
Januvia and vytorin

Common Questions and Answers about Januvia and vytorin


Avatar m tn I used to have a high cholesterol and i have been taking Vytorin for the last 22 days and now my cholesterol is back to normal. However my SGOT increases to 56 and SGPT 100. Is Vytorin causes SGOT and SGPT to increase? Also, i have taken Anti hepatitis 2x. Does this have possibility to increase the SGOT and SGPT?
Avatar m tn He took me off the Vytorin and put me on Zocor with same results. After stopping all meds and getting a colonoscopy and blood tests nothing was found. He now states I have IBS and put me on SSRI Citalopram. HELP! This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/235819'>Possible side effect of Lipitor and Vytorin on Liver / Body</a>.
1846163 tn?1331048748 I am cures Ty on Vytorin and will be starting therapy soon, I have read that someone on a cholesterol lowering drug should not be on this drug. Can you tell me why?
Avatar n tn I have IBS with diarrhea. My family doctor gave me Vytorin and it caused ONE HORRIBLE bout with the diarrea. So, my question is: Should people with IBS not take Vytorin? If the answer is: No,they shouldn't,then why do you think this side effect is not listed on the pamphlet that comes with the drug.....or any where else?!
Avatar f tn i was taking vytorin and plavix when i was told i have cll .
Avatar f tn Vytorin is a statin that lowers LDL and raises HDL. I believe Vytorin is a combination of Zetia and Zocor. I am not sure if the Vytorin will go with the Niaspam so you will need to ask your doctor that.
Avatar n tn I have diabetes well controlled by januvia. I take welchol as i developed rhabdomyolysis with vytorin. I had been also on plavix. 1. Is stenting the subclavian a frequent procedure? 2. How long will this stent stay in place? 3. If there is blocking again in the future of this stent what are the options?
Avatar n tn I take (2) 500mg of metformin at breakfast and supper. I also take powder welchol at supper. I would like to take my 1000mg of Januvia at bedtime to help lower my morning blood sugar readings that usually run in the 150's to 160, Any cons to taking the Januvia without food at bedtime?
Avatar f tn I did talk to doctor last week and he told me to stop Vytorin right away and changed my cholesterol medicine to something else. What you suggest is quite scary as I had a friend who passed away due to Lou Gerig's disesase few years ago. Could taking Vytorin alone cause me to actually develop the disease or just to show the symptoms?
Avatar n tn i m asking as haw the use of sitaglipin help in conlrolling the sugar levels.
Avatar m tn Reading the many comments I came across one that stated lovastatin is an old medicine and is not used often. After recent cath my doctor changed my medication from vytorin ,have taken vytorin for 5 years, to lovastatin. I did ask for a cheaper medicine and lovastatin was what he came with. I have no problems or side effects . My question is lovastatin less effective then other of the same and if not why is it not used often. My engineering background comes out if I d not have proper data.
Avatar f tn I have been on Vytorin for a few years and my insurance company will not pay for it anymore. My doctor has switched me to Simvastatin (40mg) daily.My question is has anyone else made the switch and have they noticed any side-effects?
Avatar n tn I would love to have those numbers.. i have to workout like crazy and eat very little to get close to those and thats also with taking another med with the metformin. I would say something is very wrong with what they are trying to do.
Avatar f tn The levothyroxine has a long half-life within the blood and may also be withheld for 3 to 4 days without significant changes observed. The Januvia and blood pressure meds you shouldn’t mess around with, so the experiment may not be performed completely. . While you may think the diet has nothing to do with it, but I think investigating would be better than pure recall. You could try to make a log of things she eats and again try to make changes there depending on which foods seem suspect.
Avatar n tn Been on januvia for a week. Blood sugar is not going below 120 ...and as high as 250. Was on glyburide. Had trouble with BS dropping as low as 40. Doc thought I would do better with this drug. I have only one kidney so was prescribed a 50mg dose. Will it regulate after I have been on for awhile?
Avatar f tn While in the hospital for heart related problems my doctors found that I had the D word. I refuse to accept this as I have worked so hard to avoid having the D word. I was sent home with a monitor which I refuse to use (no fear of needles just using the monitor means acceptance). I am on Januvia 50 mg and Amaryl 1mg. My doctor told me to eat 3 meals a day plus a snack at bed time. I have lived by the Atkins diet and don't eat carbs and don't care for sweets.
Avatar m tn First, why are you taking Lipitor and Vytorin? Those are both "statins" and should never be taken together. You should stop one of these immediately. If you have had elevated CPK's it could be due to the statin and it is questionable whether you should be on one at all. Stop both of those medications and see your doctor immediately--bring your pill bottles. You need to get your medications straight before considering any testing.
Avatar f tn I had a triple bypass in April 05, and like you I have part of my leg in my chest now. I can't really say how long they will last, but I'm not doing to bad. My EF has improved quite a bit and I would probably be doing even better if I exercised (as everyone around me recommends). Prior to my surgery, my 'bad' cholesterol number was 169. I'm not sure what the rest of the numbers were. I started on Litptor but it made me itch - not too good with the blood thinners...
Icecream So here is the thing been diabetic for you a few months now and i have been through alot of pills and my doctor hasn't keeps upping them i seen him today and he gave me insulin to take.. but he still wants me to take all the pills is it to much it would be 1000mg metformin 2x a day 100mg januvia a day 4mg glilmapride 2x a day 20units of lantus this seems like so much what do you all think?
Avatar f tn I have been on Metformin, Januvia and Glimeperide for a few years. They are not controlling my diabetes. She wanted me to try Victoza and give up the Januvia. I got over fear of giving myself the shot, but on the 3rd day I began to get sick. On the 4th and 5th days I couldn't even go to work. Changed shot to before bed instead of morning and it made no difference. After a little over a week I stopped it. Lost 5 lbs cause I couldn't eat anything.
Avatar f tn What does this sound like, and what can I do about it? I am a Type 2 Diabetic, and take Metformin, Januvia, and Zoloft for anxiety.
Avatar m tn , 165 lbs, eat well (no red meat or pork, little dairy, etc), and active. My chol is excellent all around (thanks to 10mg of vytorin). Total chol was 215 before, 135 after. My dad had a heart attack at 49, second at 73, he is now 82. I went for stress test and echo last week. Dr said stress was great but he saw a very small calcium deposit on lining of heart muscle, not near arteries. He was not overly concerned and said we just need to watch it during next year's test.
Avatar f tn Hi again, Regarding vytorin, it is a combo of zetia and zocor. There was a study that said that although the Vytorin will lower the cholesterol, it didn't have good effects to prevent heart attacks. Howeverk, Crestor was shown to reduce plaque and had better results in clinical studies. Also, with the Niaspan, it is known to raise HDL level but HDL is not necessarily protective as they thought. But that study may be skewed because it was done on all cardiac patients.
Avatar n tn i have done blood test on last month and my dibetologist asked me to take glucophage 500 on morning and januvia-100mg on night.after taking the same for 3 weeks my fasting sugar was under control.i m an IT professional.when i came to my work place ,bcz of work pressure and tensions ,my blood sugar level(fasting ) is getting high. is it possible to take tahe same with glucophage 500 mg and januvia 100mg on night? will give any issues?
Avatar f tn hello every- my dad recently had a stress test that he failed- they sent him to get his arteries checked and found that two of them were clogged. he just got a stent placed and they gave him different medication. My dad already is a type 2 diabetic.