
Lamictal orange starter kit

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal orange starter kit


Avatar f tn So far I have not had any problems, but I am being very careful about checking myself for rashes and trying to notice any other possible side effects. I am on an orange starter pack and my psychiatrist asked to see me before he ups the dose next week. Do you have an apointment set up so you can be monitered while starting the medicine? Good luck! I hope this medicine helps us both.
Avatar f tn Thanks for writing and answering my question. I did get a starter kit, and I finally took the first dose of Lamictal, and the side effect of being really, really drowsy wasn't bad, I knew that it would go away soon, but the other side effect I has stopped me cold, and i won't take it again. It made my heart beat really rapidly and pound, it felt like, out of my chest. THAT, I cannot handle, so back to the doctor I go. Has anyone else had this side effect?
Avatar f tn Your first doses of medication may be packaged in a starter kit that will clearly show you the right amount of medication to take each day during the first 5 weeks of your treatment. This will help you to follow your doctor's instructions as your dose is slowly increased. Be sure to take lamotrigine exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.
Avatar n tn t eat much and I do believe that was a contributing factors since the last episode my doc put me on a starter kit of lamictal just 4 days on the meds and I already have panic attacks loss of appetite and tachycardia(fast heartbeat) and my auraos have amplified I hope it's the meds I have to talk to my doctor first
Avatar f tn OK, now get you a calendar and put the amt to take on each day, even though starter pack say day#, The calendar helped me tremendously whan I started Lamictal. I crossed of each day on calendar when I took meds. Silly, But I rewarded myself with a small treat each time I completed a doseage amt for # of days, in the amt of time without stopping and starting. It is very important to do as MD for meds to be affective.
Avatar f tn However, I am having a very unpleasant problem! Four days ago while making bread, I tasted my sourdough starter (a fermented slop of wild yeasts and lactic acid bacteria), and now I'm having foul, foul smelling gas, stomach noises, and rancid stools. Tasting starter is common practice where I learned to bake and I was under the impression that lactic acid bacteria are already present in the intestine and considered probiotic.
1011826 tn?1274492712 Hi Everyone! For those of you on or who have tried Lamictal, did you ever have constant or near constant spasms, shakiness, dizziness, and loss of balance? I am on the starter pack right now, in the last week, so I was on 50 mg for the past 2 weeks and last night took my first 100 mg dose. Today I woke up-barely- and felt all of the above, which have been continuing now for the past 2 hours. I am a bit worried and wonder if I should call the doc.
1350165 tn?1307905765 In particular I would suggest the Gallbladder Starter Kit to begin with and then the Gallstone Kit. Individual products that are also helpful are Bile Salts and Phos Drops. The Lemon Tea Kit helps to emulsify fats and research shows that limonene has been used successfully to dissolve gall stones.
Avatar n tn Been on about 3 months nownever had any problems with dizzy or clumsy ( no moe than normal) But the vision thing has been gradually getting worse, i just wrote it off to getting older, think i'llcheck with Doc now let yu know soon as i find out
Avatar n tn I have the same ? I saw the starter kit for a girl and they are soo cute!
1916673 tn?1420233270 On April 22, 2015, the FDA announced that Nylabone Products of Neptune, New Jersey, is recalling one lot of its Puppy Starter Kit dog chews due to possible contamination with Salmonella bacteria. For more information, please follow this link:
Avatar n tn m sure there are ones specific to Lamictal but there are for any medication. Dizziness and nausea can happen with Lamictal and did with me but I got used to them more so then Depakoate and Lithium that caused vomiting for me.
621711 tn?1223570604 i was just recently diagnosed bi polar by my psychiatrist...i took the mmpi test and it showed severe depression. since then i have been put on lamictal, i'm only on the starter kit and am up to 50mg, i have been on prozac for about 6 months and take 40mg once a day....i feel like i am dieing, literally...
