
Lidocaine and cardiac arrest

Common Questions and Answers about Lidocaine and cardiac arrest


383138 tn?1314167773 But since I had such severe heart reaction to just a shot of lidocaine at dentist in the past, the cardiologist said I am lucky I didnt go into cardiac arrest at that time and if they put lidocaine in me again he said my heart may suddenly fail (sudden cardiac arrest) and it may not be able to recover next time. And the warnings on lidocaine (even for people w/out heart problems) are such things as: rare but possible arrhythmias and cardiac arrest.
Avatar m tn In 2001 I suffered a massive MI and a prolonged cardiac arrest. It was some 45 mins before they got a regular sustained rhythmn again, I was "defibrillated" several times and they even went beyond protocol to save me. Fortunately for me they did. However, ever since then I have felt different. My memory which used to be a particular strength of mine was weaker, and my ability to multitask almost went overnight. I often forget peoples names or the next word that I want to say.
Avatar m tn How long does it take for someone to go unconscious during cardiac arrrest? And can the heart be "reset" back to normal if the person hits their chest before going unconscious?
Avatar m tn t know if I would go so far as to say you are going into cardiac arrest the fact that you are sensing a long pause of some sort needs to be investigated. Please visit your doctor to get reevaluated. If you do not have any other troubling symptoms that may be a good sign you have nothing to worry about but please do go get checked out, a doctor really needs to make that call. Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing.
Avatar n tn Many cardiac patients experience cardiac arrest and are successfully resuscitated. Generally the heart goes into ventricular fibrillation and is converted to a normal rhythym by means of an electrical pulse from a defibrillator. Unresolved cardiac arrest is essentially death.
Avatar n tn Cardiac arrest indicates the heart has stopped beating. Heart failure is a condition of the heart's inability to pump adequately and can lead to cardiac arrest. An arrhythmia is condition of irregular heartbeats and can lead to cardiac arrest as well. Thanks for your question and take care.
Avatar n tn s electrical system is sensitive to medication and the interaction of chemical elements, electrolytes, sodium, etc. can disrupt an electrical impulse and cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest causes heart failure and would be secondary to cardiac arrest (an electrical dysfunction). From the information you provide that appears to be the situation.
Avatar n tn Mild resuscitative hypothermia after cardiac arrest improves neurological outcome and reduces mortality in comatose survivors. The ability to survive anoxic no-flow states is dramatically increased with protective and preservative hypothermia. Outcome of brain injury depends on various factors like duration of ischaemia to the brain and extent of damage in the brain.
406412 tn?1217438384 Hi Sudden cardiac death is also known as sudden cardiac arrest. All known heart diseases can lead to cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death. However, the most common cause are cardiac arrhythmias where irregular heart rhythm causes the heart to suddenly stop beating.
Avatar m tn They did and EKG and echocardiogram. They told him that this was all due to the anxiety and stress, prescribed Xanax and sent him with instructions to not get stressed. He is to follow up with a cardiologist. Can this actually stop a person's heart from beating?
Avatar m tn Now, a leading doctor at this hospital claims that there is no way a head trauma like the one experienced, or any for that matter, could cause the victim to enter cardiac arrest. The view is that this victim had to have had entered cardiac arrest possibly while running or at some point along the way, but NOT from the actual head trauma. Maybe hereditary condition (but unbeknownst to individual).
Avatar m tn He died of cardiac arrest during endoscopy procedure. His BP before starting the procedure was 130/80. His lipid profile etc. were all normal. Other than slight history of BP for which he was taking regular medicine, there was no other ailment. What was the complication?
955560 tn?1250194545 Panic attacks and anxiety do NOT cause sudden cardiac arrest. There has to be an underlying heart condition for that to occur. Despite what a lot of people cannot be "scared to death". It may feel as though you're going to die, or that your heart is going to stop...but it won't.
Avatar f tn I'm thinking cardiac arrest isn't the actual term they used? Cardiac arrest is a heart attack. But in general, it sounds like you had yourself checked out and they couldn't find any heart health issues? Are you sure it's your blood vessels? Why do you think that? Muscles (and we have gazillions, even super tiny little one) twitching is very common. That can be due to fatigue, anxiety or even too much caffeine.
