
Lidocaine for migraines

Common Questions and Answers about Lidocaine for migraines


1571533 tn?1322943509 Hi Sandy! My doctor also prescribed me the Lidocaine patch for my hip and lower back. (didn't have neck or upper back pain at that time) They only worked for about a day and they also wouldn't stick to my body but I just found out last week that I tore a ligament in my hip so that my be why they didn't work. I hope your dr.can find the right med that helps with your pain!
Avatar m tn There are many treatments available to treat migraines. But what medical attention have you gotten for them so far? It sounds like you need to see a neurologist or a headache specialist. And if you are taking any kind of pain reliever, even OTC ones, 3 times a week or more, then you risk constant rebound migraines that can be much worse. Please provide more information about what you've gotten for your migraines so far, then I can be a lot more helpful. Take care.
Avatar f tn Been in hospital for week. No relief and now has gastroenteritis from all the steroids and NSAIDS. Back to the ER and treated with viscous lidocaine and mylanta to numb stomach. This actually helped a little with stomach. I've stopped the neurontin, but have continued the topamax once daily. Now we are taking Prilosec and mylanta. This has changed my entire families life for exactly one month. It's been a living nightmare that seems as though it will never end.
Avatar f tn So sorry to hear about your pain. I have not had any "discectomy" which I don't fully understand, but I have been diagnosed with occipital nerve migraines which have been severe 24/7 and are thought to be caused by my carotid artery dissection stroke 3 years ago. I also suffer from fibromyalgia. The easist part of my answer is that 150 mg. of Trazadone has greatly helped my fibromyalgia.
Avatar f tn I am 23 and have been suffering from intense migraines for about 12 years. Seizuresfor about 3 years, but this isn't about the seizures.
Avatar f tn Dr. Brown, They have already tried steroid/lidocaine injections a total of 5 times. They say the floaters that I am experiencing are not normal or typical floaters. I had already been seeing the Ryan Headache Center for migraines and the pain I'm experiencing with my eye is nothing even close to a migraine. We have tried various pain meds and meds for migraine relief, non of which have worked.
Avatar f tn Yes, you can have headaches for years after a stroke. I have had migraines for over 3 years since my stroke which the neurologists seem to think were caused by my stroke. And I have since read many posts from others who have migraines after their strokes. But there are many treatments that the doctors can do. You need to find a headache specialist or at least a neurologist.
Avatar f tn There are no contraindications for using lidocaine for the purpose described. The only danger is that lidocaine completely anesthetizes tissue, which is why you can cut or suture an area treated by lidocaine. Thus it is possible to cause a tear or injury that would not be noticed until the lidocaine wore off. In the case of normal intercourse, this should not be a problem.
Avatar n tn This is a question for your doctor or a pharmacist.
Avatar n tn I have suffered with migraines for 15 years. I have been given so many different medications, I can't even remember them all. Most recently I have tried topomax which made me extremely sick. The next try was lamictal which has had no real effect on my migraines and caused me to have breakthrough bleeding problems. The doctors no longer want me to take immetrex or relpax because they have discovered a minor blood clot behind my eye.
7636042 tn?1392841119 Botox did not help. Dental, TMJ, sinusitis has been ruled out. I see a therapist to help deal with my stress... as the only stress I have is due to being in so much pain for so long. It has gotten to the point where my face just hurts to do anything... even eat now (pain is only on right side of face). My neurologist has seemed to have given up on me and sent me to a pain clinic, where the most they can do is a Cervical Epidural to try and block all the nerves.
Avatar f tn Hi, I haven't heard of a lidocaine nasal spray, I would be very interested to know more about it as my current meds are not working anywhere near as well as they used to.
Avatar f tn Can aspercreme with lidocaine be used on a burn caused by a flame if its not blistered
Avatar m tn I am terrified of needles too and I FELT NOTHING.. They used Buffered Lidocaine injection which I did not feel any of.. I must admit, I did put over the counter Lidocaine cream all over my breast about an hour before the procedure. I used this Lidocaine cream on my arm before a tetanus shot that I had to get and was so afraid of and I was screaming for the nurse to WAIT but.. IT WAS ALREADY DONE! Helps a lot so you don't feel pain. Nurse also gave me tips for next time I get an injection.
