
Levonorgestrel a progestin hormone

Common Questions and Answers about Levonorgestrel a progestin hormone


Avatar n tn Tony is correct, if you are in fact breastfeeding you should discuss with your OB/GYN a progestin only pill ( a good example would be NORA-BE TABLET) . If not here are some low dose pills to consider.
Avatar n tn Hi I'm a 24 year old that's been on birth control since the age of 19. I have been researching the cardiovascular effects of birth control and saw that it can raise c-reactive protein levels. How clinically significant is this? I know crp is a measure of inflammation in the body. So is increasing it's level going to actually cause inflammation? Or is it simply upregulated, and if so what are the consequences of that? I recently switched for alesse which has levonorgestrel.
Avatar f tn Plan B contains Levonorgestrel and Progestin hormones which obstructs the process of ovulation. It also blocks the sperms from entering the uterus hence preventing the pregnancy. The pills which you are talking about are abortion pills whose process is similar to miscarriages. Abortion pills like Mifepristone and Misoprostol which contracts the uterus and the pregnancy is passed out in form of bleeding. I hope your doubt is cleared now.
Avatar m tn and then figure out if I need t add more, and how do I figure that out - how does one know if she needs progesterin/progestin or testosterone added (either the medical kind or the bio identical kind).
561921 tn?1216605621 This change causes early menopause and increased osteoporosis risk When taking hormone therapy after an oophorectomy it is important to take estrogen plus progestin (hormone replacement therapy). The progestin protects the uterus from the increased risk of estrogen-related endometrial cancer. You can read more about this through this link: Take care an regards.
Avatar f tn Looks like they are similar, but that a progestin is synthetic and produced in a lab.
Avatar f tn Plan B is an effective and safe contraceptive medicine which is used as an emergency pill after an unprotected intercourse. The component involves artificial hormone Levonorgestrel and Progestin. Plan B is recommended for immediate usage (24 to 72 hours) for providing complete protection from an unwanted pregnancy. Appropriate use of Plan B helps in avoiding pregnancy and also causes Zero future pregnancy and birth defects.
Avatar n tn If I am on Menopause, should I removed the IUD? I know the IUD is a hormonal IUD, so it does provide me some amount of progestin. I am not sure if this effect the FSH test. Also is there any benefit to keep the IUD in me as it does provide the progestin hormone which I am lacking during the menopausal period. Any advices would be great.
Avatar f tn Plan B® One-Step is composed of a progestin-only (levonorgestrel) tablet. Levonorgestrel is well-trusted and has been commonly used in many birth control pills for over 35 years. In a clinical trial, women tolerated Plan B® One-Step well; 14% experienced nausea and 1% experienced vomiting.5 Plan B® One-Step is safe and well-tolerated. Some women may experience mild side effects, similar to those of regular birth control pills.
Avatar f tn The active ingredients in morning-after pills are similar to those in birth control pills, except in higher doses. Some morning-after pills contain only one hormone, levonorgestrel (Plan B, Plan B One-Step), and others contain two, progestin and estrogen. Progestin prevents the sperm from reaching the egg and keeps a fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus (implantation). Estrogen stops the ovaries from releasing eggs (ovulation) that can be fertilized by sperm.
Avatar f tn There are many hormone options from contraceptives to hormone "replacement." Since estrogen feeds endo, it is thought that a progestin or progesterone should be taken along with any estrogen to attempt to keep the endo from growing.
Avatar f tn m pill free (placebo week) and am still bleeding. Is it because of lack of hormone progestin in my body right now? My gyn told me to start the new pack a d usual this coming Sunday and see if my cycle clears up. I usually have regular but painful cycles, but never bleed more than 5 days. I'm on day 8 today. Bleeding is moderate, necessitating pads/tampons. I'm just fed up of the inconvenience and need advice on whether this is normal? How can I make my bleeding stop?
1353681 tn?1387083733 Started norethindrone recently; it is not estrogen, but rather a form of progestin... but is also partially used as birth control and for endometriosis.. It is a chalky pill, and I let it sit in my mouth to get it just right so it doesn't hit my throat.. but I notice it dissolves most of the way in my mouth before I swallow.. is it ok to just dissolve it for a couple mins in water before taking it.. I'd assume it is the same thing as it dissolving in my mouth.. ?
Avatar m tn Hello, I am 29 yo considering OC to help hormonal imbalance (not so much pregnancy prevention). I have cystic acne along my jawline. I have been using spironolactone 50mg daily about a year. Overall, it's improved about 50%, but will worsen during pre-mentraul flare ups. However, my derm is hesitant about increasing my dose and suggested adding on OC. Any reccomendation on what estrogen/progestin combo to try for acne?
6322039 tn?1380727998 This includes cyclic hormone therapy preparations that contain a combination of estrogen and a progestin. What you are having is breakthrough bleeding due to hormonal effect of bioidentical hormones and should get better with time. If it persists then get it evaluated from your gynecologist. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided.
1103360 tn?1258309599 I am going thru menopause and the hormones are making my depression much worse. I am highly allergic to progestin and progesterone products. Is there anything natural or other prescription that could help me?
Avatar n tn 0.03mg, Levonorgestrel:0.15mg. i read on the internet that a high dosage of birth control pills acts as a morning after pill but i dont know what excatly is a high dosage. please guide me on this. what dosage of this birth control pill should i consume so that it acts as a morning after pill (emergency contraceptive).
Avatar f tn It seems more common to prescribe birth control pills than hormone replacement (Prempro) during perimenopause. And a course of progestin seems to be more commonly prescribed to stop prolonged and/or heavy bleeding.
Avatar f tn Hello, Depo-Provera is a long-acting progestin (hormone) form of birth control. If you stop getting Depo-Provera injections, your period usually returns within 3 to 10 months but sometimes it may take 12-18 mths. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps.
874116 tn?1240368959 The name is Ipill with the levonorgestrel hormone. I used it once mid cycle after my period last month and got pregnant. I really want to know if teh hormone can cause any potential harm to the baby. I am in a fix and would really appreciate some advice....
Avatar n tn Um...I am not very knowledgeable about progesterone but from what I understand it is a hormone taken to provide the pregnancy with what it needs until the placenta takes over. Did the doctor do a blood test to see if your progesterone levels were low? I don't think progesterone has any birth defects for the baby...lots of women take it in very early pregnancy (usually stop by week 10 I think). Bleeding doesn't mean a miscarriage is imminent.
Avatar n tn I found a lump on my left breast about 5 months ago and made an appointment to see my doctor. The lump was a bit tender but I assumed it was because I had been prodding it! My doctor said she was sure it was a 'breast mouse' but sent me to the hospital to have it checked by a specialist. I went to see the specialist and he told me it was fibro something, and the lump was due to the fact that I have large breasts.
Avatar f tn re very fertile right afterward), just keep in mind that any side effects you have after starting a new birth control method will be far worse than they would be for a woman who has not recently been pregnant.
Avatar n tn ) Have they offered an ultrasound to see if there are larger fibroids or polyps or a thickened endometrium (uterine lining) that may be causing this heavier and prolonged bleeding? Have they done a blood work-up to check your hormone levels (FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA as well as thyroid hormones such as TSH, T4, T3)? If not, you may want to consider requesting that your family doc or gyn orders these tests for you.
Avatar m tn There is estrogen-only HRT and combined (estrogen plus progestin or progesterone) HRT. Women who have a uterus who take HRT must take progestin or progesterone if they take estrogen in order to protect their uterine lining from the proliferative effects of estrogen. Estrogen is not associated with an increased risk of any type of cancer (except endometrial/uterine).