Avatar f tn 1 day 1/2 ago my grandfather went into a coma after cardiac arrest. When he first went into cardiac arrest my cousin was there performing cpr on him but could not find a pulse. according to the doctors he was "clinically dead" for 27 minutes. now he is in what the neurologist called a "deep coma" we are told that he will have severe damage, so the question is there ant hope.
Avatar m tn Plus and a big PLUS is your family history. I am a RN and have worked cardiac for many years and I have to say, it sounds like you have been ruled out to having problems with your heart. Your heart is a muscle and needs exercise to keep it in shape, just like all your other muscles. At your age and being a basketball player, exercise and pushing it is the best thing for you! You are healthy! Tell yourself that over and over and over until your brain believes you! Seriously!
Avatar n tn She felt a little dizzy and went to the ER.. The nurse went to get a bed pan and my Mom had a sudden cardiac arrest, her heart stopped. They started life saving measuresand it took 20 minutes to get her back. They said all that time she suffered severe brain damage from lack of oxygen.She coded in the ER. I blame myself and I blame the ddoctors for not doing enough. I am I'm in my 20s and my last living relative my grandpa passed away.I don't know my Dad.
Avatar n tn s because of a very bad reaction to a skin test involving Lidocaine and Mepricaine both WITHOUT Ephinepherine( I'm not sure of the spelling?) In the skin test I was given small doses of the local anaesthetics mentioned above and halfway through the test my heart started to have they stopped with the Lido caine and continued with the other one until a full dose was injected under the skin of the inside of my forearm.
Avatar f tn when people have a cardiac arrest, they are often unable to protect their airway, and subquently need to be intubated and placed on a vent. Additionally, when people are on vent, they are generally very sick, and as such, there are a number of potential factors which may lead to a cardiac arrest (rather than the vent itself).
Avatar f tn Is it possible for post motor vehicle accident trauma to neck to result in delayed onset of rapid upper lung breathing without lower lung, perhaps due to impaired diaphram, to lead to serum acidosis, respiratory arrest and coronary arrest? Prior to arrest experienced bowel dumping with loss of sphincter control. Apparently aspirated during CPR, developed double lung pneumonia and kidney failure. All better now, praise God. Ruled out heart, lung and kidney problems.
Avatar m tn A patient 90 years old, suffering congestion, dry cough, urinary infection, under dosage of cough syrup was sleepy. Then was given Cefuroxime, Linezolid antibiotic, corex syp and metolazone diuretics when partially conscious. He didnt eat much drank 50 ml water in last 14 hours and nothing after that. Later in the evening his oxygen was down to 70 SpO2. In 1.5 hours he was given oxygen with oxygen machine and the oxygen started to increase in a bit.
Avatar n tn On October 5th 2008, I went into cardiac arrest. After a few minutes, I was brought back. I spent a week in the hospital. A few weeks before all this, I started getting severe pressure in my chest, down my arms and up into my neck. I was diagnosed with Coronary Artery Spasms. Since leaving the hospital I have had few more attacks, not as severe but still painful. I've heard this is a rare condition.
Avatar m tn For example two people are dying or an infection, CPR and Defibrillation are applied in a cardiac emergency, but one patient is stabilized, while the other is not and dies. I'm sort of looking for a more in depth explanation here, I'm guessing its got something to do with the chemistry in the heart or the nerves that control it? Thank you.
Avatar n tn If person suffered cardiac arrest and was cooled off and warmed up, and did not regain comciousness what test should be done to check brain activiy?
Avatar n tn i read that erythomycin doubles your changes of cardiac arrest and makes it 5 times more likely if you are on arrythmia meds. and can cause vent. tach. i am not on arrythmia meds and dont have a documented history of heart rythmn problems but i do get PVCs and I honestly just dont like the odds of it doulbing your chances of dying of cardiac arrest! are there any antibiotics other than penicillins (which im allergic to) that are safe and dont pose potental heart rythmn problems?