
Lamictal and schizophrenia

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal and schizophrenia


Avatar n tn I was going to take the Lamictal with the Geodon, and and only take the Geodon long enough to get me to the theraputic dose of lamictal. However, the Geodon made me really hyper and irritable (at only 20 mg), and gave me a ravenous appetite. So now I'm trying a very small dose of seroquel with the Lamictal. And yes, the dr. I'm seeing is a psychatrist who specialises in eating disorders. I love my family doc.
Avatar n tn I have staring spells and am prone to seizures at times but I have never felt so foggy and sort of dizzy and out of it. I have schizophrenia and my family doctor thinks it is anxiety. I recently had blood work taken but I am not sure if they regularly test for tia or an impending stroke. The sensations went away after an hour or so. Is this a precursor of something to come or could it be a seizure or anxiety? I have felt similar to this about a couple months ago...
Avatar f tn I realize the underlying issue is depression/coping. Today I saw a NP and was prescribed Saphris 5mg SL every night and started on Lamictal with a tapering increase in dose over the next month. Im not comfortable with the Saphris though,,,its an "atypical antipsychotic" and used for people with Bipolar I disorder and schizophrenia????? Any suggestions,,I am trying to listen to the psych people as they know best,,so I will take as prescibed for now.
997928 tn?1252444237 I've done okay with lamictal, but lamictal and celexa, not so good. And now lamictal with wellbutrin, not so good. At least I think it's not the lamictal. I know my PsychNP put a big no in her notes regarding me and celexa.
Avatar f tn Is Strattera a better stimulant drug for ADD than the others as far as not making schizophrenia symptoms worse? I am considering trying Strattera and have heard that it is the only non-narcotic available for ADD. I also have breathing problems and faintness at times which is a concern with ADD drugs and schizophrenia drugs as well... If anyone has tried this drug for ADD and has Schizophrenia and has had no problems with it I'd like to know about YOUR experience with it before I try it...
192368 tn?1224204130 I have only read that Geodon is great for schizophrenia, and those other symptoms. Will it work for me and bring me out of this blue funk Ive been in for months? Im really concerned. Any input is great! thanks!
Avatar m tn Personaly, I take abilify and lamictal. They are both mood stabilizers and they help me with sleeping, racing thoughts, anxiety, and they seem to make my mood swings not last as long. I still have some problems with depression and agitation, but overall I am doing better. I hope you find the right medication for you!
2133558 tn?1368828158 I have olfactory smell diagnosed 12-12-12 and on Lamictal XR 400mg they uped it twice so far last 3 times smelling burning didn't eat for 11 days lost 15 pounds..Does it ever get better or keeps getting worse Cause I am 100 percent sick of all this!!
1021784 tn?1306363011 Lurasidone is indicated in the treatment of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, and may also be used for treating other Psychotic Disorders, Depressive Disorders, PTSD, OCD, and Tic Disorder. Lurasidone can also be used in the management of behavioral disturbances, such as agitation and impulsivity, that can occur in various conditions like Impulse-Control Disorders, Disruptive Behavior Disorders, and Borderline Personality Disorder.
Avatar f tn Xanax is not needed as well and can be highly addictive. Celexa is a standard SSRI anti-depressent. Lamictal is a mood stabilizer that is relatively safe and effective. I've been on it. But then again there must be a mood disorder diagnosed. If he was diagnosed for depression he could have actually had bipolar and the anti-depressents created a manic episode. Therefore out of all the medications the Lamictal might be the only one he needs. The first thing to do is change doctors.
952564 tn?1268368647 I realize this disorganized thought is part of schizophrenia and I worry a lot that my bipolar diagnosis is wrong. I take Depakote and Lamictal and refuse to let my doctor change my meds because I do not trust her competence. Now I am thinking I may have to let her intervene.
Avatar f tn I know that hallucinations and hearing things are a main symptom of Schizophrenia but since my daughters last Bi-polar episode she swears she is seeing colors move. Like the "popcorn" stuff on the ceilings and the paint behind it- she says the paint is moving. It is worse when she gets upset. Reading is almost impossible because she says the letters are moving, worse on the computer. I don't know if this is a new developing symptom, a med side affect or what?
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with PTSD and mood disorder. I am on a host of drugs that leave me zombie-like. I am taking Lamictal, Seroquel, Klonopin, Trazadone and Lithium. My Lithium dosage is 1050 mg a day. I am so tired and the weight gain and hair falling out are just two of the most troubling symptoms. My dr. doesn't even want me on an anti-depressant which I think will help. I am missing the occasional glass of wine. Do you think it is okay to have one while on these meds?
Avatar f tn Abilify is indicated for depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia and could have worked if you had taken it for some time. Please discuss in detail with each of your doctor. You need to make a change in the treatment because SSRI including celexa are not working. Take care! I sincerely hope you will find this information useful in your journey towards better health. Hope you get well soon! Good Luck and take care!
Avatar f tn has anyone had stomach problems with lithium and lamictal while takimg them at the same time?.....
Avatar f tn I have been on lamictal 100mg to 150mg, and I haven't noticed any facial hair growth, although I think my hair is thinning out. When I take a shower and put cream rinse in and work it thru, I have lots of hair coming out.
Avatar n tn I have been told by a therapist that I have derealization, but she isn't sure why because I don't have the social history to cause it. Everyone seems to say this is caused by anxiety, but that seems ridiculous because I don't get physical signs of anxiety like racing heart, short of breath, etc. plus it is constant.. It's nothing more or less than the way my head feels. I will try to explain...
Avatar f tn It should work once it reaches an appropriate dose. Occassionally at higher dosages Lamictal can sometimes worsen mania but it takes time and a psychiatrist has to see how they are responding in general. Keep a mood tracker here and print out the results for your psychiatrist and ask them to follow up.
Avatar m tn I was diagnosed Bipolar II with minor depression and was put on Lamictal teetering up 25 mg every 2 weeks with 150mg Wellbutrin (Zyban) the aim was to reach 200mg and see how I feel, by the start of the seventh week, I got tiny itchy patches on my cheeks that flaired up after I took the Lamictal… so stopped lamictal, (remained on the wellbutrin) and went on an antihistamine (Atarax) for a 2 weeks 25/50mg, did some surface (72 hour skin contact) allergy tests and came negative for Lamictal so I w
Avatar f tn Plain old dizziness - not the vertigo kind - is a classic symptom of Lamictal toxicity and the slowing down is likely from the Xanax (as moonpanda mentioned, grapefruit keeps it from being metabolized). In theory, if you keep a steady amount of grapefruit in your diet, things will even out or your dosages can be tailored around your grapefruit - but you'd have to consistently eat the same amount (and your doctor would have to agree to it).
1321145 tn?1280552668 how much probability id there in overlaooing of schizophrenia and psychosis
Avatar m tn I was taking Bupropion and Lamictal, and switched to Effexor. I have been on Effxor for three weeks. I have had the worst fatigue I have ever felt. So now I am unsure if it was coming off the Lamictal or if it was the Effexor. I am going to stop the Effexor, but I don't know if I should go back on just the Lamictal, The lamictal When I first started taking it, up to 200 mg worked fairly well. I guess my question is, is , has this kind of fatigue been know to be a side effect with Effexor?
370801 tn?1264405018 i paint and while on lamictal i didnt do as much and the paintings were more plane, plus i produced less. when i was off my meds i was able to do more and feel more easy about doing it.. thought suffering just for the Art is NOT a good idea. im suffering everywere else in my life.