
Lamictal and mood swings

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal and mood swings


997928 tn?1252444237 You should speak to your psychiatrist about this but often an anti-depressent will make the manic phase of bipolar worse, certainly by itself. Lamictal is a full mood stabilizer so it should be of help. Celexa alone may very likely cause problems. A mood stabilizer or a combination of mood stabilizers is often best although a psychiatrist would know more.
1134609 tn?1269272200 We added the Lamictal into the mix and the mood swings were decreased drastically, but I was still having some nasty ones until we dumped the Celexa. So, the Lamictal has been the primary agent in decreasing the mood swings. Although I have no problem being on the Lamictal and the Neurontin, I would love to be on one medication, for obvious reasons. And, my mom got off of the Celexa because they were causing her mood swings, the Topamax has totally evened her out.
739988 tn?1386672969 I have no problem tolerating it but for some people its sedating and of course one can build up a tolerance to it. What about more generalized mood stablizers such as Lamictal? That has a strong anti-depressent effect as well. When moods are stable unless a person has anxiety disorder as well anxiety general is. Panic attacks go along with moodswings. For me personally before recovery as well. I think you put a post to ask about Lovaza as well.
1107999 tn?1269718949 I still have problems with mood swings. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions about how to handle mood swings? Can they be tamed?
Avatar f tn Other pills have a different chemical make-up, but more estrogen can cause more mood swings. Does anyone else take Lexapro and Lamictal in addition to a BC pill to suppress periods? Thank you!
1134609 tn?1269272200 Lamictal and Neurontin actually are mood stabilizers. Klonopin is an anti-anxiety medication used as a mood stabilizer. Clinically in general the most effective mood stabilizer is lithium but each person reacts differently to each medication. Seroquel causing mania is rare. My experience with mood stabilizers was different from yours because I responded very well to Lamictal and Seroquel (which is an antipsychotic used as a mood stabilizer).
Avatar f tn Namaste, Wellbutrin is an SSRI usually used to treat depression. Both Lamictal and Topomax are mood stablizers, usually used in the treatment of bipolar disorder and finally, Klonopin is a benzodiazepine, usually used to treat anxiety and panic attacks. After six years of being diagnoised with bipolar I disorder, SAD, GAD, panic attacks and PTSD, I realized that it was a long and tedious process to find the right combination of medications to stabilize my conditions.
Avatar n tn I found however, that Topamax was not very effective in treating my mood swings, whereas, Lamictal was an excellent mood stabilizer for me. I am currently taking 400 mg. per day, which is the maximum dose. I also take Remeron, 10 mg. per day, which is an anti-depressant to help stabilize my depressive episodes and diazepam, 10 mg. 4 times a day to control my anxiety and panic attacks.
Avatar f tn I am a 23 years old woman and I have been struggling with mood changes what seems forever. I've never felt "normal", whatever this means. I have never reacted to some sorts of situations the same way other people do. Since I can remember everything starts pretty much like this: I am full of energy, felling extremely well about myself and I usually get a load of things to be done that is above heavy.
1134609 tn?1269272200 The depressive episodes are kind of new to me; when I was cycling a lot, it was always towards the agitated mania side of the disorder. She's been pushing Lithium off and on over the oast few months; everytime I have a down swing. But, with every increase in Lamictal, my mood stabilizes more and more. If the Lamictal isn't effective as higher doses, then so be it, I'll work with the Lithium.
Avatar m tn I take 200 mg of Lamictal daily. 20 mg of Paxil daily and several other medications that are heart related. My job has been extremely demanding lately and a couple of times I accidentally forgot to take my meds. I have been inthese meds for sever all years. By mid day I had the shakes and it was very hard for me to concentrate. It led me to the conclusion that something I take is physically addictive. I skipped the Paxil one day and didn't have any issues.
Avatar f tn I hit my head in December, Diagnosed with Bipolar disorder on June 2, 2009, and started having seizures around June 2012. So yes, I was diagnosed as being Bipolar before seizures. However, I swing so fast and so suddenly, and for such a short and intense period of time that it has become suspect that the mood swings are actually extended seizures in the hippocampus/Frontal lobe area (If I'm remembering that correctly, It's been about a year).
Avatar f tn I'm on Lithium 900mg and 150mg of Wellbutrin and 300mg lamictal. I have been on Depakote as well but my body was absorbing it to fast and I never really styed at a level good enough. Since I've been on the lith and well/lamictal I seem to cycle more then with the depakote well lamictal. Has anybody on these meds for Bipolar been at a level an even level and stayed at it. I was on 1100mg of Lithium and the Dr had to reduce due to the fact I was so flat unemotional like a robot.