Avatar n tn The specific reaction to Lamictal is called Stephen's Johnson syndrome and it is a rare and dangerous allergic reaction to it. When that happens if a psychiatrist or doctor diagnoses it they will stop the Lamictal. There are some other mood stabilizers and medications in general that can cause this reaction but many don't such as lithium and most others. That side effect is specific to Lamictal and that's why it has to be raised at a specific titrated rate as mandated by the FDA.
497950 tn?1255863927 I have recently started taking Lamictal for bipolar, 25mg the first week and am now at 50mg until I see my pdoc next month. I have been having trouble eating since starting the lamictal. I feel hungry but my stomach is doing some nauseous, crampy thing. I have already lost a few pounds which I am thrilled about. Has anyone else had this experience before? Take care all!
Avatar f tn So they started me on Lamictal a wk and a half ago. I feel more depressed than ever. I've taken lamictal before and it seems to help at obviously higher doses. Most of you know with Lamictal you have to start out slow. So I'm still on 25mg right now due to start 50mg in a few days. I don't know if I should contribute this(worsening depression) to the Lamictal or just say that it's not had enough time to work. What helped you all with your depression?
Avatar f tn Do any of you have any experience with Prozac and Lamictal as far as weight or loss?
Avatar f tn Ask for a pregnancy medicine approved list.
603015 tn?1329862973 Yeah, that's not the kind of rash to screw around with...But, if you were also on Epilim at the same time, your increase in getting a rash jumps quite a bit higher. In fact, that's another reason why my shrink and I weren't too concerned with the rash; a lot of the Steven-Johnson Syndrome cases in clinical studies involved folks (particularly children) taking both medications. Honestly, most shrinks won't give you both valproate (Epilim) and Lamictal at the same time.
Avatar n tn Hello, I do not have BPD, but PTSD. I have taken Lamictal, 25mg for over a year with no side effects and positive results. I had a bad episode and several flashbacks a few months ago. My Doc wants me to go up to 200mg. I am taking 50mg for two weeks then go up. So far no side effects but I am worried, 200mg seems like a lot. Will it not make me a zombie, emotionally flat like ssris? Has anyone been up to 200mg before?
Avatar n tn I used the ATKINS diet and I lost my first thirty pounds in 30 days. I didn't think I would EVER lose the baby weight but when I switched to the NO CARB diet and LOTS of WALKING the pounds dropped so fast! It was amazing! It was worth giving up pasta, bread, potatoes, rice, sodas etc for awhile! Everything in moderation now.....If you go to the Atkins website they have the FREE starter kit and that's ALL you truly need.
Avatar f tn Im interested in cloth diapers for my son. I found a great deal on a starter kit today. Everyone says its such hard work to cloth diaper, But is it really that hard? What are the pros and cons?
899491 tn?1243773627 The rash cleared up with diphenhydramine and steriods for allergies. I have a pill box and forgot that I had my starter tablets inside. I felt this "misty itch" around my face from the residue of the tablets mixed in with my sinus med's. I had to throw out everything and get a new pill box. Just to let consumers know. I'm okay but disappointed that the med's didn't work out for me. Good news...with the allergies med's to make me stop itching....I lost weight!
7923170 tn?1412999504 How hard can it be for steams bags, breast milk storage bags, and a medela starter kit n a car seat??!?!! Would just appreciate some cooperation seeing that drs don't expect me to carry to 36 weeks n I'll b 26 Monday.
Avatar f tn Anyone taking humira and feel like they are sick coming down with a cold for a week after injection? Not a full blown cold but the start of one. I feel like this always and this is my 3rd dosage ( counting the starter kit), so I'm new to humira. I've noticed if I'm stressed, I'll even get a sore throat. I know humira suppresses your immune system but are you supposed to feel like you're coming down with something every injection or will this go away with time?
Avatar f tn I just found out I can get the Medela pump in style advanced starter kit for free!...sure wish I would have known that for my first baby.