
Lidocaine for inhalation

Common Questions and Answers about Lidocaine for inhalation


Avatar n tn I am a 25 year old female and I had a seizure while having dental work done about 3 weeks ago. I had been given lidocaine and nitrous oxide. Following the appointment, I went to a neurologist and had a CT scan and an MRI done. Both showed no brain abnormalities. I had eclampsia 4 years ago and had seizures which resulted in the early delivery of my child. Aside from my seizures 4 years ago, I had no previous history of seizure disorder.
Avatar f tn I presume that you are on prednisones for your severe asthma. If you are worried that using this has damaged your bones, you should speak to your doctor about this. If may be that you need to have calcium and Vitamin D (this helps the body to absorb calcium) replacement. Do not stop taking the prednisones until you speak with your doctor. The damage to your 3 vertebrae may just be coincidental. Make an appointment with your doctor and discuss your concerns with him. Hope you get on OK.
Avatar m tn Having ruled out spinal involvment by CT and MRI, what treatment options are there for variant pain in thoracic area medial of scapula? I've experienced mild to severe pain in region, enervated by standing and active hand and arm motions over time while working under stress.. Corftisone and short/long acting lidocaine facet and area injections (T4-6) have yielded a maximum of 8 days relief. Radio Frequency Ablation , repeated twice, yielded 4-5 days relief per treatment.
Avatar f tn There are no contraindications for using lidocaine for the purpose described. The only danger is that lidocaine completely anesthetizes tissue, which is why you can cut or suture an area treated by lidocaine. Thus it is possible to cause a tear or injury that would not be noticed until the lidocaine wore off. In the case of normal intercourse, this should not be a problem.
Avatar n tn This is a question for your doctor or a pharmacist.
Avatar m tn Will try to have steam inhalation--do you suggest any medicine to put in water for inhalation, good support
Avatar f tn Can aspercreme with lidocaine be used on a burn caused by a flame if its not blistered
Avatar m tn I am terrified of needles too and I FELT NOTHING.. They used Buffered Lidocaine injection which I did not feel any of.. I must admit, I did put over the counter Lidocaine cream all over my breast about an hour before the procedure. I used this Lidocaine cream on my arm before a tetanus shot that I had to get and was so afraid of and I was screaming for the nurse to WAIT but.. IT WAS ALREADY DONE! Helps a lot so you don't feel pain. Nurse also gave me tips for next time I get an injection.
Avatar n tn Treatment is usually symptomatic. Antibiotics for infections and bronchodilators for bronchospasm. And of course avoidance of smoking to prevent further damage to the lungs. To improve lung function practice breathing exercises. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn Hello, My sister needs extensive dental work i.e. root canals and fillings and crowns. She is a heart patient and we are wondering if Lidocaine, EPI, or any of the 'caines' are safe for dental work in heart patients? We do not want to start an arrythmia attack. Any safe meds? Thanks much.
Avatar f tn Has anyone ever been prescribed this for genital outbreaks or PHN? My doctor did for PHN. I just tried it for the first time it hurt to apply and doesn't feel the most pleasant now. Has anyone ever used this and what was your experience?
Avatar n tn I would just focus on catching my breath and within about 10 minutes I would be fine. I went running the day after the initial inhalation and noticed that my airways were extremely restricted but not enough to stop me. After I was done my workout I was very hoarse and had more trouble than normal in regaining my breath. So I rested for about 4 or 5 days and was breathing normally and fine. I decided to go running again last night (about a week after initial inhalation.
Avatar f tn I had a follow-up PM appointment today. I haven't seen her in a couple of months. We stopped my Cymbalta about a month ago and it made a HUGE difference in how I feel mentally and emotionally. Apparently that wasn't the drug for me, and it makes no difference in my pain, which was the point of going on it to begin with. I had a terrible fibromyalgia flare-up before Thanksgiving. The worst in a long time. To the point I had to crawl up the stairs and go down on my bum.
1571533 tn?1322943509 Hi Sandy! My doctor also prescribed me the Lidocaine patch for my hip and lower back. (didn't have neck or upper back pain at that time) They only worked for about a day and they also wouldn't stick to my body but I just found out last week that I tore a ligament in my hip so that my be why they didn't work. I hope your dr.can find the right med that helps with your pain!
Avatar n tn The “near fatal reaction” may have had a component of airway inflammation, that served to “tip-off” your asthma, much as can happen with a severe respiratory infection, such as bronchitis, resulting in what is called bronchial hyperreactivity, a feature of asthma. What you have experienced may or may not be asthma in the conventional sense but be more akin to a condition called reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS). This latter may take weeks, months or longer to eventually subside.
Avatar n tn Not to my knowledge, there is nothing that can cause a positive cocaine result.
Avatar n tn Re: Lidocaine Enemas. I am warning everyone to be careful. My brother just died 3/31/12 from a lidocaine enema. He was only 28. (Lidocaine Intoxication) Lidocaine in liquid form. I don't want anyone elses loved ones to die like this. I hope everyone will be careful when dealing w/lidocaine. it is a dangerous substance when not used properly.
Avatar m tn my co-worker gave me a new 10ml bottle of lidocaine, he uses it to give himself stitches. advice as to where to put the needle (i got from cvs insulin 31g-8mm),what to expect ie: will it burn- how long b4 its numb, and if i split the nail will it grow back? any advice will help..
Avatar f tn feelin a little better today my nose seems to be running thanks for the steam inhalation i will have to try it!
Avatar n tn But just do yourself a favor and quite smoking. It will be better for your health and save you allot of money, and yes I did smoke for over 15 years.
383138 tn?1314167773 They wont inject lidocaine into a vein for pain... If they did any dose they give would be negligable for your heart.
Avatar m tn Getting lidocaine for wisdom tooth extraction--felt the needle going in and woke up 45 minutes later in ER. I had had a seizure! Hundreds of shots for teeth over the years, never any such experience. Surgeon swore he found no blood in syringe and couldn't understand why I seized. Swore he did everything right, never heard of lidocaine causing a seizure this way. Apologized profusely. I'm now worried about completing the extraction, which has to be done.