
Levothyroxine tablet colors

Common Questions and Answers about Levothyroxine tablet colors


Avatar n tn 2 years ago I was prescribed levothyroxine for an underactive thryoid. I did some research and found Selenium to be good for thyroid problems. I take 1 tablet of Selenium, Kelp and Vit C in the morning and 1 tablet of Potassium, Vit B12, Magnesium and Calcium at night. I have had 5 blood tests and ALL say my throid is fine yet I haven't taken one of the levothyroxine tablets yet!
Avatar n tn I use to take Levothyroxin 125MCG tab mylan One and One/Half Tablet six days per week and One/Half Tablet one day per week. This was bought at Walmart. I started to obtain my Medication from the "VA". They sent me Levothyroxine NA ( Synthroid) 0.025MG Tab. Take One/Half once Daily. What is the differance between 125MCG and 0.025MG ? Will the dosage be correct ?
Avatar n tn TSH- around 40. T4 -6. Was taking levothyroxine 25 and got blood results to normal, but was feeling so sick that I stopped. Started to feel OK, but doctor said I should take levothyroxine. I tried Armour 1/4 grain, took it for 2 weeks, felt even worse -- as if I am about to pass out. Stopped that too. What to do? Where to go? What to take (or not) ? Any suggestions?
393685 tn?1425812522 I am confused...been away from the boards for months until very recently. I thought Amour Thyroid contained desicated thyroid tissue from pigs, not synthetic: "...each tablet contains 19 mcg levothyroxine (T4) and 4.5 mcg liothyronine (T3) ..." so what does this mean?
Avatar m tn I have used Levothyroxine for one year. Daily dose is 1/2 tablet 10pcg. I want to know whether Levothyroxine does any harm to liver or kidneys?
Avatar m tn Past research has shown that taking an acidic substance (hydrochloric acid) at the same time as the levothyroxine tablet may enhance the drug’s absorption. Therefore, the authors studied whether simultaneous use of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) would improve dissolution of the levothyroxine tablet and thus absorption.
Avatar n tn So, this time, the pharmacist thought that the allergic reaction might be due to lactose as I am lactose intolerant, and the dyes in the medication. (Artificial colors.) He gave me Levothyroxine 25 MCG and told me to break it in half. This medication is lactose free and dye free. This time again, I had the same allergic reaction except for the sore throat because I only took it once. Last time it started with the same thing. Since I continued for nine days, I ended up with a sore throat too.
Avatar m tn I have been taking Levothyroxine for 3 years. At that point I started having diarrhea. My doctor said that diarrhea was not a side effect of this medicine, and that I must be gluten intolerant or lactose intolerant. So for years I've been changing my diet, with no steady results. Whatever I ate, or did not eat, I still had diarrhea. So as a last resort, I stopped taking levothyroxine three days ago. I feel great !! I have so much energy and guess what? NO diarrhea !!!
Avatar n tn i started to talk levothroxin sandoz 25 mcg 10 days ago and after 5 days all Symptoms of allergy reaction and my endo said i have to stop it and he switch me to synthroid 50 mcg ( half tablet per day ) but i am afraid to talk it. can you help me and tell me if i had the allergy reaction from the first one do you think i will have same thing with the other ??
Avatar f tn s too, and I find that levothyroxine just does not work. Try getting your doctor to switch to the namebrand stuff...Synthroid. It makes a big difference!! Also, It takes a while for your dosage to become correct as they have to keep testing and leveling it out and so forth, so just give it time, trust me, once you're on the right dose, you'll see a difference.
548668 tn?1394187222 The 25 µg dose is the smallest dose for most levothyroxine products. Tirosint is a gel based Levothyroxine product that comes in a 13 µg tablet, this may be a reasonable alternative. I do agree with you that given symptoms and TSH levels replacement with levothyroxine is reasonable.
Avatar f tn My Armour Thyroid bottle says it is 1 1/2 grain (90mg) . Each tablet contains: levothyroxine (T4) 57 mcg & liothyronine (T3) 13.
Avatar n tn Am switching to a natural replacement. One of them are 140 gr per tablet, the other 390 mg per tablet. How much of those do I take to match it?> Please do not ask me to ask doctor etc, they have no idea!
Avatar f tn 8 times higher than that of the tablet. Thus, the administration of LT4 suppository can be an alternative for treatment with oral medication in clinical practice." Clinical efficacy and pharmacokinetics of levothyroxine suppository in patients with hypothyroidism. Kashiwagura Y, et al. Biol Pharm Bull. 2014;37(4):666-70.
Avatar n tn I had I131 treatment for Grave’s and became hypothyroidism 3 months ago. I was treated with generic levothyroxine, starting from 1 tablet of 0.05 mg a day. When the dose increased to two tablets of 0.05 mg a day, I developed allergic reaction (severe rashes over body, confirmed drug allergy by dermatologist). Now I am on Armour. If I take 60 mg, my BP is ~130 mmHg systolic and ~85 diastolic, and resting HR is ~75 bpm with visible water retention on face.
Avatar m tn My wife TSH is 0.03 & T3:1.24, T4:10.30. She already taken thyronorm 0.75 tablet once a day daily. Is it normal sir?
Avatar f tn Hi Skin rash is a rare side effect of thyroid medication. This may be caused by the levothyroxine in the tablet or by any of the ingredients in the tablets like acacia powder, corstarch, lactose, magnesium stearate, gluten and tartrazine or maybe others in various combination. You can take a scratch test or intradermal test for the ingredients of the tablet. In all likelihood, you are allergic to the other components of the tablet besides the hormone.
Avatar m tn my baby tested in 5 days after birth about TSH. test revealed TSH:5.8. then doctors take blood from vein and TSH and T4 were tested that answer were TSH:10.8 and T4:7.8. doctor prescribe Levothyroxine for about 1 month . after a 6 weeks we checked TSH @ T4 that revealed TSH:<0.1 and T4:20.1. then doctor recomended 1/2 tablet per 2 days for 6 weeks again . please guide me about my baby. thanks a lot.
Avatar m tn Rantadine in which I stopped because it caused a reaction with another tablet he took off you .
18552345 tn?1472243264 30 am and one at 1pm daily) Lab results in March 2016: TSH- 1.080 FREE T4- 0.78 (0.57 - 1.25) FREE T3- 2.5 (2.0 - 4.4) Ferritin- 64 B-12- 1095 (211-946) (Was told to back off supplement) Lab results in January 2016: TSH- 1.444 FREE T4- 0.62 (0.57 - 1.25) FREE T3- 3.0 (2.2 - 4.3) Ferritin- 28 Thank you for your time.
Avatar f tn “Bowel motility is slower at night,” which means that it takes longer for the levothyroxine tablet to transit through the intestinal system, resulting in longer exposure to the intestinal wall, and therefore, better uptake of the medication. The conversion process of T4 to T3 may be more effective in the evening.