
Lamotrigine label

Common Questions and Answers about Lamotrigine label


Avatar f tn After reviewing the medications I was already taking (to avoid any conflicts) she recommended Lamotrigine for my intense anxiety. I am VERY familiar with off-label drug uses, but I can find no information re: the use of this drug for my situation. It is a drug used for bi-polar disorder and seizures. I thought that Atavan would be the drug of choice, and after reading more about Lamotrigine, I have become actually quite shocked about this recommendation.
Avatar f tn I am currently taking Wellbutrin XL 300mg, Lamotrigine 25 mg, Zyrtec, Levothyroxine 75mg, and Atenolol 50mg. I started Lamotrigine (lamictal generic) 2 weeks ago. On day 9, I developed severe diarrhea and cramps. It was slowed down with 1 pill of Immodium, but after 2 days I decided to eat a "regular" meal and got diarrhea again. So it's been on an off for 6 days, and this morning it was worse than it was the first day!
899491 tn?1243773627 Read what it says on the prescription label as for a missed dose or call your doctor. If you took 100 mg. more it would be a serious matter. They can advise you how to proceed. If your doctor isn't available speak to your pharmacist.
1114269 tn?1258680912 I was diagnosed as bipolar type 2 back in June 2005, and since then have been on Lamotrigine (Lamictal) on an increasing dosage. I have been at the max dosage that my doctor said is allowed (350 mg/day). So that means over 4 years that I've been taking this drug. I have found that since taking lamictal, my depression has all but vanished, but it does not control my manic behavior at all. So as an anti-depressant, I think it's very effective for me.
5544493 tn?1369608788 ve tried Abilify at age 12, not supposed to use it under age 18; so it did not exactly work right. Seroquel? Abilify again? Lamotrigine? Carbamazepine? Others or generics of any of them?
674607 tn?1240017232 Finally, eight years ago, I was put on medication--first for depression and then for BP2 (Lamotrigine, Effexor, Lithium, Risperdal, Clonazepam). Still, I am rarely symptom-free. On good days, I may feel only worried, incompetent, unworthy, and fatigued. On bad days, it's either depression, nasty hypomania, or a mixture of both. On and on it goes, medication and all, with rarely a break between.
574118 tn?1305135284 Right now your Seroquel is an antihistamine. I just looked at the pi sheet, and the target dose for bipolar depression is 300 mg, where it should be less sedating than lower doses (the wiki says above 200 mg is the cutoff for that one). 400-800 mg for mania. It's off label to use risperidone for the depressive side of bipolar, but if anything, you'd want to increase it, not decrease it. A Seroquel increase is probably a better thing to try first.
Avatar f tn I have been taking lamotrigine now for 2 months gradually titrating the dose. It hasn't made any noticeable difference to my symptoms only giving me wierd dreams and broken sleep. Spoke to my neuro earlier this week he says if meds didn't work then my symptoms can't be related to seizure activity! I haven't had an EEG tho so don't know how he can tell this. I have had 2 MRI scans which have both been reported raising the possibility of a ganglioglioma.
7773352 tn?1394065574 Latuda should be weight neutral, and I think Geodon tends to be pretty good in that department.. Lamotrigine definitely is (unless you're REALLY special). I think most of the anticonvulsants are, with depakote being the exception rather than the rule. I think some people take metformin (a diabetes drug) with atypical antipsychotics, and it might help with the weight gain. I think it's an off label use though. Abilify is weight neutral for most people though.
Avatar f tn Only a few interactions between lamotrigine and other drugs have been identified. Lamotrigine increases the plasma level of carbamazepine and its metabolites. Carbamazepine lowers the concentration of lamotrigine in the blood. Valproate doubles the plasma level of lamotrigine, and the level of valproate is decreased by about 25% in people taking lamotrigine. Phenobarbital and primidone lower the plasma level of lamotrigine by about 40%.
Avatar f tn There should been some medications that can be taken during pregnancy. Some have a specific notation on the prescription label they cannot be. However there should be some that can be. See if your general physician can provide a referral to a psychiatrist perhaps one with specific knowledge in this area who can then discuss this concern with your ob-gyn.
1756969 tn?1332437163 ve been taking Lamotrigine for over a year. It caused no changes in my weight or appetite. And I swear by the medication.
Avatar f tn I think they're confused. If you read the full prescribing information, it's the PILL that screws with the lamotrigine, not the other way around. It's not like a lot of other anticonvulsants. From "Lamotrigine has no effect on other seizure medicines. And unlike some other seizure medicines, it does not reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.
Avatar m tn topamax is not an atypical antipsychotic rather an off-label anticonvulsant (antiepilepsy) drug to stabilize BP. Strange one of the side effects is anorexia (loss of appetite). The only drug i know which doesn't cause weight gain is lamotrigine. But aside from it all the AC's, lithium, AP's even AD's cause weight gain. In short all BP drugs increase weight. That's a price we pay. I recall once Oprah had a program for BP and all the guests were rather heavy weight persons.
1039200 tn?1314912008 Yeah, I did a quick search on the internet and it seemed like more of a seizure / pain medication to me. Perhaps bipolar/anxiety is more of an 'off label' kind of thing and that's why it isn't so familiar to people here?! Still, any further comments from members would be appreciated - is it common for people to be prescribed 'off label' medications like this for bipolar?
Avatar f tn i was just wanting to know if lamotrigine and quetiapine can cause sore throats I've been taking these meds for 4 days and I started getting sick after day 2
1806584 tn?1316208037 Hi, I'm bipolar I and have been on antipsychotics for little over a year now. Within a few weeks I'll be tapering off Abilify with the help of my pdoc. I'm happy about it, but I still wonder what your experiences have been with lamotrigine (Lamictal) as a monotherapy for bipolar I. I'd really hate to get manic again, but I also feel that Abilify is holding me back in my studies. Any tips and suggestions?
Avatar f tn Since being on lamotrigine I have had broken sleep and weird dreams- anyone else had this? ALso at the moment I'm waking in early hours with tingling/itching in my feet. I have tried alsorts to relive it- the best I have found is to get and ice pack from the freezer and put that on. I hope freezing my feet doesn't do any harm! I think I'm going to gradually come off the lamotrigine cos it hasn't made any difference to my symptoms anyway.
Avatar n tn is it safe to take lamotrigine when u have hepatitis c? My psychiatrist just started me on 25 it safe for my liver..I'm not being treated for my hep c..any info will help..
Avatar m tn I take 200 mg of the generic, Lamotrigine but I have taken as much as 400mg. I have never had a problem with mania from it. However, lamotrigine works best in keeping depression away and does little in deterring mania. The mania you have been having may have nothing to do with lamotrigine but because it doesn't do anything for it when it comes on. Other mood stabilizers, like lithium and Depakote work well for mania. I would discuss the option of adding one of them to the lamotrigine.