
Lamotrigine neuropathic pain

Common Questions and Answers about Lamotrigine neuropathic pain


Avatar f tn yes you certainly can. I have been on gabapentin 1800mg (for neuropathic pain) for 5 years now and Lamictal 150mg (lowered from 300mg originally)..for abt 18 months this I take for mood stabilizing. I have noticed no side effects from either drug alone or combined, except possibly some short term memory problems that may or maynot be related to the lamictal.
Avatar f tn Other usesOff-label uses include the treatment of peripheral neuropathy, trigeminal neuralgia, cluster headaches, migraines, and reducing neuropathic pain. [14][15][16] Off-label psychiatric usage includes the treatment of depersonalization disorder, bipolar II disorder and other bipolar disorders, schizoaffective disorder, borderline personality disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Avatar f tn But its the pain in my chest i wanted to know about it was my doctor who prescribed the Amitriptyline tablets he said they where used years ago to treat depression but would do the same job for my pain and he said it sounds like i have damaged nerves in my chest they did take away the soreness but its comin back again i have it now about 7 months he also called it Neuropathic pain its like a burning ,stabbing ,aching pain very uncomfortable its even a worse pain tht the frozen shoulder please
1713150 tn?1314467342 thanks so much!!!
Avatar f tn In about 2011 or so (i was like 17 I wanna say) I was perscribed Lamotrigine for bipolar disorder. Taking that medication seems to have been the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life. Or, the most coincidental occurance I've ever heard of. Just a week after tapering daily to the regular dose, I began to feel what I called "crippling anxiety". My doc hardly believed me when I said it and, get this, UPPED my dose of Lamotrigine.
Avatar f tn I have been suffering from major depression and chronic pain for over 10 years. I am currently taking Wellbutrin XL 300mg, Lamotrigine 25 mg, Zyrtec, Levothyroxine 75mg, and Atenolol 50mg. I started Lamotrigine (lamictal generic) 2 weeks ago. On day 9, I developed severe diarrhea and cramps. It was slowed down with 1 pill of Immodium, but after 2 days I decided to eat a "regular" meal and got diarrhea again.
Avatar f tn ll try it for my neuropathic pain and see if it can help bolster my morphine dose. If not, I can always try more morphine. Had ketamine trigger point injections today. Still pretty sore, but hopefully in a couple of days when this settles down, it will reduce chronic muscle spasm in the large muscles of my lower back. Haven't read your letter yet but will get to it soon. Take care and keep moving forward -- never back up!
Avatar m tn There are other meds out there such as Lyrica and Neurontin. They are nerve meds and not pain meds. They work directly on the nerve pain which is fibromyalgia. Mine is not as bad now since I stopped all pain meds except advil and tylenol. The pain is not so bad but the doctor said those are my options. Hope you can fine something that will help with your pain cause I know how the bad the pain can get,,,,,,good luck.
147426 tn?1317265632 We were lucky enough to have a pain managment doc land on our forum last week. He has agreed to feed us some info on data, written for the person with no medical knowledge. He emails me the info and I will place it on the forum. I am so jazzed! PAIN - The Musical There are fundamentally two types of pain in world: "normal pain" and "neuropathic pain". Normal pain happens when someone kicks me in the shins.
Avatar m tn Hi, and welcome to the forum. Neuropathic pain is difficult to treat and we were lucky enough to have a pain management doctor wrtie up to Health Pages on the subject. Please click on the two links below. the first one is explaining what neuropathic pain is and the second is describing how to treat it and explaining why you want (actually NEED) to go slow. No one WANTS to go slow, of course.
Avatar m tn He learned that the MSIR, given for the cancer treatment pain, was able to manage the neuropathic pain. There has been no etiology determined for the neuropathy. His Lumbar puncture was normal except for elevated protein. His skin is very hot when his pain is bad, & he is lightheaded & unsteady.
Avatar n tn Hello, I was looking for some treatment options for General Neuropathic Pain as the only diagnosis my dr can provide me after negative EMGs both upper and lower extremeties and complete work up including MRIs, bone scans, x-rays, and blood tests. My pain is debilitating sciatica like in both legs and ulnar nerve pain in both arms from shoulder down to the pinky fingers which feels like tightness in so many muscle groups. Pain for 2 years without answer or any treatment to help.
Avatar m tn I hope someone can shed light on this. I have been experiencing neuropathic pain for 8 months after taking vitamins and supplements. My initial symptom was twitching in my left calf. This progressed with pins and needles sensation in more of my left leg. A week or so later I had similar symptoms in my right leg as well as significant numbness in my right thigh. Next I experienced parenthesis across my mid back at about th mid-thoracic level.
Avatar m tn It could be neuropathic, though an unlikely possibility. Neuropathic pain can be managed with medications or nerve destruction. 3. Likely possibilities include referred pain from other regions, infections, inflammations, chronic irritation etc. It would be best to get this evaluated by a urologist or an internist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. Hope this is helpful. Take care!
Avatar f tn Only a few interactions between lamotrigine and other drugs have been identified. Lamotrigine increases the plasma level of carbamazepine and its metabolites. Carbamazepine lowers the concentration of lamotrigine in the blood. Valproate doubles the plasma level of lamotrigine, and the level of valproate is decreased by about 25% in people taking lamotrigine. Phenobarbital and primidone lower the plasma level of lamotrigine by about 40%.
1310035 tn?1305621642 Sorry if there was some sort of misunderstanding, not sure how that happened?? but i never said or implied anything about pain management (clinics/centres/doctors or what ever) only prescribing narcotics. The only thing I actually said was "So my advice is to try and stay away from the pain meds that are easily addictive and talk to your dr about neuropathic pain drugs instead.
1756969 tn?1332437163 ve been taking Lamotrigine for over a year. It caused no changes in my weight or appetite. And I swear by the medication.
Avatar f tn I think they're confused. If you read the full prescribing information, it's the PILL that screws with the lamotrigine, not the other way around. It's not like a lot of other anticonvulsants. From "Lamotrigine has no effect on other seizure medicines. And unlike some other seizure medicines, it does not reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.
Avatar f tn Hello, I am a first time pregnant mom to be at 35 and I have some complex med problems that require maintenance meds. I'm epileptic with a small brain tumor and taking Lamotrigine, which I know isn't great for the baby. But I'm low dose (200 mgs a day) and a seizure will most likely cause more injury to the baby than stopping. I also have an anxiety disorder and chronic pain due to a failed knee surgery a few years ago.
Avatar m tn Pain descriptions can vary widely according to the individual, however it is possible that you may be suffering from neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain can have many different causes. Among these are a group of disorders called entrapment neuropathies. As your nerves travel along the length of your arm, they are vulnerable to injury at specific sites where normal ligamentous and bony structures are predisposed to compression.
Avatar n tn Certain antidepressants have been shown to be very effective in neuropathic pain independent of their antidepressant effects (meaning the chemicals affected by these medications help treat the neuropathic pain). These include elavil, doxepin, and others. Topical doxepin and caspasin cream are also helpful for neuropathic itching. Anti-seizure medications found to be useful for neuropathic itching include neurontin and lyrica.
Avatar n tn // Book Notes for "Pain Free 1-2-3" Chapter 4: Focusing on Nerve Pain I hope you'll find something to help.