Avatar f tn I saw an ENT today for sinus evaluation (unrelated), and he numbed both nostrils with lidocaine. I experienced almost immediate relief of my eye pain, although it's back now, 4 hours later. Does the fact that the lidocaine eliminated the pain have any implications for why my eye is still hurting? Thanks!
Avatar n tn Hi, I have been suffering from migraines for approximately 13yrs, been thru just about every drug, narcotic and non-narcotic there is out there! Been from neurologist to neurologist to psychiatrist, u name it, I have problem been to them. Had all the scans and test possible. I finally found a Dr that has helped me, grant it, I still suffer from migraines, but not as often. I went from going to the ER from 2-3 times a month, to maybe once every 2-3 months. I see a sports medicine dr.
Avatar n tn I recently have diagnosed with MS, chronic Fibromyalgia, myalgia, and Chronic severe Migraines. I am going to a pain management clinic. I get injections of Lidocaine steroids. So far I find they are not working and end up in more pain. then I should be. I've been told that I will be on some pain medication and steroids for the rest of my life unless I go into remission.. I'm take all kinds of vitamins as well.
Avatar n tn Hello, My sister needs extensive dental work i.e. root canals and fillings and crowns. She is a heart patient and we are wondering if Lidocaine, EPI, or any of the 'caines' are safe for dental work in heart patients? We do not want to start an arrythmia attack. Any safe meds? Thanks much.
Avatar f tn Has anyone ever been prescribed this for genital outbreaks or PHN? My doctor did for PHN. I just tried it for the first time it hurt to apply and doesn't feel the most pleasant now. Has anyone ever used this and what was your experience?
Avatar f tn I had a follow-up PM appointment today. I haven't seen her in a couple of months. We stopped my Cymbalta about a month ago and it made a HUGE difference in how I feel mentally and emotionally. Apparently that wasn't the drug for me, and it makes no difference in my pain, which was the point of going on it to begin with. I had a terrible fibromyalgia flare-up before Thanksgiving. The worst in a long time. To the point I had to crawl up the stairs and go down on my bum.
Avatar f tn I have some headache migraines but my main problem with migraines are abdominal migraines. It took me a long time to get a diagnosis. I first had three episodes a year of abdominal spasms followed by protracted vomiting. Then, I started developing auras such as sensitivy to light, seeing shapes, stars, tickling on back of neck followed usually by a severe abdominal spasm on the lower right side, then I would become nauseated and start vomiting. Sometimes I would have chills and sweats.
Avatar n tn Not to my knowledge, there is nothing that can cause a positive cocaine result.
Avatar n tn Re: Lidocaine Enemas. I am warning everyone to be careful. My brother just died 3/31/12 from a lidocaine enema. He was only 28. (Lidocaine Intoxication) Lidocaine in liquid form. I don't want anyone elses loved ones to die like this. I hope everyone will be careful when dealing w/lidocaine. it is a dangerous substance when not used properly.
Avatar m tn my co-worker gave me a new 10ml bottle of lidocaine, he uses it to give himself stitches. advice as to where to put the needle (i got from cvs insulin 31g-8mm),what to expect ie: will it burn- how long b4 its numb, and if i split the nail will it grow back? any advice will help..
383138 tn?1314167773 They wont inject lidocaine into a vein for pain... If they did any dose they give would be negligable for your heart.
Avatar m tn Getting lidocaine for wisdom tooth extraction--felt the needle going in and woke up 45 minutes later in ER. I had had a seizure! Hundreds of shots for teeth over the years, never any such experience. Surgeon swore he found no blood in syringe and couldn't understand why I seized. Swore he did everything right, never heard of lidocaine causing a seizure this way. Apologized profusely. I'm now worried about completing the extraction, which has to be done.