think your doctors have to be very aggressive in terms of cotrolling your symptoms. You should be on calcium channel blockers and nitrates at maximal doses until your symptoms are controlled.
Avatar m tn But my left vendricle ejection fraction in October 2009 after the cardiac arrest event was about 20% and my follow-up echo in 5 weeks (done in November 2009) also showed the ejection fraction as only about 20% (no post procedure improvement). Also there is moderate to severe leak in the mitral valve. I used to smoke about 15 cigarettes a day till October 2009 but now I have fully quit smoking. I am taking my medicines and exercising regularly (about 45 minutes aerobic every day).