
Levora common side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Levora common side effects


Avatar f tn I am not ready for a hysterectomy/ooverectomy yet. Is there a birth control pill out there with fewer side effects for depression. I take Effexor XR 225mg daily. I will start a Intensive Out-patient Program this week for depression.
Avatar f tn I'm taking birth control pills since yesterday. My doctor didn't ask me to take a pregnancy test because I was sure I wasn't. But this morning I threw up and I feel nausea. I'm also experiencing dizziness. I'm taking levora. So now idk if I'm pregnant or it's just the first effects of the pills. I talked to my doctor and she said I shouldn't be throwing up.
Avatar f tn I have been on levora birth control for four months now and my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex two days in a row and he finished inside of me, we usually don't do that. However, now I'm getting nervous because I hear that levora is a low dose pill and they are easy to get pregnant on.. I usually take it at 8 am sometimes I'm an hour late but usually I always take it at 8. I'm on the third week of my pack so I should be starting my period next week.
Avatar f tn So I took Levora from the age of like 14 through 26 (I went off of it around age 23 and got pregnant shortly after so I didn't get back on it until I stopped breastfeeding). I started getting my period very young (age 9) and I don't recall them being too irregular. Normally they'd be about 28 - 32 days in between periods. So a little irregular but still not too irregular. They were also always very heavy and painful, hence why my mother opted to put me on Levora.
Avatar m tn Any blood from that *area* that is brown or dark is considered old blood. ANd like Laura said, switching BC can mess your cycle up. I went from BC pills to the Depo shot and I bled for 5 weeks straight...all which was old blood. If your that worried you can have your doc run a pregnancy test on you, and you can speak to him/her about the side effects that you may have with yaz. I agree with Laura, I don't think you are pregnant, I think it's just your hormones from switching BC.
Avatar n tn Side effects may be more common shortly after you start treatment. The most common side effects with WELLBUTRIN XL are weight loss, loss of appetite, dry mouth, skin rash, sweating, ringing in the ears, shakiness, stomach pain, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, trouble sleeping, muscle pain, nausea, fast heartbeat, sore throat, and urinating more often. Seizures may occur (studies showed an incidence of 1/1000 - 4/1000). The chances of having seizures increases with higher doses.
Avatar f tn Has anybody gotten a stuffy head and "funny feeling" eyes as a side effect from SSRI's. I have had these side effects before but they went away after a month or so. I'm on Celexa and this stuffy feeling(like you are coming down with a cold) seems to be sticking with me. The med is working well except for this uncomfortable feeling in and around my eyes.
Avatar f tn t know. when i went in they switched me off of the yasmin and onto levora so it would be cheaper. but i never had problems with yasmin anyways. but after taking the levora i started getting anxiety not anxiety attacks but just high anxiety all the time everyday till now. i don't know if it was the levora or if it was the sinus thing because i remember feeling sort of like this the day we went to pick the levora for the first time. does anyone have any answers for me.
Avatar f tn I have or had a bacterial infection in my stomach (gastritus) according to my endoscopy recently taken, along with a couple of small ulcers " My Dr prescribed 500 ml of flagyl and 500 ml of biaxin to be taken twice daily for 14 days I did not complete the treatment " the side effects were to extreme I did it for 11 days ..and stopped ...My question 'was " were those side effects common? Your answer is gratly appreciated.
Avatar n tn I had many side effects. Headaches, severe heartburn accompanied with hiccups. Blisters and discoloration all over my tongue and back of my throat. By day 6 my feet and ankles were badly swollen and it was getting difficult to swallow. My doc said I was having a systemic reaction and to quit immediately. We are going to try Subutex now and I hope it works. On all the info I found, the only side effect I had that was listed was headache.
Avatar f tn sorry to hear your hubby is having a hard time. sounds like he is having some of the common side effects. There is nothing that can boost platlets but many docs let them go really low before lowering or stopping the meds. Try and get back on the full strength of interferon ASAP! Probably the most common side effect is the itching. I have it as well and it is horrible. I have found some relief with a prescription med called Atarax.
1286779 tn?1400012806 I think Jaybay just gave you great advice. Lots of elderly have different side effects than the more common ones. Medications can easily interact and sometimes medications that have been fine for a long time all of a sudden aren't. A gerentologist probably is the best place to look for answers. When my mom was alive, we had a few kinks with her medications.
Avatar f tn Is there anything we can do to ease the side effects.........The high fever was the most difficult to bare for my hubby after the shot......Thanks in advance to u all for giving wonderful suggestions always.......
Avatar f tn I was just thinking about the pain during labor and im super nervous on what i should and pain dont get along! Are the side effects from a epidural really bad and do it last a lifetime ?
Avatar f tn My wife in the 2nd week of her 6th chemo session of carboplatin, paclitaxel and avastin. Most of the side effects are predictable and have been increasing in severity over the sessions. For the last few days she has been subject to very painful occasions of bloating and severe intestinal gas pain. Don't find these in any of the listings of side effects other than "abdominal pain". Anyone know if this is a common side effect and what can be done about it.
Avatar n tn Are there any known side effects for Shen Calmer and Liver Happy Capsules? My dog has been taking them for about a week now. He is taking them for anxiety, no signs of relief yet, but no prescriptions have helped him so this is our last resort. The second day he vomited and the vet said she hadn't ever seen that so we have kept going.
Avatar f tn This treatment has a high risk of psychiatric side effects, you need to find a doctor who is up to date on the treatment and side effects. Search the archives on this forum, its got lots of good discussions and information. Good luck.
Avatar n tn I do smoke cigarettes and have coffee every day, which may also increase these side effects. I am nervous for my health, but do realize that for the most part I never get these tics or nervousness in my heart. My heart rate usually does not increase and I do not have shortness of breath.
7829857 tn?1401192659 I have been on Sovaldi, Olysio and Riboviron for 4 weeks. I am finding that I feel very poorly with a laundry list of noxious symptoms. I feel very alone since my docs said that the side effect profile would be very tolerable. Many years ago I was on interferon and riboviron but could not tolerate the tx. I don't know if it is the roboviron that is causing the side effects. At this point I am pretty much bed-ridden. Is there anyone out there with a similar experience?