Avatar f tn I do hear many complaints about mood swings, aggression, cognition and memory problems, etc.. However, I have read a few comments saying it can actually HELP with mood swings and bipolar disorder (which she doesn't have). Please comment on this. My daughter has just begun this medication for seizure disorder. She has had seizures several years apart from each other. We originally thought she just 'fainted' but now realize they've been seizures.
Avatar f tn Having racing thoughts, anxiety, mood swings, bone pain and sweats. From what I’ve read, this is Abilify withdrawal. Do I just have to feel awful until Lamictal dose is high enough to be therapeutic? Thanks!!
11041895 tn?1415038678 I've had that problem as well. I'm on Lamictal and Seroquel, and since I started the Seroquel I've been having more severe mood swings than usual--a couple of weeks ago I broke down into tears and sobbed for 2 hours because I was watching my favorite TV show and it made me remember something upsetting. My doctor seemed to think that the Lamictal was more of the problem, however, and upped my Seroquel dosage. How long have you been taking the medications?
Avatar m tn Since being recently diagnosed with BP2, I am wondering what expereinces people have with mood swings over days and hours. I noticed over the last few months as my condition got worse, i was expereincing dramatic mood swings from extreme anger most of the day to really low depression and sadness by the time dinner time rolled around.
1310468 tn?1274863925 I have used this drug for BP1 for five years, and it's been the best drug for controlling mood swings that I've used, especially and unexpectedly establishing a "floor" that prevents/lessens depression periods I'd formerly experienced more frequently and strongly. Lamictal for me does well to moderate mood swings, esp. now that I take 300 mg combined with 600 mg of Trileptal, but the latter, also developed as an anti-seizure med, makes me groggy and spaced-out.
Avatar f tn I had horrible side effects and it caused my mood swings to be worse. He kept increasing my medication because my mood swings were worse and eventually just quit taking all of it. My anxiety and mania increased where I was having disorganized thoughts, extreme levels of anxiety, panic attacks and just odd behavior. I didn't feel like myself. I saw two new doctors and was told that since I have a mood disorder I should not be on anti-depressants and should be taking Lamictal.
Avatar f tn Does anyone have a problem with temper when taking Klonopin or Lamictal, or either of these drugs helping with a temper. I've been on Klonopin for several years so doubt that's the problem. I've only been on Lamictal two weeks and on lithium for a few months. I've had a problem with my temper for about a month.
Avatar m tn I've been on lamictal for a long time, 300mg a day and Wellbutrin 300mg a day. I have had some severe scary mood swings that I can trace to the Wellbutrin it seems. I think I did better on Zoloft but I hated the weight gain. I'd be resistant to go back on it, especially since I've started to lose weight. Anyway, if my psych decides to throw out everything, what do you think may be tried next? I need to take something that will allow me to function at my job as an RN.
Avatar n tn Lamictal is a mood stabilizer and the only one with antidepressant properties. What you must learn about bipolar is a lot of times you have to try different meds to get the perfect combination that will work for you. I can completely agree with this. I am not a doctor, but i dont think getting off the lamictal will help you be happy and in the end probably make it worse.. I also take lamictal, have for years. Sometimes things need to be added to get you stable. It's just the way it is.
1220347 tn?1345428521 Are there any ways of controlling your mood and pesky instinctive bad habits outside of meds? I already take lamictal 200 mg a day so I'm not sure there is anything else I can take medicine wise.
1985196 tn?1402190098 Yeah he needs to. Seroquil is a great mood stabilizer, anti depressant, and anti anxiety med but you need a good mood stabilizer too. Something like Lamictal or LIthium or whatever we are all different. It may reduce the mood swings to a more manageable level.
Avatar n tn I am on Lamictal and i am BP1 and its amazing i am finally doing better than any other medication the psychiatrist has ever had me on. i am on Lamictal and a mood stabilizer and i feel finally balanced. but there is times when my bipolar shows its self but not as bad as when i was off it.
Avatar m tn I am currently on Lamictal and Prozac and doing okay...not great but okay. I believe the Lamictal is a maintainence drug for mood swings and it contains a antidpressant. My bipolar leans more to depression than mania and I have to be on a antidpressant. When beginning a new antidepressant I tend to get mania for a short time but seem to adjust after the first week or two. Hey, if you are feeling good...why mess with something that's not broken! Best of luck.
Avatar m tn Ive titrated up from 25mg to 50mg after two weeks and didnt notice any side effects or mood lift. I saw my pdoc on monday and he said to up the dosage to 75mg for two weeks then 100mg. I just started taking 75mg two days ago and I noticed the rash just now because its starting to itch and feels a little rough/kind of painful when my armpit rubs against it. Its pretty itchy and I am starting to get itchy spots on my body (top of feet/ankles).