
Lamotrigine depakote

Common Questions and Answers about Lamotrigine depakote


Avatar f tn My son is 25 and has seizure disorder. This past Thanksgiving, he had a total of 5 seizures over 24 hours necessitating a hospital visit and stay. They put him on a third seizure medication (Lamotrigine). I spoke with a neurologist at USF who didn't like that a 3rd medication was added before his previous two were maxed out--he was already on Keppra (max dosage) and Depakote (sprinkles--very low dose), so she titrated him up on the Depakote so we could get rid of the Lamotrigine.
Avatar f tn My son is 25 and has seizure disorder. This past Thanksgiving, he had a total of 5 seizures over 24 hours necessitating a hospital visit and stay. They put him on a third seizure medication (Lamotrigine). I spoke with a neurologist at USF who didn't like that a 3rd medication was added before his previous two were maxed out--he was already on Keppra (max dosage) and Depakote (sprinkles--very low dose), so she titrated him up on the Depakote so we could get rid of the Lamotrigine.
Avatar f tn I found out we were pregnant about 5 weeks. Then Neuro doc weaned me slowly from Depakote ER to Lamotrigine. Im staying at a low dose of 100mg for Lamo as dosage has to correspond to weight. It has controlled me well too. I take it during nighttime. And no weight gain like what Depakote does... What about you? Whats ur dosage and how was ur Lamictal controlling ur seizures?
3140085 tn?1342843508 If I had exhausted all avenues and resources to afford a psychiatrist to prescribe for my bipolar 2, the medication I would substitute for depakote would be lamotrigine (Lamictal) it is generic in Canada now, so it may be generic in Mexico. It is closer in action and proven to help with bipolar depression more than mania (doesn't do as well for mania). You have to titrate up slowly or you can get a fatal rash. If you do that the risk of getting the dreaded rash is next to nil. Good luck.
Avatar m tn I take 200 mg of the generic, Lamotrigine but I have taken as much as 400mg. I have never had a problem with mania from it. However, lamotrigine works best in keeping depression away and does little in deterring mania. The mania you have been having may have nothing to do with lamotrigine but because it doesn't do anything for it when it comes on. Other mood stabilizers, like lithium and Depakote work well for mania. I would discuss the option of adding one of them to the lamotrigine.
Avatar f tn Although there are other mood stablizers out there such as Depakote and Lamotrigine. I take lamotrigine. Fairly low side effect profile, fairly weight neutral, although my understanding is it is better for bipolar depression and Lithium is better at controlling manias. I don't know much about Depakote. I don't think it is used as much now. If you don't see a psychiatrist I'd get a referral to one when you see your GP on Monday.
7773352 tn?1394065574 t enough. I took Depakote, and gained weight from my increase in appetite. Then I tried Seroquel, which worked good but I ate so much and gained weight. Then I tried Saphris, and gained 15 pounds! I couldn't stop eating. My doctor just put me on Abilify today but if it makes me gain weight too then what should I ask for?
Avatar f tn Hi im desperatly in need to know of a good bipolar medication that doesnt make me gain weight, I was on olanzapine and I gained loads, then they put me on abilifyand I got 13 of the uncommon side effects, then they put me on sulpiride but they are similar to olanzapine,and all the time ive been on lamotrigine, but they dont seem to work as well on their own. At the mo ive stopped taking my meds and finding it hard, can anyone help please?
Avatar f tn I was also on epilim and was taken off because of the weight gain, im now on lamotrigine, at the begining I found this to really lift my mood but then it wasnt enough so I was added some other medication, cant remember the name, I was ok for months but now for some reason I have started to cycle again.
Avatar m tn The Bipolar Survival Guide 2nd Edition by David J. Miklowitz PhD has a very good list of all the most recent medications, their side effects and benefits. It is early 2011 I think so really current. My understanding is lamotrigine isn't as good for the highs as depakote or lithium. Most of the antipsychotics will have the same weight gain effects, and have more long term effects like metabolic syndrome and diabetes. It may also just be the dosage is too high.
Avatar f tn Tell your doctor if you are taking valproic acid (Depakene) or divalproex (Depakote) because taking these medications with lamotrigine may increase your risk of developing a serious rash. Also tell your doctor if you have ever developed a rash after taking lamotrigine or any other medication for epilepsy or if you are allergic to any medications for epilepsy. Your doctor will start you on low dose of lamotrigine and gradually increase your dose, not more than once every 1 to 2 weeks.
1149753 tn?1280478422 I take lithium, lamotrigine and a low dose of depakote. the main side effects are intermittent flat affect, permanent dazed feelings and detachment with dizziness. the other stuff is minor and tollerable. I am trying to take all meds twice a day to maintain steady levels. I stopped antidepressants nearly 2 months ago due to a 3-6 week interval rapid cycling that was worsening over the last year.
Avatar f tn Carbamazepine is the generic name for tegretol with dose 600-1600mg. This is one of 3 most classical drugs for bipolarity used especially in Britain (lithium, tegretol, depakote) and have become standard for half a century. In the USA they don't use it often because of its interactions with other drugs. They substitute it for oxcarbazepine (trileptal) 1200-2400mg. The latrter has less interactivity with other drugs.
