
Lidocaine for cardiac arrest

Common Questions and Answers about Lidocaine for cardiac arrest


383138 tn?1314167773 Thank you for your reply. It is an IV lidocaine infusion done in a hospital with cardiac monitors on, and it is infused over a period of time just to see if I get any pain relief since my pain is throughout my entire back and neck. Since my pain is constant and very severe, the pain dr. wants to see if he can give me some relief of all pain at once by the infusion, it may not even work, and if it does, the relief only lasts from a couple hours up to possibly a week.
Avatar m tn In 2001 I suffered a massive MI and a prolonged cardiac arrest. It was some 45 mins before they got a regular sustained rhythmn again, I was "defibrillated" several times and they even went beyond protocol to save me. Fortunately for me they did. However, ever since then I have felt different. My memory which used to be a particular strength of mine was weaker, and my ability to multitask almost went overnight. I often forget peoples names or the next word that I want to say.
Avatar m tn t know if I would go so far as to say you are going into cardiac arrest the fact that you are sensing a long pause of some sort needs to be investigated. Please visit your doctor to get reevaluated. If you do not have any other troubling symptoms that may be a good sign you have nothing to worry about but please do go get checked out, a doctor really needs to make that call. Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing.
Avatar m tn I have already written that i have mitral trivial regulation but without mitral valve prolapse.i have read that mvp has very rare cases of sudden cardiac arrest what about mitral valve regulation does it have any risk even a little one?
406412 tn?1217438384 Hi Sudden cardiac death is also known as sudden cardiac arrest. All known heart diseases can lead to cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death. However, the most common cause are cardiac arrhythmias where irregular heart rhythm causes the heart to suddenly stop beating.
Avatar m tn Now, a leading doctor at this hospital claims that there is no way a head trauma like the one experienced, or any for that matter, could cause the victim to enter cardiac arrest. The view is that this victim had to have had entered cardiac arrest possibly while running or at some point along the way, but NOT from the actual head trauma. Maybe hereditary condition (but unbeknownst to individual).
955560 tn?1250194545 I am just curious but someone posted about a Doctor dieing from cardiac arrest from anxiety.I am just curious can that really happen can you really die from cardiac arrest in anxiety..Can someone answer that for me and let me know..I have been checked for a cat scan, blood test, and a EKG so i am just curious if i should get checked for other things and just to make sure there isnt anything wrong bad..When becomes to something like SCA that freaks me out..
Avatar f tn The symptoms or episodes of tachycardia (rapid heart rhythm) may have dizziness, chest palpitations, fainting or, rarely, cardiac arrest. Other people with WPW never have tachycardia or other symptoms. Whether a person will be treated with medication or with an ablation procedure depends on several factors. These include the severity and frequency of symptoms, risk for future arrhythmias and patient preference.
Avatar f tn I'm thinking cardiac arrest isn't the actual term they used? Cardiac arrest is a heart attack. But in general, it sounds like you had yourself checked out and they couldn't find any heart health issues? Are you sure it's your blood vessels? Why do you think that? Muscles (and we have gazillions, even super tiny little one) twitching is very common. That can be due to fatigue, anxiety or even too much caffeine.
1528249 tn?1291875739 i have uploaded my ECG in my pictures on my profile i think in my ecg i can see R waves?but maybe im wrong??because if there are R waves maybe i was not in cardiac arrest?? any help is much appreciated i am very worried It did happen suddenly, i was at the mall,luckily this mall had a defib. I have had all the tests and i have a normal heart overall except obviously this, my cardiologist at the hospital tho,just put an implantable reveal device in i thought best would have been an ICD?
Avatar n tn I would reccomend you get a medical alert bracelt for your allergy to Lidocaine as this is sometimes used in emergency situations to treat cardiac arrest.
Avatar m tn A patient 90 years old, suffering congestion, dry cough, urinary infection, under dosage of cough syrup was sleepy. Then was given Cefuroxime, Linezolid antibiotic, corex syp and metolazone diuretics when partially conscious. He didnt eat much drank 50 ml water in last 14 hours and nothing after that. Later in the evening his oxygen was down to 70 SpO2. In 1.5 hours he was given oxygen with oxygen machine and the oxygen started to increase in a bit.
Avatar m tn For living donor transplant, there is SGRH and there is Vedanta - google for info please
Avatar n tn On October 5th 2008, I went into cardiac arrest. After a few minutes, I was brought back. I spent a week in the hospital. A few weeks before all this, I started getting severe pressure in my chest, down my arms and up into my neck. I was diagnosed with Coronary Artery Spasms. Since leaving the hospital I have had few more attacks, not as severe but still painful. I've heard this is a rare condition.
Avatar m tn It is physically impossible for your heart to "deteriorate" to the point of causing you seriously problems in the span of a few months. It takes years for say high blood pressure or a blockage to cause heart growth of affect the ejection fraction of the heart to the point of it being noticeable enough to cause problems. the chances of having your heart stop (cardiac arrest) is 1/10 of 1% with the average age being 65.
Avatar m tn In the event the police come for you again, just greet them, ask them what you can you do for them and go along with them without resisting. If you know the cops are after you for whatever reason, go in of your own free will. Resisting arrest will get you nowhere, no matter what excuse you have or what your circumstances are. They just come down on you even harder making it much worse for you in the long run. Hope you get on OK. Best wishes.
Avatar n tn Did your husband have a heart attack or cardiac arrest? They are not the same thing. It sounds like you're describing cardiac arrest. A heart attack can lead to cardiac arrest, but a person can also have cardiac arrest without having a heart attack. If your husband had cardiac arrest and is experiencing arrhythmia he or you may want to inquire about getting an ICD. Good luck!
Avatar n tn If person suffered cardiac arrest and was cooled off and warmed up, and did not regain comciousness what test should be done to check brain activiy?
Avatar f tn Studies have proven that people who coronary artery disease and Long QT Syndrome have a much higher risk for cardiac arrest and especially in women over 40. I'm assuming you checked genetic testing out at Familion because those are their prices. There is a new company called GeneDX ( that has MUCH lower prices. I have had testing done at both places. GeneDX is a more comprehensive test and covers testing that Familion doesn't do yet.
Avatar f tn What may be of some concern is what is the underlying cause for the cardiac arrest. If it is arrhythmia pace maker that shocks the heart for any arrhythmia episodes can be beneficial.