
Lamictal side effects anger

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337492 tn?1212458836 I am starting to feel better, but I am having side effects. I have been on the lithium for a year so I am not worried about it, but I feel jittery, am shaky, and my heart rate is staying at 100 BPM. Will this calm down as the med gets in my system? 150 mg per day taken at 75 mg x2. I just want to make sure I will be ok. I see my new doctor on Tuesday. Thanks.
Avatar f tn t last long enough. I never tried Lamictal but I have heard Lithium has lots of side effects. My psychiatrist just told me that a few days ago. Instead of Lithium, he has me on Neurontin. Still trying to see if it's a good med. I think you are on a very low dose of Klonopin. I think you might ask your doctor about Ativan. I find it to last a long time and much better than Klonipan and Xanax. I hope you get it straight.
Avatar f tn He gave me some reading material and we discussed the side effects. Many of the side effects were similar to that of the other meds that I had already been on. The main issue for me is that it has raised my sugar levels. So I have to watch what I eat more than what I did before. BUT, ..... It has been the only medicine that finally helped me! (There was a small timeframe that Abilify was added, but I no longer take it).
Avatar f tn I have anxiety, obsessive worry (ruminating over and over), social anxiety, depression, and get emotional (cry or get angry). So my lifelong doc says I have anxiety/depression and had me on Celexa. I've already tried a number of other SSRI's. The Celexa helps me alot with depression, social anxiety, and obsessive worry. But it makes me very tired, oversleep, and sexual side effects, and it gives me some physical feelings of anxiety in my chest.
Avatar f tn So I have been diagnosed by two different psychiatrists the first said bipolar II the second cyclomania. Also been diagnosed with ADHD but cannot take meds for it because of bipolar. Or maybe I am just bipolar and was misdiagnosed...anyways I have irritability, anger, mild depression, hypomania, am very figity, have sleeping problems...
874521 tn?1424116797 t recommend antidepressants for BP pts because it is full of controversy and side effects, but i can read between the lines in many forums that it helps and that a great majority of pts take them to function, especially if they are under a mood stabilizer. your son is already under 2, because zyprexa although an atypical AP yet very strong one. Funny I can't explain why I hate both although neither tried them. I have no explanation for this but i hate the names: zyprexa, valproate.
Avatar f tn I've been on Depakote and Seroquel for bipolar and not improving much, so today the doc took the depakote away and is starting me on Lamictal. Can anyone share your experiences with it? He told me it should not give me the weight gain or fatigue, and the only thing I need to watch for is if a rash develops on my body to let him know immediately, as it could be serious enough to land me in the hospital. Other than that, does the lamictal really have relatively few side effects?
1100992 tn?1262357216 That's good, I have some room to increase, I'm only on 5 mg.
Avatar f tn all the things that you mention seem to be side effects of keppra. mood issues can definately attributed to it. alot of antiepileptics can also cause concentration issues which could be a cause of the inabilty to remember things.
Avatar n tn ve been on Wellbutrin for 4 weeks now and my sexual side effects have not subsided. I specifically chose to take Wellbutrin because of its reputation for rarely causing sexual side effects, because even while depressed I had a pretty healthy sex life. However, I recently read that studies have shown that, although less common than with SSRI antidepressants, Wellbutrin can cause sexual side effects, such as decreased libido and impotence.
Avatar n tn My daughter is currently taking a combination of depakote, lamictal, and abilify for a mood disorder. However, her doctor feels the overwhelming problem with her is an anxiety disorder that is not being addressed by the current meds. The doctor wants to ween her off the lamictal completely and start her on klonopin wafers. I am concerned about the "drowsiness" side effects. Do these eventually go away?
Avatar n tn I've been taking zyprexa for almost 6 months and am still suffering side effects. I get blurred vision and fogginess which makes it hard to concentrate. I'm sleepy all of the time and could fall asleep at my desk if I could. I've had bipolar disorder for 10 years and have never been sleepy all of the time. In the past, prior to this medicine, I've always had troubles sleeping. Does anyone else have the same problems as me?
Avatar m tn The side effects you are describing can occur as an adverse reaction to Lamictal but it also could be a matter of interactions with the other medications. What might be going on could have a variety of causes. Its also important to think whether it has helped you or not. All of this could be discussed with your psychiatrist so they could come to an appropriate decision within their clinical discretion.
625892 tn?1245963714 s in preference to other drugs - as my pdoc says its cheap, effective and well understood so if side effects develop they can then move to another drug but it works up front. I admit to not understanding the US medical system in any way - it seems like a total mess where money = treatment quality or even access to treatment.
Avatar f tn so if you or anyone else reading is or has been on it and has had any side effects or something please let me know!
Avatar n tn lamictal has a warning in the side effect booklet about taking with birth control; yes, it can (and usually does) minimize your birth control effectiveness. might wanna talk to your doctor, though.
Avatar f tn About 10% of patients who take Lamictal get a rash; however, the serious life-threatening rash occurs much more rarely. The risk of rash can be minimized by starting at a very low dose (12.5mg) and increasing very slowly. Lamictal is an excellent mood stabilizer with few side effects, except the rash. It's something to be aware of, but not a reason to completely avoid the medication. Many people have noticed significant benefit from Lamictal.
Avatar f tn I do know that all antipsychotics can cause anti-cholinergic side effects which are typically blurred vision, dry mouth and sometimes trouble urinating so you could speak to your psychiatrist about that as one potential cause.