1390044 tn?1286150265 I want to wean myself off Depakote. I am resorting to bulimic tendencies and am continuously depressed about the weight gain. I had been on Depakote before but I didn't attribute the weight gain to the drug until I had been off it for a year and felt better about myself as a result of the weight difference. I have been on Depakote1500mg (500mg x 3 taken in the morning) for only 2 months. I have just refilled a Rx for 30days.
Avatar f tn I appreciate it. I have been on depakote, topamax, lamotrigine, zonegran, gabepentin, lamictal, and keppra. Most of them make me so dopey and forgetful that working is definately a challenge. medical care. What a nasty circle. I am allergic to the zonegran, blisters in my mouth etc. The others caused severe leg pain, eye pain, anorexia, hairloss, and I suppose i could go on. But you get the picture.
1895346 tn?1321305844 ve tried seroquel, geodone, ziprexa (although weight gain and cost are a factor) and abilify (cost may be a factor). There are also the mood stabilizers such as lamotrigine and depakote that may be useful. Lamotrigine is an easy one because it doesn't need blood tests. Make sure you titrate up slowly as it can cause a rash that can be fatal (although that is very very very rare) and titrating up seems to prevent that. I need a combination of medications.
980052 tn?1262967079 I am currently back on depakote (was taken off during pregnancy) but am reaching out and asking if any 1 who has bipolar ll and anxiety disorder has had any luck w/ another mood stabilizer?? I am thinking of trying lamicatal b/c I have read alot about it and heard of many ppl who really feel good on it w/o the weight gain..I feel I am basically on my own in finding a med that works for me b/c my psy.
1756969 tn?1332437163 It is unlikely that the symptoms are caused by lamotrigine as you are not on an effective dose yet. So, since the dose is low it can't stop the depression from coming on that is caused by your bipolar. Lamotrigine is not known for causing depression. The lowest dose usually seen as effective is 200mg. But, with this drug you have to increase it slowly. Give it more time and get up to a therapeutic dose. I take lamotrigine - 200mg -- and it has worked well for me with no side effects.
Avatar m tn I'm in the Uk and currently taking Quetiapine, Depakote and Lamotrigine. The Quetiapine for me was prescribed for rage and agitation, I don't feel any anti depressant properties from it, but it has saved my life. Lamotrigine was prescribed 7 weeks ago and I feel a lot better, I am doing things that I didn't think I'd ever feel I could do again. Nobody has ever specified what type of Bp I have, I have symptoms from across the spectrum, I have mixed episodes.
Avatar m tn Just wondering if anyone knows anything about this? Oh the other thing is that when I was on Depakote, it completely cleared up these weird night experiences, then they started again once I came off it. Thanks.
Avatar f tn My current doctor says after the massive weightlifting and shortened muscles, my system can´t separate being happy and stress, that´s why the SSRI/SNRI gives a stresses me up and starts the muscle cramps. However, after discontinued Lamictal, I was prescribed Depakote/Valproat, but didn´t gave me anything near Lamictal in terms of relaxing me. Last Monday I got to try Lamictal again, with the goal of reaching 100mg and stay there.
Avatar f tn But I was also mildly manic. Hypo-manic. And extremely anxious. - Right now I am taking 1500mg depakote, 450 mg of wellbutrin, 100mg of prestiq and 25mg of adderall. Seems to be working fairly well - but it has taken ages to get this combo along with my anger, depression issues under control. Supposedly depression is anger turned inward. At least partially. That's where a therapist is very necessary along w/ all these drugs. Is a therapist of your program? I hope so.
574118 tn?1305135284 s available where you are, Latuda (lurasidone) just got approval for bipolar depression. It might be too expensive, though. Also, have you tried lamotrigine? Abilify is another good suggestion.
Avatar m tn topamax is not an atypical antipsychotic rather an off-label anticonvulsant (antiepilepsy) drug to stabilize BP. Strange one of the side effects is anorexia (loss of appetite). The only drug i know which doesn't cause weight gain is lamotrigine. But aside from it all the AC's, lithium, AP's even AD's cause weight gain. In short all BP drugs increase weight. That's a price we pay. I recall once Oprah had a program for BP and all the guests were rather heavy weight persons.
Avatar f tn t try depakote neither i tried any of the ms like lamotrigine, topamax, tegretol etc...the last one only for a month giving me serious headaches. Depakote i heard apart from increasing the weight it thins the hair a little but some find it very effective. I know a lady on sone other forum who said she has been on 200 depakote for 25 consecutive years and doing pretty well and the important thing taking else except depakote. So you see there is not one specific drug for BP.
2033870 tn?1329481339 Just do a google search on antidepressants and rapid cycling. I was ultra rapid cycling taking an antipsychotic, lamotrigine, and wellbutrin. I only started getting better when I did the research on antidepressants and insisted that I no longer take them. Very odd medication choices. I've taken neurontin but it was for pain related issues not mood. Have you been unable to take standard medication like lamotrigine, lithium, or diprovalex?
Avatar f tn Thank you